Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 107: Totlan’s reaction

"Although there are differences between sea kings and sea beasts, their living environments are similar."

Kizaru stood on the coast, explaining to Mary the living environment of the Neptune species, while flying towards the open sea on moon steps.

Mary followed closely.

"For you, there should be no difference between sea kings and sea beasts, right?"

"Yes. Just stay alive."

"Oh, it's still a bit troublesome to control a living Neptune."

Kizaru smiled.

"Because there is more food near the sea, the Neptune species that live outside the windless zone generally live in the open sea, but they usually come to the near sea whenever they want to eat."

"And because the offshore sea is relatively narrow, although there are theoretically fewer Neptune species, the density is actually higher."

"Especially in this intersection of currents."

Kizaru pointed to the sea below his feet and said.

By this time, the two of them were already thousands of meters offshore.

"I see……"

Mary's eyes sparkled. This was the first time she had heard this statement.

"Now, let your senses out, Mary. Take a good look at what's going on underwater."

A faint smile appeared on Kizaru's face.

Mary was stunned for a moment and frowned.

"Going to look for the Neptune type using the sense of sight?"

she said doubtfully.

Seeing and hearing color haqi is a power similar to listening. Moreover, it is formed based on a keen perception of danger.

This power... can search for things underwater?

"Don't limit your imagination too much, Mary." Kizaru squinted his eyes and chuckled, "Imagine that seeing, hearing, and color are an extension of your five senses, and let seeing, hearing, and color [see] for you."

Mary felt a little embarrassed when she heard what Kizaru said.

Use knowledge, knowledge and color to [see]...

Witnessing and hearing Se Baqi can sharpen one's five senses and allow one to detect changes in the breath and emotions of surrounding creatures. But Issei and Katakuri's hegemonic aura clearly goes beyond this scope.

When she was practicing the Haki of the Knowledge and Knowledge before, Mary once had a question - why the Knowledge and Color she practiced was so different from the one in Katakuri and her whole life.

At first she thought it was due to lack of realm and strength. But now listening to Kizaru's words, she vaguely grasped some key points.

Maybe... I made a mistake in controlling the development direction of the world?

"Mary, do you know that Enxia's domineering power is very, very outstanding, even surpassing that of most lieutenant generals."

Kizaru chuckled, looked at the thoughtful Mary, and said to himself.

"She can integrate herself with nature. When she closes her eyes, she can still rely on sight, smell, color, and use nature as a medium to observe the movements of targets thousands of meters away."


Mary perked up and looked at Kizaru with some surprise.

Is Enxia's domineering power so strong?

Kizaru looked at Mary's eyes that seemed to have understanding, nodded, and said:

"Mary, try to integrate yourself with nature..."

Mary nodded and closed her eyes.

The domineering energy of seeing and hearing was slowly released, and then connected with the sea surface.

She felt a huge and incredible resistance, which almost completely blocked her vision and could not even feel the slightest movement below the sea surface.

The noisy waves and wind seriously interfered with Mary's senses, and the rough sea surface also caused her sense of perception to be constantly disturbed by the fluctuations.

"Tsk..." Mary couldn't help but tut.

Kizaru looked at Mary, who frowned, and smiled without saying much.

No, it can't break the sea.

Mary's knowledge was spread on the sea, but there was no way to go deeper.

The sea blocks the sense of hearing far beyond Mary's imagination, and the speed of sight, hearing, and color in the air is far faster than that of the sea.

If this continues, even if things in the sea can be observed, the efficiency will be too low.

Mary frowned and carefully recalled what Kizaru had said to her before.

When Kizaru said this, he was definitely not talking about something unrelated. There are some details that I may not have noticed yet.

Calm down and think.

“She was able to integrate herself with nature.”

“Use nature as your medium.”

“Try to connect yourself with nature.”

Be one with nature...?

Mary was thoughtful and slowly turned away her domineering attitude.

Then, try to merge with the sea water.

However, it is like there is a barrier of nothingness between the two, and they can never be integrated into one.

What's the problem?

Mary opened her eyes slightly and looked at the undulating sea, thinking rapidly in her mind.

Waves... waves... waves...

Wait, Bo?

Mary recalled the nature of seeing and hearing, which was a power similar to hearing.

Listening is ultimately about sound. The sound emitted by everything affects people's senses, so... it is [sound].

Sound waves?

The difference between waves in air and water is...


And why is this happening...

The speed of vibration.

Is there anything similar about seeing, hearing, and color?

Mary was a little enlightened. She slowly let her vision become thinner, and then released it slightly and intermittently.

Then, the color of seeing and hearing slowly began to sink.

This time, the moment her knowledge came into contact with the sea, a huge feeling of embedment came to her heart, and then she felt her domineering power seeping into the sea!

Mary opened her eyes suddenly.


She couldn't help but look shocked as she felt part of her perception coming back with the ups and downs of the waves.

"Very good." Kizaru raised his eyebrows and nodded playfully.

"As expected of Mr. Karp, he is so talented. His talent is truly amazing."

This sentence brought Mary back to reality from the inexplicable shock just now. When she heard this, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Kizaru.

"Bloody hands?"

Mary asked slightly confused.

[Milestone Mission (5)·Navy·Admiral Candidate]

In this mission, there is a reward, which is "Title, Bloody Hand."

You can tell at a glance that this title is in the same series of titles as Iron Fist, Cyborg, and Black Arms, which are titles given by the Navy to members with the combat effectiveness or potential of generals.

She knew that her training direction must be very high, but she was quite surprised to receive this title before she had completed the milestone task.

However... this title is probably just a title given internally by the Navy, and it should not be the same as the one in the reward.

If you think about it carefully, Smoker and Tina also have the code names of White Hunter and Black Olive. Now that she has the title of Bloody Hand, it doesn't mean much.

"Oh... yes, you may not know this yet." Kizaru raised his head, as if it took him a long time to remember this.

"The six of you all have code names in the headquarters."

"Can you tell me about it?" Mary was also a little interested in this.

"Of course." Kizaru broke off his fingers and said one by one.

"[Bloody Hands] Mary, [Eye] Coleman, [Jade Spear] Encia, [Violet Bird] Ashe, [Silver Fish] Dasqi, [Vegetarian Lion] Paul, you also use the same methods for reporting in newspapers. The code name in front of it."

"It's pretty easy to tell." Mary raised her eyebrows.

Of course, when she said easy to distinguish, she meant different code-named factions. It is not difficult to see that Bloody Hand, Eyes, and Jade Spear are from the same faction as Iron Fist and Cyborg. The material plus a part of the body - the gun is equivalent to a part of the body for Enxia. The pansy, silverbait, and vegetarian lion belong to the same faction as kizaru, blue pheasant, and Akainu, with colors and animals.

Speaking of which, Zefa's title is quite special. The color and body parts are mixed together, and the two factions are mixed together.

Do you have any metaphor for dividing it like this?

Mary couldn't help but think.

Of course, Kizaru didn't care that much. He just looked at Mary:

"Since you already know how to practice seeing and hearing, let's do this for now. I'll help you get a Neptune-type one, and that'll be it."

Kizaru said, stretched out a finger, and fired several laser beams into the sea.

Mary also came back to her senses and no longer thought about what was or wasn't. It was just a code name, which didn't explain much.

Then, she remembered another very important thing that she wanted to ask Kizaru.

"General Kizaru, has anything happened in the headquarters recently?"

she said seriously.

"Oh... there are some. For example, Sakaski picked one of his flowers and sent it to Gion. As a result, Sakaski chased him for ten streets. The Aoki Pheasant was attacked by a ghost spider and a flying squirrel. Wake up, one dozen and two freeze the two of them into ice, and they are still in the hospital..."

"Well, that's not what I'm talking about."

Mary pulled out a few black lines on her forehead, twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, and added:

"I'm talking about some major political events, such as, um, holding the Shichibukai Conference or something like that."

Mary asked cryptically.

This matter is critical. In the original work, the first hint of the outbreak of war was the Shichibukai Conference. This Shichibukai meeting aims to replenish some of the new Shichibukai. It was at this meeting that Blackbeard handed Ace over to the Navy Headquarters, which ignited the fuse of the war on top.

Mary is still very concerned about this very iconic historical event. Since she came to the world of One Piece, although there has not been much difference in the occurrence of events, there have been great fluctuations in time.

Therefore, she must rely on the occurrence of these things to judge the relevant timeline.

"Shichibukai Conference..."

Kizaru scratched his head, and after a while, he said:

"No, the Warring States Marshal hasn't held any meetings recently. Otherwise, I might be in Sihai now."

"In Sihai? Why?"

"When you are in Sihai, you don't have to do those weird things arranged by Marshal of the Warring States Period."


Mary looked at Kizaru who was as fleshy as a hob with a pair of dead fish eyes.

Brother, you are a general, is this really good?

However, being interrupted by Kizaru, Mary relaxed.

Since this matter has not happened yet, it at least means that we are still far from a war on the top.

In the new world, Totland, in the castle deep in Cake Island, a bloated and extremely large woman grinned and shouted at the tall and thin man in front of her:

"Why? Why haven't Garrett and Armand come back yet?"

"I'm looking forward to the desserts from the Champaign Islands. I've been looking forward to it for a long time, Peros Pero!"

The aura like a giant beast in the wild oppressed Perospero's heart, making him swallow a mouthful of saliva, and then said tremblingly:

"Mom, the two of them may have been held back due to something. There was a big battle in the Chambord Islands recently. They may have been held back by this, so they couldn't come back immediately."

"Don't worry, as soon as there is any news about them, I will report it to mom immediately."

"Huh? Is there something going on in Shampoo?"

The aunt made a confused sound in her throat, "Go and get me the nearest newspaper."


Perospero wiped his sweat and quickly exited the aunt's room.

It wasn't until he closed the door that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Auntie's sense of oppression was so terrifying that when he was in front of Auntie, Perospero felt a sense of fear that he might die at any time.

"...Brother, what was mom's reaction?"

A tall man with short amaranth hair, strong muscles, slender legs, and patched scars on each cheek leaned against the wall, looking at Perospero and asked.

"Mom has no intention of pursuing the two of them yet, but I feel that it won't be long."

Perosperan shook his head and looked at the man.

"Katakuri, haven't you investigated the specific situation yet?"

Katakuri heard this and shook his head.

"The Navy has blocked the information on this incident very tightly. Almost all relevant personnel in the Chambord Islands have been given a hush order. The information that has been obtained so far does not include news about Armand and Garrett."

"Damn it, why did those guys from the Navy move so fast this time!"

Perosperan cursed secretly.

"It probably has something to do with those six navy rookies." Katakuri said coldly.

When Perosperan heard this, he snorted disdainfully and shook his head.

"The golden generation? It's ridiculous. The Navy is really helpless. It just picked up six people in the world and dared to boast like this. It seems that the great pirate era brought by Roger has had an impact on the Navy."

With a casual sigh, Perosperan straightened his face and looked at Katakuri.

"Katakuri, I will try my best to hold Mom here, but you still have to go a little faster, and at least contact Armand and Garrett. I have been out of contact for so long, and I am a little worried about their current situation. .”


Katakuri nodded.

Seeing his most reliable brother nodding, Perosperan said nothing more and quickly rushed to Mondor to collect recent newspapers about the Chambord Islands.

Katakuri looked at Perosperan leaving, but a few scenes appeared in his mind.

It was a photo in the newspaper that he had seen before, and he remembered it deeply.

[The bloody demon statue stood tall and towered from the ground, tearing apart the enemy in front of her with unstoppable power]...

"Who is this enemy?"

"A very evil generation? A great pirate? Or..."

"My sisters?"

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