Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 133: Heading to Albana

"You suddenly want to separate from us?"

Coleman looked at Mary seriously.

"Yes, Coleman, I have some things to do of my own after that."

Mary nodded.

"And it's not like you have nothing to do, but I think it's more efficient to split the troops into two groups."

"If you want to do multiple things at the same time, then I agree with your decision."

Coleman frowned and asked, "But have you really decided to act alone? You don't need my or Nxia's help?"

Paul and Kuhlman did not say that the six of them, Mary, Kuhlman and Nxia, were actually a little stronger, so when it came to helping Kuhlman, he would only mention himself and Nxia.

"No, no need. This time I'm just going to investigate some things. I won't encounter any strong enemies."

Mary shrugged: "I can move faster alone and can meet you as soon as possible."

"Would you like to investigate... that's okay." Coleman reluctantly accepted Mary's explanation, and then asked: "You just mentioned two tasks. You are going to investigate, but what about us?"

"You guys go to Impel Down City."

Mary said immediately.

Then, he explained to Kuhlman using the words he had prepared:

"Except for you, me, and Enxia, ​​the others in our group still have too little experience, and their attitude towards pirates is not as firm as ours."

"I have already applied with Teacher Zefa, and he will go and discuss relevant matters with Marshal Warring States. At that time, Teacher Zefa will serve as the action commander and come to take you to visit Impel Down City."

"By the way, let Dasqi and the others see the darkness in this world."

Having said this, Mary had to admire her own wit.

Through this reason, he killed two birds with one stone and solved the problem of how to request support from the headquarters and how to let Kuhlman and others go to guard the impel city.

Judging from the time, the top time should be in the near future. Before he rushed back, there were two great gods, Long and Zefa, as well as Magellan, the strongest man in the prison, and members of the Golden Generation. It was a seamless defense.

With this kind of protective power, Mary even felt that Long might not even need to take action. Zefa, who fought purely with physical skills, could stop the Blackbeard Pirates alone.

With this calculation in mind, Mary asked:

"How about that, Coleman."

"On the way to Impel Down City, I will leave it to you to protect others and learn about the security of Impel Down City. Is that okay?"

Kuhlman nodded as he should:

"Believe me."

"Ha, you'd better be more reliable."

Mary patted Kullman on the shoulder: "That guy Enxia is so out of tune. It's okay to be a gunman, but I really don't dare to hold her responsible for these things."

"Everyone has their own strengths." Kuhlman shook his head, "Are you ready to leave now?"

"Yes, without further ado, I have to hurry up now."

Mary nodded and finally gave instructions:

"Then, you can do whatever you want from now on. If Dasqi and the others are willing to play, they can play for a while before taking them away. It's up to you to decide the time."

"Sorry, I could have taken you to play in the rain, maybe next time."

"It doesn't matter. Since I have something to do, I can understand."

Coleman nodded.

"After that, I will be the only leader of the team for a short period of time. Don't worry, I won't let them get hurt before you come back."

"As for you...although you are stronger than us, I still have to say something-"

Coleman said seriously: "Take care along the way."


Mary didn't say anything, just hammered Coleman on the chest, then turned and left.

After talking to Long, he talked to Zefa for a long time on the phone, and finally ended up arguing with Warring States for a long time. Until now, it is already night.

The dark military uniforms gradually blended into the endless night.

Coleman looked at Mary's retreating back, then turned and left soon after.

He knew that Mary had many secrets, and what she was doing now probably had nothing to do with the navy.

In fact, from the beginning of the practical training, Coleman could vaguely feel the difference between Mary and the normal navy.

However, he would not ask too much about Mary's affairs.

Just like Mary never doubted him, she chose to trust Kullman unconditionally as long as she asked him to do something.

Kuhlman also believed in Mary unconditionally.

It's just that unlike Mary, Mary knows that Kullman is capable and responsible enough, and it can be seen from the follower panel that Kullman has no different intentions, so Mary trusts Kullman unconditionally.

There is only one reason why Coleman believed in Mary unconditionally——

She is a comrade.

At least until now.

Although he had been hurt by "comrades" in the past, he would not doubt anyone who fought alongside him.

At the same time, high in the sky above Alabasta, Long gave instructions to the person on the other side of the phone and hung up the phone.

The dragon riding the strong wind looked down at Alabasta for a moment, then rode the wind and quickly moved away.

His subsequent itinerary is also quite full. First of all, he is going to advance to the city and defend it for a while. This is also his sincerity as a partner.

After the guarding of Impel City was over, he still needed to rush back to Baldigo as soon as possible.

——There is another heavyweight waiting for him.

In the dark night, leaving the sleeping city, Mary ran alone in the yellow sand.

Just like Mary said, she now wants to save all the time she can save. For example, now at night, when she doesn't need to sleep, she has to seize all the time to rush.

The desert at night is not as hot as during the day, but the aftermath of the huge sandstorm not long ago has not passed yet, and there are still strong winds in the desert that are disturbing Mary's progress.

But it doesn't matter. Now this level of natural disaster can no longer interfere with Mary.

The last time he set foot on this land, he was still a fledgling guy with little combat experience. He confronted Crocodile with his passion, and even fell into life and death crises several times.

But this time, she didn't have the current pressure of a powerful enemy, but she still had things to be busy with.

"If you want to find Jaka and Bell to ask about the fruit, you have to go to Albana."

"If you go to Albana, let's take a look at Weiwei."

"Then, we have to find Hades. Where did we return to the ground before? I can't remember it for a while."

"Let's search along the coast then."

A petite figure was drowned in the howling sea of ​​sand.

"What's wrong, Mr. Sabo? Mr. Long... what do you say?"

On the tower, Weiwei, who was still counting the day's accounts, looked at Sabo who hung up the phone and asked.

"Ah, it seems that the Commander-in-Chief has something to do and he has to leave Alabasta for a while."

Sabo raised his head with a smile and replied:

"But don't worry, Your Majesty Weiwei. The influence of natural disasters has basically disappeared, and there won't be many terrible disasters in a short time. And I will continue to follow you and be responsible for maintaining the connection between you and the commander-in-chief. safety."

"No, I'm not worried about that."

Weiwei shook her head: "It's just that I still don't know exactly what Mr. Long wants to talk to me about, and I don't know the time and place. This is always not good."

"But it's not a hindrance, you don't need to worry about it."

Weiwei said and started to calculate again.

Sabo smiled and looked curiously at the thick stack of bills in Weiwei's hand.

"By the way, Your Majesty Weiwei, I have wanted to ask you from the beginning..."

"What are these bills in your hand?"

"These bills are specific to supplies lost in recent acts of God."

Weiwei replied without raising her head:

"The whole country of Alabasta has suffered varying degrees of losses from this natural disaster. I need to carefully study these accounts to ensure that the disaster areas in each place can receive corresponding control and supplies."

“Shouldn’t these things be the responsibility of the chancellor?”

Sabo asked confused.

"Theoretically this should be the case, but you also understand that I have just succeeded to the throne, and the way of taking over is not orthodox."

"Many of the original ministers thought it was due to disloyalty, and after quelling Crocodile, they declined to retire. Although I have recently recruited talents to fill some of the gaps, I have not yet found suitable talents in the financial field, so I can only take responsibility personally."

"But this is what I should do."

With that said, Weiwei stretched and yawned.

"Aren't you going to sleep? Sir Sabo."

"No, Your Majesty Weiwei, I have an obligation to ensure your safety. There have been too many people watching Alabasta in secret and overtly recently, and I don't trust you to work here alone."

"Speaking of which, there is one more question that I haven't asked Your Majesty yet."

"what is the problem?"

"Why does His Majesty work here? Or... no matter whether he has official duties or not, His Majesty seems to come to this southern tower whenever he is free?"

Hearing what Sabo said, Weiwei's hand in calculating the bill froze slightly, smiled, and looked up at the desert in the distance.

"Well, let's call it a habit, just to see if anyone will come."

"Is anyone coming?"

Sabo was stunned for a moment: "As Albana is the capital of Alabasta, isn't it normal for people to come and go? Do you think anyone will come..."

Weiwei didn't answer, but just stared at the night for a long time before continuing to work with her head down.

Seeing that the inquiry was fruitless, Sabo stopped talking about this topic and consciously stood in a far corner.

Silence returned to the tower once again.

Two days later.

It was still night, and Weiwei appeared on the tower.

This time Weiwei has done everything she needs to do. She leisurely moved a small bench, holding a thick book under her arm, and sat on the tower without any image.

"Are you always so...without any airs?"

Sabo looked at Weiwei sitting in front of him with a rough posture, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly, feeling that something collapsed.

"What's wrong? The king is a human being too. Is there anything wrong with sitting like this?"

"It just feels a bit unethical..."

"Etiquette is used to support the scene. Now there is no need to worry about face. Of course, it is more comfortable to sit like this."

"What you said makes sense."

Sabo scratched his head, not knowing how to retort for a moment.

Subconsciously he felt something was not right.

Maybe... the behavior of the queen in front of him was so different from the princes and nobles in his impression.

After all, he had never seen a prince or noble who would work from dawn to dusk to inspect the construction site and provide help. He would personally do the porridge every day and go through all the accounts with his own hands. He had no aristocratic airs at all.

The key is that Weiwei is a member of the royal family with pure blood, and has experienced extremely strict aristocratic education since she was a child. Now this performance really makes Sabo a little incredible, and it also refreshes Sabo's impression of the king.

And Sabo can also understand why the dragon came specifically to find this king.

Shaking his head, Sabo stopped thinking about these things. He turned to look at the thick book in Weiwei's hand.

There was no name on the cover, so Szabo was curious as to what was inside.

He stepped forward and looked down at the contents of the book over Weiwei's shoulder.

"It is far more difficult to protect something than to destroy it, so the guardian is always more powerful than the destroyer."

"In the storm that engulfed the sky and the earth, she stood firm."

"Maybe she didn't realize her greatness, but she did protect many people."

"Even in a desperate situation, she still stands proudly and is forever engraved in time."

"Her will is as strong as the earth!..."


"This is a myth that has been passed down from generation to generation in our Alabasta."

Seeing Sabo's curiosity, Weiwei explained.

"When I was a child, I usually read it as a story. The more I read it, the more I naturally lost interest. Until some time ago, I discovered that this mythical story was actually quite realistic, so I became interested again. So I looked through the royal library and found this earliest original book."

"The stories in it are much more detailed than those in folk costumes. I like reading them very much."

"I see." Sabo nodded, "Why do you suddenly feel that this mythical story is realistic?"

"That's naturally because -" Weiwei smiled, "The protagonist of this mythical story has an exact lookalike in reality."


Sabo raised his eyebrows and said:

"Do you mind if I take a look at this mythology? I'm a little interested too."

"Of course it's okay, it's just a myth. If you want to see it, just sit here and watch it first."

"I'll go and enjoy the night breeze first."

"excuse me."

Sabo nodded quickly and took the book from Weiwei's hand.

After Weiwei stood up, he sat down and started reading carefully.

Weiwei walked to the city wall, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

After a while, she opened her eyes, glanced around the desert, and then looked up at the sky.

The sky was pitch black, and after the big sandstorm, Alabasta never saw the moon again. The gloomy sky made Weiwei feel a little bad.

"I haven't seen the moon for a long time..."

"When can you and I meet again?"

"By the way, have you forgotten me, Lady Mary..."

Weiwei raised her head and sighed in a low voice that even Sabo, who was so close to Chi Chi, could not notice.

Suddenly, Sabo's whole body started to perk up, his expression changed, he closed the book, quickly stood up, and walked over to Weiwei's side with a serious expression.

Weiwei was startled, looked at the cautious Sabo, and immediately asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Who are you!?"

Sabo asked into the darkness.

Weiwei was stunned and followed Sabo's gaze to the dark corner.

After a long silence, a figure wearing a black military uniform slowly walked out.

She glanced at Sabo in surprise, then looked at Weiwei with a smile, a little nostalgic in her embarrassment.

"Well, Weiwei, can you help me arrange a place to take a bath?"

"After running for so long, I feel like my body smells..."

The clouds in the sky still had not dispersed, but at this moment Weiwei clearly felt that the moonlight was shining on herself.

"...Long time no see, Lady Mary."

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