Feeling it, Luo Fei felt that a person was slowly rushing here.

“Kuzan, I don’t want to, but let’s say goodbye to this!” Luo Fei smiled and suddenly swung his sword.

“Imperial Wind Sword Art, Stormy Wind!”

A deep voice sounded.

“Boom !!!”

I saw that the glacier on the sea surface at the scene was instantly cut and shattered into a large piece by countless wind blades, and the huge ice collapsed and almost caused a tsunami.


Everyone gasped at the scene.

“This guy’s sword skills…” the ghost spider looked at Luo Fei’s slash in disbelief.

“Anilu, Laosha, go!” Luo Fei withdrew his scabbard and said softly.


Klockdar took his cigar, straightened his coat, and snorted coldly, and he also felt a person slowly approaching.

“Captain, what about this guy?” Anilu looked at the pheasant with some reluctance.


Luo Fei ordered without sparing a word.

At this time, a warship with a dog’s head on the bow had begun to appear in front of everyone, and Karp stood on the bow of the ship, wearing the naval cloak of ‘Justice’ II on his shoulders, holding his hands to his chest, and looking at the figure of the Rophie pirate ship in the distance like a torch.

“Bunny cub !!!” Karp’s forehead was bruised and he gritted his teeth.

Luo Fei also looked back at Karp and immediately smiled.

“That is… Karp! Klockdahl took his cigar and his eyes widened in vain, he finally understood why Rophie was in such a hurry to leave.

“What kind of person, is it also a high admiral? Even if there is something to be afraid of! Anilu said dissatisfied.

“No… It’s just a lieutenant general, but that guy is not a general who can be compared to! Klockdar said softly.

And the navy in the scene, those warships that could still stand and saw Karp, suddenly everyone boiled.

“Hehe, the old man is still such a big faction!” Luo Fei said nothing, and a powerful overlord-colored domineering aura burst out in vain.


The sea surface in a radius of tens of miles around suddenly began to become violent, and the powerful domineering fluctuations made the sea surface set off huge waves.

“Phew! Bang! Bang! ”

I saw that on the Karp ship, a group of ordinary navy eyes turned white and suddenly fell without warning.

“Hmph, smelly boy, quite motivated!” Karp grinned at this time, he said that he would not be involved in the capture of Luo Fei, so this time he just came out to patrol the sea, and by the way, it was also a glance at Luo Fei.

And how to say, he is also a navy with the word ‘justice’ behind him, so he doesn’t want to see Luo Fei sink the three warships led by the green pheasant.

“Old man, I’m sorry, I can’t say hello to you head-on!” Luo Fei suddenly laughed and said loudly.

“Rophie!!! Bastard boy, give labor and management to go back to the East China Sea, if you dare to appear in the middle of the Great Passage, don’t blame the old man for personally arresting you!!! Karp also tore open his voice and shouted.


When Luo Fei heard this, he laughed loudly, and his voice resounded all around.

“Go back and tell the Warring States that in a month, I will sink at least ten naval divisions!” Rophie shouted.


At the scene, everyone was shocked, this kind of words Luo Fei really dared to say, but also to the naval hero Karp.

And everyone did not dare to take Luo Fei’s words as a joke, because think about how Luo Fei’s billion bounty came from.

Not long ago, the three divisions of the Navy, G-11, G-14, and G-17, were destroyed by Luo Fei with his bare hands, and it rose to 1 billion bounty overnight.

“Bunny!” Karp covered his fists, eager to rush over to teach a lesson to Rophie.

“Lieutenant General Karp, shall we chase?” The ghost spider covered the knife wound on his chest that was cut by Luo Fei at this time, and gritted his teeth.

Because Luo Fei’s behavior is too arrogant, it has already insulted the majesty of the navy.

“You’re injured, let’s go rest first!” Karp said softly.

“Damn, just let him run away? Kuzan, you…” Daubman just wanted to ask the pheasant if there was anything wrong, but when he turned his head, he saw that the pheasant had taken off his blindfold and sat on the spot and fell asleep…

Dauberman: “…….”

This guy is usually known to everyone like this, but I didn’t expect that this guy was injured just now, and now he is asleep, and he is really optimistic enough……….

Or maybe the battle just now made Kuzan feel tired, so he snored after a while.

“Everyone close the team, go back!” Karp looked at the fading shadow of the Rophie pirate ship in the distance and ordered.

After a few years, Karp never dreamed that Luo Fei hid so deeply, all this time, Karp thought that Luo Fei was just a salted fish, usually it was okay to make a small fight, but he didn’t expect that Luo Fei’s strength has always been hidden so deeply, and he didn’t expect that Luo Fei could make people of Klockdal’s level willingly be a crew.

The confrontation admiral was not only able to retreat with his whole body, but also always stood on the upper hand, and if he hadn’t come, maybe this fight, Kuzan’s side would most likely lose.

“Rabbit cub, you are hiding from me so hard!” Karp looked up and said lightly and softly.

(kneeling for flowers!!! Kneel for a monthly pass!!! Kneel for evaluation votes!!! )

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