Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 112: The Hidden Sea Kingdom

The storm lasted for several hours.

Just when Mary felt like she was starting to get seasick, suddenly, the world became clear.

"……it's over?"

The wind calmed down. Heavy rain stopped suddenly.

This celestial phenomenon started suddenly and ended even more suddenly. It was as if someone had suddenly pressed the pause button.


Enxia knelt on the ground, soaked all over, and fell on the deck in a state of embarrassment, gasping for air, looking like he was surviving the disaster.

The survivor in her hand had fainted, and Ashe sat down on the ground, confused and confused.


Beside Mary, Dusky let go of his hand and fell to the ground. He rolled and crawled to the railing and vomited crazily.

"Hoo, ho..."

Coleman let go of his hand in shock and collapsed to the ground.

"I swear I never want to experience this again in my life."

After a long time, he said calmly.

Mary was stunned for a long time before she recovered from the extremely abnormal storm just now.

She stared blankly at the suddenly abnormally calm sea in front of her, and said:

"I don't want to either."

After about a few minutes, everyone gradually recovered from the aftermath.

"Quick, check the hull!"

Kullman shouted as soon as he came to his senses.

For a while, Enxia inspected the ship's planks, masts, etc., while the others went down to the cabin to inspect various places.

Mary frowned, she had not expected such a thing.

In the original book, Luffy and others entered the Devil's Triangle because they opened a wine barrel, but they didn't. Moreover, Luffy and others have never experienced such extreme weather that can be called devastating.

Mary felt targeted.

"The pointer is messed up." Kuhlman looked at the pointer in his hand in disbelief.

"???" Mary's eyes widened in astonishment: "Don't we have permanent pointers?"

"All the pointers are messed up." Kuhlman's expression became serious. It is not a trivial matter for the pointers to malfunction in such a sea.

Their trip brought with them a permanent pointer to the islands they might need to pass along the way. These were the Navy's inventories, making it almost impossible to have beam-making problems.

And even if there is a quality problem... it can't be a coincidence that everything goes wrong in one fell swoop.

"It's this sea..."

Mary looked at the entire misty sea and couldn't help but feel a little refreshed.

Purple weapons shrouded the dark sea, and the gloomy sea level had no end in sight. In the far distance of the field of vision, dark red light flickers on and off.

"Now how to do?"

Kuhlman squinted his eyes and looked at the chaotic pointer in his hand with some confusion.

"...Take a step and take a look."

In this situation, Mary was also paralyzed.

She is not a humanoid radar. Navigation problems in a place like this would be fatal.

This is also a situation that has never appeared in the original work.

There were a lot of unexpected things, and for a while both leaders were at a loss.

"...Sigh." Kuhlman sighed, "I hope there are some fish or something in this sea, so that we won't be in a dilemma of running out of ammunition and food in a short time."

"It depends on the sky when it comes to Danshui." Mary paused after saying this, "Although there are other ways..."

If it really comes to an emergency, she might be asked to exchange for food, or treat her as an emergency food supply.

Just as the two sighed, a low creaking sound came from a distant place.

This weird sound was extremely penetrating. Even though it was extremely weak, even though it was inaudible, everyone still heard the sound coming from an unknown place.


Mary suddenly turned her head and looked at the sea in the distance.



With just such a greeting, Coleman understood what Mary meant.

This crunching sound is obviously not a natural sound.

Now that they have lost their way on the sea, if they can find other people, they may have a chance to leave this sea area.

Although... what's waiting for them may not be human.

In this sea area, they still have this awareness.

You have to give it a try. No matter how bad their current situation is, it can't be much worse.

Kullman immediately turned the wheel and approached the source of the sound.

The movement outside also caused everyone in the cabin to step onto the deck.

Enthia jumped from the mast and landed next to Mary.

"Yo, I don't know what that is."

Enxia raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"you saw it?"

Mary asked. She knew that Enxia was the best at seeing and hearing domineering among the people, and at the same time, she was also the one with the widest range of perception.

"Probably, although I didn't see anything, I felt the movement of the sea."

"There's something approaching us, and it's big."

Enxia said hesitantly.

"Big?" Mary caught the point.

"Yeah, yes, it's big."

"I can't think of any suitable adjectives, sorry."

Enxia touched her chin.

Something big...

Mary didn't care about Enxia's lack of words, but thought about what it was.


Her expression was a little subtle.

I had thought about this when I was about to come to the Devil's Triangle some time ago. I wouldn't really say what I came for, and I would encounter it as soon as I entered, right?

That giant three-gopher.

This nickname was a temporary name that Mary gave to the huge creature that looked like the word "mountain". There's no way, you can't just keep calling it a giant creature, right?

She had been prepared to face the giant three-corner rat since she entered the Devil's Triangle, but it was a bit unexpected to bump into it so quickly.

And... don't tell her that the violent storm just now was caused by the three gophers.

In the distance, the dull mechanical sound gradually approaches...

As a behemoth appeared, everyone's eyes gradually became stunned.

"Hey, what is that..."

Paul stared blankly at the behemoth that gradually emerged from the fog, a little confused.

Not to mention Paul, even Mary, who was mentally prepared, was severely surprised.

The guy who appeared in front of her was not even the giant three-gopher she had expected.

A huge island covered with moss and mountainous mountains slowly approached them.

This island seems to have gone through an eternity that is unimaginable to ordinary people, and a layer of earthy yellow haze covers its coast. Deep purple smoke floated on the top of the mountain, and among the clouds and mist, there seemed to be some invisible giant beasts flying in the clouds.

A strange aura spread around the island, causing a sudden chill to rise in Mary's heart.

There were no traces of any animals on the beach, except for a patch of lichen that did not belong to this layer of sand.

There seems to be some huge creature sleeping on the quaint cliff, which always gives people a frightening feeling.

"...Hey, this island isn't recorded on the charts, is it?"

Coleman said with a stiff expression.

Mary nodded.

"Yeah... at least I don't know what kind of island this is."

This is true.

Mary really didn't know what this thing was about. This was an island that had never appeared in the original novel.

And it’s an island that moves.

"——Get ready to dock!"

During this time of hesitation, Mary was the most decisive and gave the order to dock.

After all, after a huge storm that could be called a super shipwreck, they needed to rest for a while before docking.

Moreover, the island in front of her really aroused Mary's curiosity.


Everyone responded in unison.


Mary fell on the beach of an isolated island.

The approaching voyage was extremely smooth, and there were no crises or tests that Mary had expected. It was so simple that Mary was a little suspicious.

But others obviously didn't care so much.

"The atmosphere on this island feels so depressing."

Enxia, ​​who is most sensitive to momentum, was the first to sigh.

Mary also agreed with this. She could also clearly feel that there was an inexplicable suppressive force here, which made people's breathing a little stagnant.

"Everyone prepare their own weapons. We don't know what will happen on this island yet. Be alert and alert at all times." Mary gave instructions from left to right.

"Paul, your injuries haven't healed yet, so you stayed on the ship just in time to keep an eye on the survivor. We still don't know his identity yet, so we can't let down our guard."


Paul stood by the ship's railing and nodded.

"Mary, there's no way to spread your knowledge and sex in this place." Kuhlman frowned, his tone a little uneasy.

Mary was startled for a moment and then released her feelings.

As expected, the detection range of the sight color was reduced by almost a hundred times, and only things within Mary's field of vision could be sensed.

"Sure enough, there is a mysterious power on this island..." Enxia was gearing up, looking a little excited, "Ai Xi, hide it and follow us all the way."

Ai Xi nodded, and in the blink of an eye, she began to hold her breath.

At the same time, her existence almost completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

Then, as her figure flashed, Mary and others could no longer find her location.

"What a great concealment skill." Mary praised.

Tightening her gloves and pressing her military cap, Mary took the lead and walked towards the center of the island.

Dasqi and others followed closely behind.

The various huge and ancient vegetation are dizzying, but at this moment Mary and others have no intention of paying attention to them.

A path that has been in disrepair continues to spread inside. As the road gradually moved toward the center of the island, various ruins and ruins appeared around them.

"*Grand Line exclaims* Look!"

Enxia exaggeratedly pointed to a group of buildings in the distance.

Pushing aside the huge thorns in front of them, what is presented to everyone is a piece of civilizational ruins that can be called a stunning sight.

The entire building complex is divided into three floors, each one more exquisite than the other. By the third floor, it is as unbelievable a structure as a castle in the air.

Each floor has twenty-nine square stone pillars arranged horizontally, with a wide ramp connecting it up and down in the middle. It is clean and majestic at the same time. From a distance, it looks like a surreal city.

If it weren't for the vines and moss growing inside that made Mary and others feel the passage of time, they would never have dared to imagine that this might be the relics of an ancient civilization.

"...let's go."

After swallowing, Mary stepped forward cautiously.

Enxia had disappeared without knowing when. He was probably aware of the problem on the island and had already gone to find a suitable commanding height.

Kuhlman and Dasqi followed closely on both sides of Mary like the guardians on the left and right, and also walked forward slowly with slow steps.

"It's really spectacular..."

Mary came closer and slowly placed her hand on the stone pillar.

Look here, any stone pillar is Optimus Prime, which is admired by thousands of people. Mary gave it a try and found that at least twelve people needed to stretch their hands and pull together to surround a pillar, and such pillars almost formed a prosperous forest here.

In the purple haze, the earth was a purple, and among the mountains and green mountains, a stone building at the top was emitting a strange light. This stone building is about seven meters high and six meters square. It is made of blue jade.

"Do you want to touch that thing?"

Coleman looked at the jade and asked.

"Yes, but not now." Mary shook her head, "Let's investigate this ruins first. Don't act rashly until you understand the situation on this island."

When Kuhlman and Dasqi heard this, they nodded.

Then, together with Mary, they dispersed.

On the other side, Enxia has climbed to the highest point of the entire island, overlooking the island.

"...What the hell is this place?"

Enxia was incredibly shocked when he looked at the ruins of cities scattered throughout the island, as well as the abandoned but still impressive coastal defense weapons.


A low roar suddenly sounded in the sky, and Enxiya suddenly raised his head.

There was nothing unusual about the dark purple cloud.

But Enxia could not mishear the voice just now.

"There's something weird about this island...what's flying in the sky?"

Enxiya swallowed and immediately jumped off the highest peak.

There are inexplicable unknown creatures in the sky. Before you understand the situation, rushing to the highest point of the island is asking for death.

The terrifying figure in the sky just flashed away. New discoveries were made in the ruins of the city in the center of the island.

"Hey, Mary, come here!"

Coleman's cry attracted the attention of Mary and Dusky, and the two quickly approached Coleman's position.

"What's wrong...um."

Mary jumped through a large hole, where Kullman was standing.

Although the light of the fluorite was dim, it was enough for Mary to see clearly what was going on inside.


Several mottled murals are carved on the walls of this basement. Although they are old, they are not too worn.

At least Mary could clearly see the story described above.

"What does it say..."

Mary looked at the mural in front of her. The content of this mural was confusing and difficult to understand. It was obviously not from this series of murals.

On the other side, Kuhlman, who had been in the basement for a long time, discovered the first of this series of murals.


he said softly.

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