Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 159: Battle Damage

The wind on the surface of Impel City was like howling ghosts and wolves, and the guards of Impel City who suffered heavy casualties around them were licking their wounds.

Everyone could feel that Mary was in a bad mood at this moment, and since Mary was notoriously vicious, no one would try to cause trouble for her.

What's more, everyone watched Coleman's battle just now.

Although everyone instinctively felt fear for this power beyond their own imagination, the sacred words and the battle to kill all criminals made everyone sincerely admire them.

Therefore, no one interfered with the silent farewell of these two people. Everyone just stared at the two people with respect. And after Kuhlman disappeared, no one would bother Mary.

Everyone is not a fool, and everyone who pays attention to the news is well aware of Kuhlman's strength. Now that this kind of power can be unleashed, the price is naturally self-evident.

Everyone understood that Coleman was dead.


The light and dust dispersed, and Mary slowly opened her palms.

There are still a few specks of light dust left in the palm of my hand.

When I clicked on the favorability system, the original column for Kuhlman had disappeared.

"System... let me ask you, is Coleman really dead?"

Mary asked dryly.

After a long time, the same mechanical and cold voice came from the system.

"The program memory of the favorability system can no longer scan the other party's existence."


"Can it be resurrected? Isn't the Four Souls Jade something that can resurrect the dead?"

"The other party cannot be found in the scan."

"What do you mean?" Mary Tong Kong slightly enlarged her tone and her tone became a little angry.

"The host's Four Souls Jade can store the soul of the deceased, and it may be possible to resurrect him in the future."

The system said coldly: "But I'm sorry, the other party cannot be scanned."

"This object can no longer even scan its soul."


Feeling of suffocation.

"...Then what is the use of this kind of resurrection thing?"

Mary's tone was a little lonely, as if she was mocking herself.

She raised her brows, her expression full of exhaustion.

Tear off a corner of the cloak, and the cloak immediately returns to its original appearance, with an extra piece of jet black fabric.

Mary carefully wrapped the dust in it and put it in her pocket.

"…Your sacrifice is not meaningless, Coleman."

"Impulse City is still here. I promise you that this place will never be attacked again. From now on, forever, I will protect what you fight to protect."

She said this, walked to the collapse of the floor, and jumped down.

level1, level2, level3, level4, level5.

Mary did not stop on the four floors in the middle, but descended straight to the fifth floor.

The blood wings spread.

The fifth floor was already half flooded, and there was a big hole in the wall of the Impel City. The entire Impel City was going to be flooded.

However, it seemed as if something had blocked the big hole in the wall, preventing the seawater from pouring in.

The stagnant water on the fifth floor has been completely dyed red with blood.

Countless corpses with missing heads or severed waists were floating on the water, crowded together. Among them, Mary saw many familiar people.

"Perospero, Owen, Dafu..."

"Quinn, Jack, Fozzie..."

"Lai Defield, Barrett, Jinbei, Shiliu..."

After watching and counting, Mary let out a long sigh.

"You really did something great, Coleman."

"There are so many vicious criminals on the sixth floor, many of them emperor-level and king-level ones, and they were all killed..."

"The so-called legendary general of Beihai has really become a legend of his generation."

Having said this, Mary floated towards the big hole in the wall of the city.

A huge body blocked the entrance of the cave, and only a little bit of blood flowed into the impelling city from the gap.

Mary was a little startled when she saw the clothes this man was wearing.


Seeing this scene, Mary didn't know why, but she felt a little weird.

"BIGMOM died in Kullman's hands, Katakuri died in my hands, only two of the three generals were left, and the other combatants were almost wiped out in Alabasta and Impel Down..."

"The BIGMOM pirates are dead."

Mary, who originally thought about destroying all nations, suddenly felt a sense of emptiness.

All the main forces in Totlan were dead, and what was left were only some ordinary people, civil servants with little combat effectiveness, and some weak chickens with only a little combat effectiveness.

So now it seems that I can destroy Totland at will, but it is meaningless because the real culprit is dead...

Wait, not yet.

Mary looked around and found a new target.

"All these guys, have they even mixed in all the beasts?"

"But I didn't see Kaido's body...did this guy escape?"

Thinking of this, Mary's eyes turned cold.

"Very well, Kaido, let your Onigashima take the divine blow."

"Let you also feel the price of doing evil."

After counting the people again, Mary did not find Ace, but found Jinbei among the corpses.

Mary didn't care much about Jinbei's death. Now that Fishman Island is closed, there is no point in gaining Jinbei's friendship. What's more, Mary, who had experienced the massacre in Alabasta and the Incident in Impel Down, had already reached a freezing point in her tolerance for pirates.

"Ace is not here, and the prison robbery has passed. In other words, the event point in the original work has passed, so Ace should have been arrested... Has Ace been taken away, or has Ace not been arrested at all? get caught?"

"I didn't see Luffy and the Empress either. Is the current time before Luffy's prison robbery?"

"Or is it that he didn't get to Impel Down in time?"

"Or... he didn't go to the Daughter's Country at all?"

Several possibilities came to Mary's mind, but they all seemed reasonable.

It's a pity that Mary, who has been traveling crazily for a long time, has only read a newspaper on Drum Island recently. The rest of the time is spent driving and fighting, and there is no intelligence channel at all.

"...It doesn't matter anymore." Mary shook her head, "Now, there is only one important thing."

"Since Ace isn't here, let's go to Marineford."

"If the top has already erupted, then complete the remaining two tasks, kill Whitebeard, and let him be buried with Coleman."

"If there is no explosion at the top..."

"Then we have to deal with Kuhlman's funeral properly, and let Kuhlman be buried with him on Ghost Island."

Mary's tone was full of blood.

It was simple and crude, and Mary, who had been tortured for a long time, already felt mentally weak.

She doesn't want to make any more plans now... In short, she is very unhappy now, very unhappy.

Anger, sadness... so many emotions mixed together made Mary lose her patience.

She now desperately needs enough killings to vent her anger.

"The feast of death is about to begin, Edward Newgate, Kaido of the Beasts."

"wait for me……"

Mary flew into the sky, glanced at the crowd below, and flew in the direction of Malinfando without any hesitation.

The matter in Impel Down was over, she was late.

So, next time, we can’t be any slower.

One wrong step, one wrong step?

No, one mistake is enough.

On the flight, Mary directly clicked on her milestone mission interface.

Although the price paid for the completion of this milestone task was a bit too high, it was completed after all.

The victory Kuhlman gained with his life also provided support to Mary.

Although Mary didn't really want to watch this mission now, she was about to face the strongest man in the world, and it was extremely difficult for Mary to defeat Katakuri, who was half-emperor-level. She had to be safe.

If Coleman's death could bring him the power to defeat Whitebeard, it would make his sacrifice a little more valuable.

That’s what I thought in my heart, but I just comforted myself.

This feeling was unpleasant, but Mary had to endure it.

Simply, she simply let Xi temporarily block the chaotic thoughts in her mind before continuing her operation.

[Milestone Mission (3)·Navy·Scarlet Dawn (Completed)]

[Task description: Defeat Blackbeard and his gang in Imperial Prison and prevent the big prison break from happening. 】

[Task reward: random red item*1, special character*1 (can be collected)]


[Random red item——]

[Passive: God Killing A]

[Attached skill: Divinity B (Son of Light)]

[Explanation: God Killer A, surpasses humans and kills gods! It has special effects on gods, and has great attack correction against gods, undead, and divine characters. Moreover, he possesses extremely strong ability to deal with righteousness. 】

[Explanation: Divinity B (Son of Light), mixed with the blood of gods, has a noble temperament, and will have more outstanding leadership and charm. Moreover, receiving the same blessing as the Son of Light can break through spiritual defenses such as the protection of faith, and has the effect of greatly weakening special defenses (such as solemn defense, divine defense, etc.). 】

[Special characters (can be summoned)——]


[Source: Zhan·Red Child! 】

[Also known as: Queen, General]

[Type: Baluts (human)]

【Gender: Female】

[Body data: 170cm (net height)]

[Faction: Chaotic Good]

[Weakness: true love)]


[Teigu: The Appearance of the Demon God·The Essence of Demons - The extremely terrifying Teigu of Ice. It can freely control ice, attack and defend with ease, and its speed and power are both amazing. 】

["Mokobotemo" - Based on the ability of the Teigu, it can freeze the entire time and space. The disadvantage is that Esdeath can only activate this special move once a day. 】

["General Ice Lan" - first use ice to create a large number of ice cavalry. The ice cavalry itself has combat power that ordinary soldiers cannot match, but its real function is to store the energy of the Teigu, at least for several days, and then in During the decisive battle, the energy stored for many days is released in one breath, forming a large-scale blizzard. 】

[Torture A: It has a unique method of torture, and even the professional torture officers who have executed countless people in the empire are impressed by it. 】

[Talent A: When I was very young, my father instilled the idea that "only the strong will survive". He often hunts terrifying and dangerous species alone, and his talent is extremely high. Moreover, her strong willpower is enough for her to withstand the huge evil backlash from the Demon God's appearance and the Demon's Essence. 】

[Gardening B: He seems to have a unique understanding of the cultivation of certain flowers and plants. 】

Mary looked a little confused with the two rewards she received.

First of all, God Killing is easy to understand. If I remember correctly, this should be one of Scathach's passives. It is actually a very powerful bonus BUFF. So the question is - where does the god come from to kill her?

Those fat pigs of the Tianlong people...Except for my cheap brother and his followers, those fat pigs are said to be descendants of gods, but if they really believe it, they deserve to be enslaved for eight hundred years...

You don't even need to test Mary to know that this so-called God-killer is definitely useless against the Celestial Dragons.

So who else could it be targeted at? Yinmu? God knows if Yin Mu has divinity?

And the funniest thing is that the accompanying skill also gives a divinity (child of light)...Does this want me to kill myself?

Combined with this divine name and its effect, it is easy to guess that this thing is Cu Chulainn's passive. Cu Chulainn and Scathach have a master-student relationship, so it makes sense to buy one and get one free. But when these two abilities that are incomparable can even be said to be tit for tat put together, there is an inexplicable sense of joy.

The mixed feeling of joy and sorrow is really a bit subtle, Mary can only say thank you but not sensitive.

Speaking of which, this divinity also has something to say. Not to mention the effect of greatly weakening special defense, we still don’t know what special defense is. But for the spiritual defense, Mary immediately thought of Overlord Color Coil.

Overlord color is essentially the materialization of a person's spirit, so does Overlord color entanglement count as a kind of spiritual defense?

With this thought, Mary had a little plan in mind.

Looking further, that character is even more important. Esdeath, the Super S battle madman who is as famous as General Bude in Zhan·Red Child, is the youngest and strongest general in the entire empire.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about her status. Her personality is also very compatible with Mary. She is very cruel to enemies and prisoners of war. After defeating the foreign tribes in the north, she buried 400,000 people alive. But at the same time, he was very generous to his subordinates and ordinary people. He always distributed the bounty given by the emperor to his subordinates, ate with ordinary soldiers, got along well with shopkeepers on the street, and never accepted bribes.

This kind of character is almost the same as Mary. As long as the enemy is replaced by a pirate, it is almost a replica of Mary.

The key is ability.

Teigu: Appearance of the Demon God - Demon's Essence and Aokiji's Frozen Fruit completely overlap in their abilities. They both control ice and snow and freeze everything. So which of the two has higher priority is debatable.

Thinking about it carefully, Mary felt that it would make sense to think of the Demonic Appearance and Demonic Essence as a phantom beast fruit that manipulates ice.

The question comes again, in the case of a conflict between the fantasy beast type and the natural type, who has higher priority?

It is unrealistic to just look at the degree of openness. It is obvious that the development directions of Esdeath and Aokiji are completely different. Esdeath can develop the ability to freeze time and space, which is close to the conceptual level. In Mary's words, it is the awakening of the natural fruit ability.

However, in terms of the scale of abilities, Esdeath is not as good as Aokiji. Although Esdeath can make a blizzard cover a country, it still takes a long time to accumulate power. The blue pheasant can freeze the sea surface of tens of kilometers very quickly, which is not the same magnitude in scale.

Therefore, even in terms of capability development, it is difficult to tell who has higher priority.

But after struggling for a moment, Mary suddenly slapped her head and sighed helplessly:

"...Really, why do I think so much."

"We won't fight against Aokiji. We are both in the same camp as Aokihiko. One is for concept and the other is for scale. Wouldn't it be better for the two to complement each other?"

"I thought wrong from the beginning..."

After being speechless for a while, Mary looked at the words "can summon".

"...Forget it, let's wait until we get to Malinfando and see the situation."

"It's not easy to fly with a person in the sky..."

Mary's figure quickly disappeared in the air, and Zefa and others were just about to return from defeating Kaido.

Both parties missed it perfectly.

On the other side, there was a point that Mary had never noticed.

[Task description: Defeat Blackbeard and his gang in Imperial Prison and prevent the big prison break from happening. 】

In addition to preventing the big prison break, defeating Blackbeard and his gang is also one of the mission requirements.

But Mary never noticed this. After all, she just assumed that Blackbeard had been killed by Coleman and didn't pay much attention to it.

It's easy to beat the Red Earl's Coleman and the Blackbeard in one second.

However, things are not as simple as imagined.

On the windless sea, Blackbeard's boatload of people fled in embarrassment.

"Damn it, where did that blind old man come from?"

Badgers cursed, breaking several bones in his body, and he couldn't help but gasp even when he cursed.

Blackbeard was like a drowned rat, no longer as imposing as before.

"That old man..."

He spoke with a gloomy expression.

Then, just mid-sentence, a huge purple arc of light fell from the sky!

"Gravity Knife·Menghu!"

"Get away!"

The Blackbeard ghost shouted boldly, and at the same time, Lafayette used all his strength to drag the ship out.

The next moment, a purple arc of light hit the sea, splitting the entire sea into two amid the numb expressions of several people.

"...Old man, we have no enmity with you, why do you keep chasing us!?"

Blackbeard collapsed and finally took a chance to run to Impel Down to replenish his troops, but was stopped halfway by a blind old man.

Not to mention stopping him, the key point is that he sadly discovered that he could not defeat this old man at sea.

It was okay on land, but on the sea, the old man's attack distance was too far, and Fan Oka's sniper attack would be easily blocked. However, the old man waved his hand and threw a meteorite, which almost killed both the man and the ship with one strike.

"In my eyes, your group is full of darkness and ugliness." Yixiao said coldly, "I was entrusted by someone to patrol this area. You must be my target for this trip."

"What a bastard!

! "

On the Windless Belt, Blackbeard roared speechlessly.

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