Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 131: Connection to the White Earth Island, Hymn

After leaving Robin's room, the entire Revolutionary Army building once again returned to deathly silence.

When Mary walked out of the building, she couldn't even hear a sound coming from the building.

"The management of Long's subordinates is really elite."

Seeing this, Mary just sighed and turned away.

Taking out her notebook, Mary had already planned out all her plans for the short time to come.

First, in Alabasta, she first had to find the Destiny, and then collect information about the past.

As her strength grows, sooner or later, she will face the World Government and Yin Mu. The more information about Yoon Mu, the better.

And if the Devil Fruit was artificial, then she would have to go find Bell and Gaga again. The Devil Fruits of the two of them are very special. They are the patron saints of Alabasta from generation to generation, and the principle behind this may explain the underlying principles of Devil Fruits.

If she understands this underlying principle, Mary might be able to find a way to make Devil Fruit overcome sea water.

Then, after finishing the matter in Alabasta, Mary would go to the Drum Country.

The purpose of this trip is not only to try to bring Chopper back, but also to capture Valpo.

To confirm his conjecture, Tuntun Fruit must be in his own hands. Another soul fruit that may be involved is still in the possession of Auntie, and it is very likely that she will not be able to get it for a while.

After that, it’s time to deal with the war on top. In other words, after the trip to the Drum Kingdom was over, Mary had to return as soon as possible.


Mary frowned and suddenly thought of a question.

Speaking of which, there seems to be no need for Kuhlman and others to follow up on the follow-up of Magnetic Drum Kingdom.

Otherwise, let them go back to the naval base to prepare for war?

As a boatman, Kil naturally had to follow the ship, but Marianu had no fighting ability, and there was no need to go with the ship. He could wait until he returned from the Drum Country before taking him with him.

During this time, Marianu could stay in Alabasta.

Speaking of which, in order to prepare for the war, Xiongcheng University Prison also had to find people to guard it. The dragon can defend the perimeter, but beyond that, more planning is needed. After all, Long might not agree to her if he told the truth.

So who else on this sea can accept his commission to go to Impel Down City?

Mary thought for a long time and couldn't come up with an answer yet.

However, we can ask Teacher Zefa and some elite lieutenants to support us. After all, there is only one whitebeard who is threatening at the top. The three generals, Garp, Sengoku, and He are already as stable as Mount Tai. The other combat forces can go to other places to guard.

So what did Warring States think in the original work? Did he really not think that Impel Down City would be attacked? Do you really believe in Whitebeard’s character?

And what did Whitebeard think? Is the Navy Headquarters so confident in its own combat effectiveness that it has many tough and strong men even though it has a good prison?

Now that I think about it carefully, many things in the original work cannot withstand scrutiny...

Wait, I'm off track.

Mary knocked her head and sighed.

It's not impossible to draw combat power from the headquarters, but what reasons should she give to convince Zefa and the others?

You can't say that you know from a prophecy that Impel Down will be attacked soon, right?

Speaking of which, has Blackbeard shown up at Navy Headquarters now? I still have to ask Teacher Zefa another day.

Um? If we draw combat power from our headquarters...

Mary was startled for a moment, then suddenly reacted.

"Hmm...can we let Coleman and the others guard Impel City?"

"Although they are not particularly powerful yet, they are always better than the Straw Hats at this time."

"Working with Magellan to resist Blackbeard, it shouldn't be a problem to stop Luffy."

"As long as Luffy is stopped, the big prison break on the sixth floor will not happen."

Mary's ideas gradually became clearer, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this was a highly feasible plan.

"Okay, when we return to the port in a while, we will discuss it with Kullman and let Kullman lead the team to Impel Down City."

"As for the licensing conditions, just contact the headquarters to open one."

"...But what's the reason for this? Do you want to visit and study?"

Mary was not worried that Kullman needed a reason. He had always believed in Mary's judgment, so as long as Mary gave this order, he would not ask more questions.

However, you still need a reason to apply to this department.

You can't just be an uninvited guest, right? Impel City and the Navy are not the same system. Both belong to the World Government, but this does not mean that the Navy can directly interfere in the affairs of Impel City.

"That guy Magellan is not an easy guy to deal with..."

Walking in the alley, Mary lowered her head and murmured to herself.

"Where did you find this place?"

A yellow-skinned fishman with long wavy hair stood in front of the Revolutionary Army headquarters with a horrified expression. Behind him, countless Revolutionary Army soldiers held their weapons nervously, looking tense.

Saint Edvid and Saint Magik stood side by side, Saint Edvid stood half a step forward, both of them were smiling.

Behind them, countless CP0s wearing white clothes and white masks stood silently, without saying a word, like a large group of ferocious beasts that choose people to devour.

"Is this the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army?"

Saint Edved asked with a smile on his face.

"..." Haku was silent for a moment, then growled in a low voice: "Since you have already found this place, why do you need to say more?"

"If you want to fight, then fight!"

"No, no, no, calm down, I'm not here to fight."

Saint Edwin waved his hand with a smile.

"Stop being so pretentious, Tianlong people. You guys have grown up to this day and there is dirty blood in every pore!"

"How many people behind me have lost their lives because of you?"

Haku asked sternly: "Especially the two of you, who are wearing the Dragon Emblem and can become Dragon Emblem Tianlong people. How many resources have you consumed? How many people's blood and tears are behind these resources? Don't you have any points?"

"So, state your purpose directly and stop beating around the bush!"

After Haku finished speaking, neither side made any sound. The atmosphere gradually became depressing, and no one spoke.


Saint Edved's smile also faded. He sighed and his eyes became cold.

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth. Isn't the dragon coming out yet?"

"The two Dragon Emblem Tianlong people came here specifically to see him."

He glanced up at the huge, silent base, and then down at Haku.

"Could it be that he's not here?"

"Why are you looking for the chief?"

Haku's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Of course we have something to discuss. Fishman, don't go too far. We are not giving you face by not taking action until now."

Before Saint Edved could say anything, Saint Magik couldn't help but stepped forward and scolded him.

After hearing this, Saint Edwide did not speak, which was obviously a tacit approval of Saint Magik's words.

"...You guys want to talk to the chief?"

Haku's expression looked like he had heard something unbelievable.

"The top bosses of two world governments want to discuss matters with the mortal enemy of the world government?"

"Make no mistake, fishman."

Saint Edved said coldly: "Don't confuse us with those idiots. A group of poor people who can't see the truth of the matter and only know how to eat, drink and have fun in their own position cannot be compared with us."

"This dragon emblem is not a gift from others. The so-called Supreme Throne has no right to restrain me with this mere piece of iron."

"I do not belong to the World Government now, nor do I belong to the Celestial Dragons."

"Let the dragon come to me, now!"

For the first time, the always gentle Edved Saint burst out with his pride as the world's top genius. He is rarely so arrogant in front of others, but this does not mean that he is willing to be looked down upon.

For him, being compared with those vulgar Celestial Dragons or even Dragon Emblem is the most intolerable thing for him.

It would be fine if people like Rayleigh and Long, who were also geniuses and extremely powerful people, said this, but for a mere fishman to say this, it would be a bit taboo.

After all, he had been living and growing up in Mariegio, no matter how gentle and reasonable he was, he still had a certain class mentality in his heart.

It's like he will only cooperate with top people now.

"...The commander-in-chief is not here now."

The terrifying momentum made Haku feel a little scared, but as the leader of the revolutionary army's fishman karate, he still responded in a neither humble nor condescending way.

"Then contact him now." Saint Edwin whispered, "Otherwise, I will destroy this place with my own hands today."

On the ruins of the Kingdom of the Holy Religion, spectacular ruins fell in the dust, and everything that had been sheltered under them was destroyed in its collapse.

Ivy, the corroded green of memories, climbs up the desolate remnants, and the sunlight flows through time, stranded in the war ten years ago.

Heyi Xian was walking on the ruins. He had been wandering for a long time since the catastrophe ten years ago.

On the Xiangbo ground, he was slapped away by a big bear and flew for who knows how long before finally landing on this long-lost homeland.

In my mind, the earth is cracking and the grass is filled with sadness. The once peaceful and sacred church instantly turned into ruins, and the statues of gods that were once surrounded by devout prayers were instantly littered with corpses.

"Why do you want to send me back here..."

He Yixian's face was ashen as he walked through a patch of green grass. His feet creaked as he accidentally trampled on someone's bones.

In front of him, a broken staircase reached the highest mountain on the island. Brilliant light shines down from the top of the mountain. It was the symbol of the Holy Kingdom in the past - Christie's Cathedral. Now it has been completely destroyed.

The phantom of the past flashed in He Yixian's eyes. He squinted slightly and slowly walked up the long steps.

Step by step, step by step, step up.

My teacher was once a nun at Christie's Cathedral. It was she who taught herself and her brother the knowledge of medicine, and it was she who made herself understand what "god" is.

But in the end, the "god" she believed in was nowhere to be seen when they were destroyed.

Finally, Heyi Xian reached the top of the mountain.

"This bell..."

He Yixian was stunned, looking at the big clock that fell on the ground and was covered with dust.

This bell once hung on the top of Christi's Cathedral. It would ring at seven o'clock every day, and the bell would ring throughout the Holy Land.

"You didn't want to be completely destroyed..."

He stroked the big bell with great nostalgia and walked around it.

Suddenly, the steps under his feet stagnated.

There was a crack behind the clock.

However, after the crack, a piece of gravel collapsed under the bell.

Below, there is a huge hole.


Heyi Xian perked up. This is... the basement?

Growing up in the Kingdom of the Holy Religion, Heyi Xian had never heard of any basements in the Kingdom of the Holy Religion.

He swallowed and looked up at the huge bell.


His expression was determined, even though his body was quite weak, no matter how many days or nights, he would move the clock away.

He thought, maybe this was the reason why Xiong sent him to the Kingdom of Holy Religion?

"The saint said: Follow me. And the land emerged."

"The saint said: Listen to the voice of heaven. Then the light shone down."

"The sound of prayers resounds across the sea, and people are united..."

Moving the big clock with great difficulty, every move was a huge challenge for the thin He Yixian.

His expression did not waver in the slightest, and he kept reciting scriptures in his mouth, with blue veins popping up on his body.

From day to night, from night to day. No food, no sleep. There seemed to be a mysterious voice in Heyi Xian's heart telling him: This is revelation, this is gospel.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, He Yi Xian was already withered, his lips were chapped, and his eyes were bloodshot.

Panting heavily in his throat, the big clock was finally moved halfway, and the entrance to the basement was opened.


He Yi Xian swallowed his saliva and stepped towards the darkness step by step.

Gradually leaving the ground, the light is left behind. In the deep and long tunnel, the footsteps of Heyi Xian are recalled repeatedly.

However, on the walls of the corridor, there are countless invisible grooves that constantly distort the footsteps of Heyi Xian. Finally, in the corridor, the constant sound turned into an anti-complex chant.

“Father, please hear my voice.”

“The choice of all things is all life.”

"Lost the destiny of this era."

“The children of good and evil will come from far away.”

"Be a martyr for all sentient beings."

"Silence, silence."

"Pray for the sufferings of the world, pray for all living beings, and believe in the saints!"

"Sacred and forbidden realms, I will be enlightened."

"A song that has been sleeping for eight hundred years."

"The nursery rhyme of liberation or redemption awakens the Father."


He Yixian's eyes were a little confused.

This song...this sacred tune is supposed to be a hymn.

However, this hymn was something he had never heard before.

The choir did not sing, and the songs were not recorded.

Moreover, these lyrics are not praising Heavenly Father, the god they believe in. Instead, it is like a believer's autobiography.

Why do you hear the confessions of believers in a place like this?

In front of He Yi Xian, the long tunnel finally came to an end.

Behind two huge stone doors, a ray of white light shone through the cracks in the doors.

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