Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 115: Natural disaster comes to the world (Part 2)

In the port of Nahana, huge waves smashed the fishing boats leaning on the shore and crashed onto the land.

But not long after, it faded again.

These are just precursors. On the distant sea, huge waves like mountains are slowly rolling towards this trading city.

In the sky far away from the coast, a man wearing a blue cloak stood in the sky.

"Green Extreme Wind Barrier."

Under the green cloak, a pair of big, weathered hands stretched out.

A violent cyan hurricane was generated out of thin air, and a cyan wind wall thousands of meters long lay in front of the huge waves.


The two giant objects collided, and a deafening roar erupted from the junction of the two.

The violent recoil wave lifted off the face that had been covered by the cloak.

The red square tattoo on his face is particularly eye-catching.

"What a terrifying celestial phenomenon... Huge waves of this size have actually formed on all coasts. What happened?"

Longkou said in confusion. After barely blocking a huge wave, he rushed to the next coast without stopping.

The cyan air current carried his body and disappeared into the storm.

The seabed near Fishman Island felt as if the sea was wailing. There was a terrible cracking sound on the earth's crust, and the entire seafloor trembled.

The roots of Yangshu Eve began to slightly separate from the seabed, and the light of Fish-Man Island suddenly became dim.

After a few seconds of trembling, a huge crack tens of thousands of meters long suddenly appeared on the entire seabed, from which a red torrent mixed with black poisonous smoke spurted out.

Seeing that the sea water nearby was about to boil, and the highly toxic substances were about to rush to the sea, turning millions of square kilometers of sea area into a dead place, a force that was too huge to be ignored suddenly suddenly Erupting from the sea.

At this moment, the entire seawater suddenly seemed like a pair of invisible hands, erupting with a power beyond the reach of mortals. It pushed back the cracks on the bottom of the sea and roughly closed the cracks together.

For a time, the heat and poisonous smoke stopped pouring out, and the sea returned to calm except for the constant shaking.

Although the vibrations at the bottom of the sea could not be transmitted to Fish-Man Island, Eve's unusual movements had attracted the attention of many people.

"Hey... look outside!"

"What is going on? Why are all the sea kings fleeing from the bottom of the sea?"

"Eve is trembling..."

There was a commotion in the Dragon Palace, with people coming and going.

The ministers on the left and right were so anxious that they almost flew up, and even the three princes were working non-stop to deal with the chaos in Fish-Man Island.

"Did you find out? What happened?"

Neptune looked at the busy people anxiously and asked eagerly.

"I don't know. At present, I only know that there is a strange movement on the seabed, but the specific situation..."

Minister Zuo's face was full of urgency, but also full of helplessness.

“There is so little information that is known.”

"We have sent Dragon Palace guards to investigate, and it should not take long for the results to be available..."

"Mistake of life."

Just as Minister Zuo was reporting intensively to Neptune, a strange female voice came from behind him.

"Huh?" Minister Zuo was slightly angry and turned to look.

"Who is causing trouble at this time... uh..."

In the eyes of Minister Zuo, who gradually became horrified, a woman with a graceful figure and her whole body covered with snow-white scales slowly approached.

She has eight arms on her body, and each arm has an inexplicable pattern. And there were the same patterns on her neck, all the way up to her cheeks.

Her eyes were like snakes, cold and ferocious, emitting a fierce light that could choose someone for her at any time.

Behind her, the guards of the Dragon Palace fell to the ground, and even the three princes fell to the ground unconscious.

Minister Zuo was stunned by this scene, but Neptune remained calm.

He slowly stepped forward and asked in a solemn tone:

"Who is your Excellency?"

The woman glanced at Neptune and did not answer the question. Instead, she slowly said:

"I was too late to save those soldiers. It was impossible for them to come back alive."


A look of surprise appeared on Neptune's face, but before he could ask the next question, the woman's second sentence made his face change wildly.

"Where is this generation of Neptune? Let her come out to see me."

"The promise made eight hundred years ago has come to be fulfilled."

The Red Earth Continent made a horrifying explosion, and the ridges of this world were rising and falling like a roller coaster, destroying everything on it.

On Mariejoia, the houses collapsed and the streets were cracked. The CPs were panicking to protect the frightened Celestial Dragons. The slaves also defected on a large scale at this juncture.


A slave with a wretched appearance stood on the street and waved his hands high: "Fisher Tiger's feats a few years ago will soon be repeated in front of us!!"


This shout caused an inexplicable flame to light up in the chests of all the slaves. After a while, an astonishing number of slaves gathered into a chaotic torrent, crushing towards Pangu City in the distance.

They want to do better than Fisher Tiger, and even want to overthrow the rule of the World Government in one fell swoop, out of the bad breath in their hearts.

Everyone seems to regard the victorious future of the collapse of the world government as a reality in their hearts, and their faces are filled with excited smiles.

The steps under their feet were extremely light. At this time, no matter what race or country they were, everyone worked together to crush all the CPs in front of them and approach Pangu City without any obstacles.

Seeing victory in sight, the person who took the lead once again shouted:

"Victory is at hand, friends, rush..."

Suddenly, a slightly black air bullet flew from the other end of the distant street and instantly penetrated his head.


A word that had not yet been fully spoken was choked in his throat, and his body fell to the ground with a plop.

The crowd of slaves suddenly stopped, and the originally noisy crowd suddenly became quiet.

On the rumbling and trembling ground, the sound of uniform footsteps could be faintly heard.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

At the end of the road, rows of warriors wearing gray armor took firm and powerful steps, approaching the torrent of slaves unhurriedly.

There were also countless Moon Step users flying in the sky. They are wearing gray cloaks and their true appearance cannot be seen clearly. But their astonishing number completely blocks out sunlight in the sky.


While the slaves were still in a daze, a uniform buzzing sound suddenly came from the direction of the cloaked army in the air.

In just one breath, nearly half of the slaves were shot through the brain by flying finger guns and fell to the ground helplessly.

The huge torrent collapsed in half, shocking everyone immediately.


Some slaves hesitated, but others were inspired to become ferocious.

"Damn it, do you think we are pigs and dogs that you can kill if you want?"

"We are no longer at your mercy!!!"

Some slaves roared and rushed towards those who were walking towards them in heavy armor. The army in gray cloaks seemed to ignore those people and flew straight towards the remaining slaves.

Seeing this, the remaining slaves suddenly had a glimmer of hope of survival in their hearts, but the next moment——



Dull noises sounded one after another.

In the horrified and dazed eyes of many slaves, those who rushed towards the heavy armored troops were cut off in unison with a dull sound almost at the same time.

The heavily armored troops seemed to be doing nothing. Even the queue was not in any confusion, and they still maintained the previous square array and slowly approached.

When their heavy iron boots trampled on the corpses of the slaves without any hesitation, spattering a piece of pulpy flesh and blood, the slaves realized what they were facing.

"Strange, monster..."

This is the voice of all slaves.

You know, the people who dared to rush forward just now were almost all the strongest. Without a certain amount of strength, under the intimidation of the cloak troops just now, there would be no courage to rush forward.

In fact, there were many people with Devil Fruit abilities among the people who just rushed forward. There are even several natural fruit ability users among them.

They went through many obstacles along the way. They fought against CP0 and achieved great results. Everyone was quite familiar with them.

However, these strong men who stood alone had no ability to resist in front of these heavily armored troops.

The heavily armored troops were silent, silent, and came step by step. Behind them, the gloomy sky slowly spread, pressing down on every slave's heart like a mountain bearing down on them.

Finally, the approaching footsteps of the heavily armored troops broke down the psychological defenses of the remaining slaves.


A slave screamed in terror, turned around and fled in a hurry.

And this one escape led to the collapse of the entire slave frenzy. For a moment, the torrent that was originally twisted into one dispersed.

The cape troops also dispersed at the same moment, mercilessly killing the escaped slave remnants.

At the highest point of Pangu City, at the top of the giant city, a tall man in white stood in the hurricane, his cloak still fluttering in the wind.

"Run, run..."

"Sure enough, humans, rabble. How stupid."

"No one can tell the difference between you being my enemy and me being your enemy."

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous."

Yin Mu stretched out his hands and spread them out in the wind. He looked up at the sky.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time, Qiao Yin Boyin, and I have been preparing for this for a long time..."

He lowered his head and looked at the silent and invincible army in Mariejoia.

"My warriors, my descendants..."

"It's time to dedicate your lives to me!"

The laughter seemed to spread far and wide. In front of the heavily armored army, the leader suddenly stopped.

The entire army followed orders and stopped, and when the leading general stopped, he stood still without any hesitation.

Everyone was silent, exuding a suffocating silence.

The general looked at Mary Georgia in the midst of the battle, without saying a word, and slowly took off his helmet.

Under the helmet, an old face looked very haggard. He turned back and looked at Pangu City behind him.

His sharp and deep eyes seemed to see through the flying dust in the sky, looking at Yinmu high up.

Standing at the top, Yin Mu suddenly fell silent. After a while, he slowly touched his heart with his hand.

The cold wind was howling high in the sky, and in front of her was the endless blue sky. The rain and snow gradually fell, making Mary Qiaoya become wet and cold in the flames of war.

Snowflakes slipped from the corner of Yin Mu's eyebrows, and the white cloak became damp under the rain.

Under the strange celestial phenomenon, Mary Georgia, who suffered numerous casualties, gradually became lonely. Blood gathered under Pangu City, and the white walls were stained with a layer of filth that could not be washed away.

Only Yin Mu's eyes were pure white, and only the breath he exhaled from his mouth was warm.

The cold rain followed his eyes and cooled his heart.

"Yeah, it's been eight hundred years."

"Eight hundred years have passed since the last major earthquake in the Red Earth Continent..."

On both sides of the naval base, huge waves as high as the sky covered the sky and crashed towards Malinfando, causing panic and chaos among the navy at the port.

Just before the tsunami hit, a tall and thin figure jumped into the air.

He stretched out his hands, and two icicles flew out quickly.


Following his lazy and relaxed voice, the two roaring huge waves instantly turned into two huge pieces of ice.

At this time, an orange-yellow beam flew into the sky and turned into a human form.

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama."

A voice that was even more out of tune than the previous one came, and dense flashes of light erupted in the sky, shattering the huge ice boulders on both sides.

The lieutenants rushed quickly to the port.

"Don't panic." On the trembling ground, the flying squirrel stood with his sword in his hand, his whole body upright like a sharp sword stuck in the ground. His calm and composed temperament also allowed the originally panicked navy to slowly restore order.

While the navy was organizing the navy below in an orderly manner to deal with this unprecedented natural disaster, the kizaru and the green pheasant in the sky had already begun to argue.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect that I would encounter something like this just after I came back. It's so scary."

Kizaru said with a playful smile, and squinted his eyes at Aokiji with a pair of dark circles.

"It seems that you have been tortured by the Warring States Period a lot during this period."

"..." Qingzhi said nothing and yawned sleepily.

"It's over now, it's over, let me go back to sleep..."

Outside Wano, huge waves stretching for thousands of miles envelop the rocks on the seabed, turning into turbid torrents and crashing towards the coast of Wano.

However, on the ghost island, a green dragon thousands of meters long soared into the sky.

"Hot breath! Bad wind!"

Following a rough roar, a red ripple mixed with a cyan blade turned into a death light and cut off the powerful torrent.

Then, Kaido's brain twisted, and the death light swung in an instant, smashing the giant wave into pieces.

After doing all this, Kaido snorted disdainfully.

"Hmph, just a huge wave."

Then, there was a terrifying explosion behind him.

Kaido was stunned for a moment, turned his head, and saw the land of Wano shattering, and dense streams of flames spurting out from the cracks in the ground.




With one order, the Beast Pirates were immediately in full operation.

It is easy to defeat natural disasters, but it takes a lot of effort to preserve one's own business during natural disasters.

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