Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 143: Rage and murderous intention

"Just, even if you say that, I won't be happy..."

Chopper twisted his body in a classic shy manner.

This was the first time he heard someone recognize him so much, and he was obviously a little uncomfortable with it.

"I, I want to go back and discuss it with Dr. Kuleha!"

Chopper straightened his expression and said solemnly:

"I'm very happy for your invitation, but, but..."

"Doctor Siruluk still likes the skull and crossbones flag. You are a navy, so I have to think about it carefully..."

"Okay, then go find Kureha and I will give you time to think about it."

Mary waved her hand indifferently.

Qiao Ba suddenly jumped up from the ground, nodded excitedly to Mary, and ran quickly to Kuleha's house.

Mary looked at Chopper's back, sat down on Valpo, looked at the sky and thought.

"Emmm...Is it because I don't get along with Chopper too much?"

"At that time, Luffy and the others invited Chopper, but Chopper symbolically refused once and then went with him. Now we still need to discuss it with Dr. Kureha..."

"Sure enough, it's because I only appeared for a short time and I'm a marine, right?"

Mary was speechless and shook her feet in boredom.

"By the way, Kureha is a crew member of the Rocks Pirates... If you have any questions, you can ask!"

Thinking of this, Mary's eyes lit up, she took out her notebook and started writing and drawing.

When they see Chopper and Kureha again, they can directly ask Kureha questions, and the current time will not be wasted.

In the sea area more than ten nautical miles away from Impel Down City, the dragon floated quietly in the air, closing his eyes to rest.

It seems that he is closing his eyes to rest, but in fact Long's knowledge and lust are released all the time. Since he agreed to help Mary defend the city, Long will not deliberately try to trick him.

Although Long really didn't know why Mary asked him to guard the Impel City, in his opinion, it was impossible for anyone to think of attacking the Impel City. This is one of the three major fortresses of the World Government. Not to mention the defensive strength, in terms of the meaning it represents, the dragon himself does not dare to attack before the time comes.

With how powerful the world government and navy are now, Long really can't imagine who might attack...


Suddenly, the dragon's hair exploded and spread violently.

"Lanfa Dragon Claw!"

Long's hands shook violently, and his right hand was covered with a layer of cyan light, which he blasted out randomly.

A huge blue-gray dragon appeared, turning into five blue wind knives and clawing at a certain cloud in the sky.

“Thunder gossip!

! "

A dull and deafening roar came, and the dragon felt as if all his clothes were about to be smashed. The huge mace mixed with purple-black lightning slammed into his dragon claws.


! "

The fierce collision set off a huge air wave, blowing away the entire cloud layer.

"Kaido, Charlotte Lingling..."

Long stared at the two people appearing behind the clouds with wide eyes.

At this time, above Zeus, two huge figures stood side by side.

"Two Yonko actually appeared together!?"

"It's interesting that Long, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, actually appears here..." Auntie licked her lips, opened her mouth and smiled widely: "Are you here to plan a prison robbery? Come on, it just so happens that the two of us have the same plan. The three of us have the same goal, why not work together?"

Long was refreshed and looked at his aunt, his eyes full of disbelief.

Prison robbery...

Mary’s meaningful smile…

She asked me to come here to guard. Did she expect this to happen?

But how could it be... The Revolutionary Army didn't get any relevant information about the movements of the Four Emperors? Why would Mary know about it? This is impossible……

But no matter how shocked Long was, it was a fact that the two Yonko appeared in front of him.

And judging from what the aunt just said, the two of them are probably still working together.

"Hey, dragon, what do you think?"

Since Long didn't answer for a long time, Auntie looked a little impatient and shouted loudly.


Long finally woke up from the shock, took a deep breath, and assumed a fighting stance.

Not to mention how important Mary's thoughts are, her ability to predict the arrival of the two Yonko in advance at least shows that her intelligence ability is quite strong.

Moreover, she, who has a close relationship with the Celestial Dragons, may also become their breakthrough point against Mary Joa!

Of course, it is also important to rescue your compatriots in Impel Down City. But even if he wanted to save her, it was impossible for Long to join forces with the two Yonko - especially at this time, he had just promised Mary to hold Impel Down and then sold her to her.

If he really did this, he would definitely lose Mary as an ally. As a future rising star of the navy, a woman with advanced ideas, a powerful intelligence system, and even a relationship with the Celestial Dragons, the importance of being friends with her is self-evident.

So this time - he had to block at least one of them.

It would be too difficult for a dragon to block two Yonko, especially when there is one of the strongest creatures in the sea, land and air opposite.

"Sorry, I'm afraid we're going to have to fight."


The aunt's face gradually turned gloomy.

"Long...are you trying to be a dog for the World Government?"

"No, I was just entrusted by others."

Long ignored the aunt's disdain.

The aunt looked displeased and looked at Kaido:

"You or me, who will deal with this guy?"

Compared to Big Mom, Kaido weighed his mace and showed a ferocious smile.

There was no need for him to attack Impel Down City in the first place. The main purpose of coming here was to fight an unprecedented battle. Now standing in front of him, one of the strongest men in the world, Kaido had itchy hands.

Moreover, his abilities are Fish Fruit, Phantasmal Beast Species, and Blue Dragon Form, and the opponent is also called a dragon...

"Then it has to be me!"

Kaido let out a loud snort, and his whole body suddenly rose into the air, and he hit the dragon condescendingly.

"Let's see who is truly the strongest creature, the dragon!"

"Okay, then you deal with this guy."

Seeing Kaido who had jumped out high, Big Mom nodded, ignored the dragon, and flew straight towards the Impel Down City.

Dragon didn't stop him, he just looked at Kaido solemnly.

He knew that his own strength might barely give him an advantage against a Yonko. But it would be a bit difficult to deal with two Yonko at the same time.

Rather than stopping two people at the same time, it is better to focus on stopping one, at least to ensure that the Impel Down City will only be attacked by one Yonko.

As for the only Yonko... Impel Down is one of the three fortresses after all. The World Government's garrison there should have no problem dealing with a Yonko... right?

Long also felt a little guilty.

"What are you doing! Dragon!"

Suddenly, Kaido's thunder-like voice came from the sky. The dragon's eyes flickered and he looked up to the sky.

Yeah...now is not the time to desert.

I saw Kaido's hand burst out with incredible power, and the red-gold flames burned blazingly, wrapping Kaido's body and forming a huge fire dragon, hovering in the sky.

Like a bright sun, lighting up the entire gloomy sky.

"Fire Dragon Torch, Falling Dragon, Flame Bagua!

! "

"Lie Lan·Thousand-faced Dragon's Roar!

! "

Around Kaido, countless cyan storms appeared, turning into cross-shaped wind blades, making dragon roars and killing Kaido from all directions.

The dragon stood in the center of the storm, his green cloak dancing wildly, but he stood still.

The collision of fire and storm begins here!

(The dragon's fruit ability is set to the natural type, the wind fruit, which corresponds to the rock berry fruit of Admiral Akainu - Volcano, and the earthquake fruit of Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world in the former Yonko era - earthquake, which is the symbol of dragon fruit. Typhoon. Volcanoes, earthquakes, and typhoons are Japan’s three major geological disasters.)

The perspective shifts back to Drum Island.

Mary closed her notebook and exhaled contentedly.

She simply listed a whole page of questions just now, specifically for the information related to Rocks. Regardless of whether she needed it or not, she asked first what she could think of. When might it be useful?

Putting away her notebook and looking at the sky again, Mary began to wait for Chopper's response.

At this time, she suddenly saw seagulls appearing in the sky.

"Um...is it Newsbird?"

Mary was stunned for a moment and thought about it carefully. She seemed to have been busy traveling these past few days and had not paid attention to the recent news.

Anyway, I have nothing to do now, so I might as well buy a newspaper and read it.

With this thought in mind, Mary waved to the news bird.

I don’t know what kind of vision these news birds have. I don’t know how high up in the sky, and even Mary can barely see a bird under normal circumstances, this news bird actually noticed Mary waving.

It flew straight to Mary, then took out a newspaper from the newspaper bag on its body and handed it to Mary.

"Quite smart..."

Mary was amazed at this guy's reaction. After taking the newspaper from Newsbird, she directly handed it a thousand-dollar bill.

Anyway, rich people are not short of money.

The lowest Bailey I have is also in thousand-yuan denomination, so I am too lazy to change.

After giving the money, Mary waved her hand to drive away the news birds.

She saw the news bird's eyes shining.

"The money comes from the eyes..."

She shook her head dumbfounded, and no longer cared about where the news bird was going to fly, she directly opened the newspaper and checked it.

"Today's headline is..."

"'Emergency! Massacre in Alabasta, emergency in Albana!'..."

"Mother Kuleha, do you really agree with me following Mary?"

Chopper and Kuleha were walking in the snow, and they walked together in the direction of Mary before.

"Chopper, what do you think of this person?"

Kuleha did not answer, but asked instead.

Chopper was stunned for a moment, touched his fingers, and said cautiously:

"I think she is a kind person...but she is not a pirate."

"Dr. Siruluk said..."

"Idiot son!"

Kureha knocked Chopper on the head, interrupting Chopper's words.

"I'm asking you, how do you feel about her?"

"Very, very good!" Chopper nodded vigorously and said, "She does not discriminate against me, and she is also very kind to me... The key is, I think she is very kind!"

Chopper said firmly.

"With a kind heart, no matter what he looks like or which ocean he belongs to, he will definitely do kind things."

"People who do good deeds cannot be called monsters under any circumstances."

"Kindness does not come out of nowhere. What shines in it is the light called 'humanity'."

"No matter how you look, your heart will not change based on your appearance."

What Mary said not long ago was deeply remembered in Chopper's mind. He firmly believed that anyone who could say these words could not be a bad person.

No matter how evil and terrifying the power she displayed was.

When Kuleha heard this, she smiled and said:

"That's enough. Since you recognize her, it doesn't matter whether she is a pirate or a navy."

"That guy Siruluk wants you to become a panacea, but that doesn't mean you have to become a pirate..."

Kuleha said, and then looked thoughtfully into the distance.

"Besides, the navy is not..."


! "

Before he finished speaking, the dark aura suddenly opened up, the whole snow exploded into pieces, and all the leaves were peeled off in the blink of an eye.

Chopper rolled his eyes and fainted. Kuleha also turned pale and almost lost her balance.


Kureha quickly hugged the fainted Chopper, and after checking that there was nothing serious, she stared at the source of this aura in the distance with her eyes wide open.

"This kind of domineering and domineering attitude... and this kind of murderous intention..."

"I have overestimated you as much as I could, Mary Vinicius..."

"You are obviously a marine, but your qualifications as a king are so strong. Who are you?"

"'More than 3,000 members of the Alabasta army who had laid down their weapons were collectively marched to the Rapeseed Flower Market for execution. All of them were killed. After the bodies of the deceased were incinerated, their ashes were scattered into the sea.'"

"'On the second night, a total of more than 9,000 Alabasta civilians and disarmed Alabasta army soldiers who were escorted to Yuba were massacred by Keliqi's troops. After that, Keliqi massacred 2 more people in the Eluma area More than 10,000 people.'"

"'On the third day, Catlaya, Smoji will escape from the city. More than 30,000 refugees and soldiers, men, women, old and children, who were imprisoned here, except for a few who have been starved to death or beaten to death, will all be tied up. He was driven to the abandoned military camp of Catlaya and was lined up and shot to death by his subordinates.'"

"'And, for those lying in a pool of blood who were still moaning and struggling, they personally squeezed out the body fluids for their subordinates to drink. Afterwards, all the remains were poured with kerosene and incinerated, and the corpses were destroyed.'"


Mary's eyes widened and she read out these reports word for word with trembling.

Massacre, massacre.

The butcher's knife was wielded against innocent people, leaving corpses strewn everywhere. Countless people died.

It reminded her of certain forbidden memories.

No matter what the killing on the battlefield, it would be difficult for Mary to react, because in war, death is inevitable. Perhaps one of the two sides was at fault, but the large number of casualties in the war did not make Mary angry. Even blood and death would make Mary feel uncontrollably excited.

But the massacre of innocent civilians...

In her eyes, even though she didn't use blood, scarlet blood was still filling her eyes.

Suddenly, the eyes darkened, flickered, turned black again, and then ignited with uncontrollable anger.

"Twice, twice..."

"Big Mom Pirates, you provoked me first both times, and I acted passively both times..."

"This time, in order to anger me, you actually did such a thing!?"

"Originally, I didn't want to cause more trouble at this juncture. Originally, I didn't want to replace my PT with this thing!"

With a thought in Mary's mind, [Apocryphal Code and Divine Strike Experience Card] entered the item column.

"I won't tolerate it anymore, you must be punished!"


"When I solve the problem in Alabasta, when the war on top is over..."

"Don't even think about leaving a single hair of your pirate empire!

! "

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