Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 129: Vague History

"Are you joining the revolutionary army?"

Mary looked at Robin half hesitantly.

Robin smiled slightly, neither admitting nor denying, but said:

"At least I feel good staying here now."

Then, she changed the topic:

"Let's get down to business, Lady Mary, do you have any questions for me?"

"There is indeed a problem." Mary nodded, "And it may be more important."

"About the historical text?"

Robin's expression also became serious.

Mary nodded.

"Then please come with me. Let's go to the office and talk in detail."

Robin nodded, turned and left. Mary followed closely, keeping pace with him.

On the way to the corridor, Robin turned to look at Mary:

"Where do these texts come from? Are they stone carvings?"

"It can be regarded as a stone carving, but it is not the stone carvings spread on the sea."

Mary considered it: "I found these texts in a basement on an island, along with some murals."

"I have recorded both the murals and the main text. Maybe you can take a look at them together."

"The island...is in which sea area?"

"The Devil's Triangle. Ever heard of it?"

"I've heard that this is a famous legend on the sea. However, I didn't expect this place to really exist."

Hearing what Robin said, Mary recalled the scene in the Devil's Triangle and shuddered.

"It does exist, and to be honest, it's pretty scary."

"I'm afraid it's not a good place for you to say that."

"I'm actually interested in checking it out."

Robin said with a smile, and then stopped in front of a door.

"We're here, please come in."

Opening the door, a messy office appeared in front of me.

There are various ancient books piled up everywhere, and the desk is also a bit messy, with many papers of different sizes mixed in.

"Sorry, it's a temporary office space, because the materials sent by the revolutionary army are very messy and I don't have time to sort them out."

Robin cleared a place for guests with a little apology: "Please have a seat."

Mary sat down. At this time, Robin clapped his hands, and a little girl suddenly emerged from under the desk.

"Sister Robin, who is this young lady?"

The little girl stared at Mary curiously with her big, watery eyes.

"This is my sister's friend." Robin smiled, and then said: "Galene, soundproof."


Galin nodded happily, raised her hands, and a white barrier suddenly opened, covering the entire room.

Mary raised her eyebrows: "This is..."

"Galene Aloma, a little girl I took in when she was wandering on the sea some time ago."

Robin sat down and stroked the head of the little girl next to him, like petting a cat.

"This little guy is a user of the Silence Fruit."

"Fruit of Silence?"

Hmm...this seems to be Corazon's fruit ability.

After the fruit regenerated, was it eaten by a little girl?

"Pretty good fruit ability."

Mary nodded.

"After the soundproof cover is generated, you won't be able to observe what's going on inside, even by sight. Isn't it scary?"

Robin smiled, let Galin go have her tea, and then turned to look at Mary.

"Your Excellency, we can start talking about business now."


Mary nodded and took out the notebook she had always carried with her.

He flipped through it skillfully and found the pages where he had previously recorded the historical text.

"Because there are murals inside, although it looks like a lot, the actual content is not large."

"But I think these contents should be very important. Please try to translate them."

After saying that, Mary handed over the notebook.

Robin took the notebook, his expression suddenly changed, and his whole demeanor immediately became professional.

That is a kind of temperament unique to scholars.

Mary leaned back in the chair and said very casually:

"Whatever you interpret, just say it and I'll listen."

Robin nodded: "Then I will read it out while translating."

After a long silence, Robin began to speak.

"The time is 570 years in the Haiyuan calendar..."

"Wait, the year 570 of the Haiyuan calendar?"

Mary was a little stunned. In the year 570, at this time...

"Yes, this time is very early." Robin paused slightly as he said this, "About 950 years ago."

"950 years ago..." Mary swallowed, "Continue."

"Yes." Robin nodded, "Opposite to the Sky Elf Lunalia, the Sea Elf Renesmee appears..."

"Etc., etc……"

Mary once again interrupted Robin's confession.

"Your Excellency Mary, why don't you just synchronize with me." Robin smiled bitterly, "You interrupt and puzzle me all the time, so you might as well just come over."

"Sorry, I do have a problem."

Mary covered her forehead.

"The spirit of the sky, the spirit of the sea, what is this?"

"Have you heard of the story of the Ship Spirit, Lady Mary?"

Robin looked up at Mary.

"heard about it."

"The ship elves are not a romantic thing, but an actual race. According to the books I once read in O'Hara, the elves are all over the world, big and small, and as expected, the elves are A little creature that actually controls power.”

"But the two elves we are talking about now should be relatively large and cannot belong to the category of small elves."

After a pause, Robin continued:

"But this Lunalia is a bit special..."

"The Lunalia clan."

Mary spoke immediately.

"Do you know this race?"

Robin was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"Yes, the Lunaria clan is almost extinct now."

"Actually, it's not extinct..." Mary paused mid-sentence: "Forget it, just don't say it, let's continue."

Robin did not ask any more questions and continued to translate: "The Winged Clan who worship Lunalia are the masters of the world. When the residents of the Infinite Land came to search for gold, a huge conflict broke out between the two."

"Under the rule of the Wing Clan, the sage [Nika] rose up and united the residents of the Infinite Land to fight against the Wing Clan."

“Slightly more informative.”

Mary took a deep breath.

"The Wings Clan should be the Lunaria Clan. The Lunalia Clan's racial characteristic is wings, and combined with the worship of Lunaria, the Lunalia Clan is the Wings Clan. This judgment should not be wrong."

"Yes, I agree with you. But the inhabitants of Infinity, and Nika..."

Robin frowned deeply.

"I don't have any relevant knowledge about these two terms."

"I don't understand either."

Mary shook her head and hid her information from Robin.

The inhabitants of the infinite land are the sky islanders. Judging from what Enel said, they are people from the moon and the remnants of the moon.

Judging from the story on the title page, the technology of the Sky Islanders was once extremely prosperous. But now it is so backward, and it is still unclear what kind of catastrophes it experienced in the middle that led to the civilizational fault line.

...but we may know the answer today.

Robin did not dwell on this, but continued:

"Inhabitants from infinite lands..."

Suddenly, Robin's expression suddenly changed and he said in shock:

"Created a strange fruit that can bring power to humans..."

At this point, Robin and Mary both raised their heads and said in unison: "Devil Fruit!?"

“Hiss—is this thing man-made?”

Mary was shocked. She almost stood up, but she still suppressed her excitement.

Devil fruits are actually man-made in their origin? What an unexpected but reasonable thing.

Unlike Robin, Mary knew that Vegapunk had reproduced Devil Fruit. Although the effect was not ideal, he did create a devil fruit. Although I don't know the principle, but in this case, the moon people with more advanced technology create devil fruits... although it is unexpected, it is not unbelievable.

But unlike Mary, Robin, an archaeologist, stood up directly, pulled out an exquisite notebook from the pile of texts behind him, and quickly recorded it.

"This is extremely precious historical information!"

"It's appalling that Devil Fruits can actually be man-made!"

Robin murmured: "If you know the principle of making Devil Fruit, does that mean... you can make Devil Fruit overcome the weakness of fear of sea water?"


Mary looked at Robin: "The perspective of a scholar is different."

"That's ridiculous."

Robin finished recording this piece of information and continued to translate quickly.

At this time, Galin obediently brought two cups of coffee to Robin and Mary.

"Good boy."

Mary smiled and touched Galin's head.

Galin showed a comfortable expression, which made Mary fall in love with her even more.

Just like petting a cat.

Robin also took a sip of coffee, moistened his throat and then said:

"Nika eats the rubber fruit."

"The rule of the Winged Clan ended, and Nika established a huge kingdom on the Red Earth Continent."

At this point, Robin paused.

"A quarter of the translation has been completed."


Robin nodded.

"After Nika's death, the Winged Clan came back, Poseidon died, Fish-Man Island was sealed, and the sea rejected Devil Fruit."

"Two leaders emerge in a huge kingdom."

Aquaman is dead?

Wait, when did Aquaman appear? And what about Hades?

Why did the sea reject Devil Fruit after Neptune died? Weren't Devil Fruits originally repulsed by the sea when they were first created?

Mary noticed these details that had not been mentioned.

"History calls them liberation fighters."

"Respectively, Qiao Yin Boyin."

Qiao Yin Boyin? This person is really an old acquaintance.

Mary took a sip of coffee.

"And Yinmu."


Mary sprayed Robin in the face with a sip of coffee.


Robin wiped it with his sleeve and looked at Mary strangely.

"What's wrong?"

Mary didn't reply, and Mary stopped thinking.

Mary began to wonder what had gone wrong. Was there something wrong?

Liberation fighters?

Yin Mu?

Oh, I understand, through absolute oppression, arousing the people's consciousness of resistance and shaping liberators one after another, this is the liberation fighter.

good! I gradually understand everything!

I don’t understand it!

Mary slammed the table and looked at Robin.

"Robin, are you sure this person is called Yin Mu and not some *** Yin Lac or something like that?"

"Personal names are the best to translate, and there is basically no big error in pronunciation."

Robin said firmly.

"Your Excellency Mary, do you know this Yin Mu?"

"No, no, how should I say..."

Could it just be the same name? Is there a possibility that there is another person named Yin Mu?

800 years ago, Yin Mu had a special status and must have been powerful to be called a liberation fighter.

All the characteristics are consistent with the current Yin Mu.

Although the speculation that Yin Mu is an immortal in his past life is just a speculation, with so many coincidences mixed together, it should not be wrong.

So a liberation fighter founded a world government?

Why do I feel like I've overlooked something?

Mary felt a little bald and waved her hands quickly: "Keep talking, keep talking."

Maybe the following text will explain these doubts?

However, Robin did not wait for Mary to say this before starting to translate. Her professional ethics made her first judgment on something she did not understand was to thoroughly study the information at hand.

"Christie dies, Yoon-mo and Joe-Yin Boyin confront each other."

"Yinmu brought the Winged Clan into ruin."

"The inhabitants of Infinite Land depart, and Poseidon appears again."

"Pluto belongs to Yim."

"Qiao Yin Boyin fell into decline and the Ark was shot down."

"The inhabitants of the infinite land fled in three parts. This is the historical text recorded in the third part."

After Robin finished speaking, he raised his head.

"These murals should have been added by later people. The original text did not mention the murals, and the content in the murals is inconsistent with the original text."

"For example, the white stone in the mural never appears in the original text."

Mary frowned and subconsciously touched the pocket of her military uniform.

The stone as white as jade was still lying there quietly.

No, there are real parts of the mural, at least this stone can never be that simple.

"Isn't there anything else mentioned in the text?"

Mary asked seriously: "For example, what are the abilities of Qiao Yin, Boyin and Yin Mu, and what will be the outcome of the war between the two."

"What is the reason for the opposition between Yin Mu and Qiao Yin Boyin, as well as the origin of Pluto and the origin of Poseidon..."

Robin shook his head.

"No, most of the rest of the text is just some decorative language."

"In fact, it is not difficult to understand. These words were left behind by the residents of Infinite Land when they fled. At this time, they may have completely lost contact with the outside world. Therefore, the subsequent information is not clear but it is not incomprehensible."

"But these are enough to explain the problem. I will continue to study along the text you gave me. If I find anything, I will contact you."

Robin said solemnly.

Mary nodded, looking down in thought.

The translation results of these historical texts not only did not make Mary's thinking clearer, but instead cast a more mysterious veil on the history of eight hundred years ago.

In the historical texts recorded so far, only two ancient weapons, Pluto and Poseidon, are explained. However, the original work makes it clear that there has been an ancient weapon called the "King of Heaven" for a hundred years, but what exactly is the King of Heaven? These are not mentioned in the historical text.

And what is the relationship between the sea elves and the sky elves? What role did the elves play in history? Why do we need to explain the two elves Lunaria and the sea elf Renesmee, who are worshiped by the Lunaria tribe? What's so special about it?

Another point is that there are a total of 18 clans of Celestial Dragons behind the current world government. Among the first twenty kings, the Nefertari clan withdrew, and later the Donquixote clan withdrew. The Donquixote clan withdrew only in recent years. What happened has no reference. But the reason why the Nefertari clan withdrew must be very important.

The origins of these twenty kings and the reason for Neferutali's withdrawal are also very important information. And the most important thing is that the historical texts hidden in Alabasta may mention it.

But it's not entirely without valuable information. For example, at least for now, Mary knows the origin of the Devil Fruit and the specific timeline of the events.

Pluto has a ship spirit. Knowing the framework of the incident in Mo Lake, Mary, who knows Pluto's location, can go and inquire about the specific situation. It just so happens that the Destiny is also in Alabasta now (let's just be wrong, it won't affect the overall situation), so it's not a problem to find an opportunity to ask for details.

In addition to the historical text of Alabasta mentioned before, the workload in Alabasta this time is quite large.

As for Devil Fruit, maybe you should go find Vegapunk.

But how to find it is another question.

Um...wait a minute, let's talk——

It seems that she can also directly ask the Tianlong people for information?

Mary's eyes lit up.

The pattern is open!

Just as Mary was thinking about her future plans, Robin, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said something else:

"Wait, there's a sentence missing here."

"It's actually mixed in with so many modifiers. Is someone trying to hide it deliberately?"

When Mary heard this, she perked up and immediately asked:

"What words?"

"...The power brought by a fruit mixed the human body and soul to create a second kind of demon."

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