Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 173: War on the Top (14)

Just as Mary and others were approaching on a giant frost dragon, a emerald-green sword energy suddenly cut across the world.

Rip the ice and cut the thousand-meter ice wall in half!

Mary and the other three were stunned for a moment, but Seng Guo on the other side was already angry.

“Hawkeye Mihawk!

! "

Warring States roared at Mihawk who was slowly sheathing his sword: "What are you doing!?"

"When I came here, I only promised to help you deal with Whitebeard."

Mihawk carried the big sword on his back and glanced at Sengoku.

"Now that Whitebeard is dead, the rest of the things are outside the scope of our agreement."

"The redhead is my best friend. Why, if you help your friend open a way to leave, does the Navy have to take care of it?"

"You..." Sengoku took a deep breath and scolded in a cold voice: "Aren't you worried that we will cancel your seat at the Shichibukai?"

"Whatever. But now I'm still the Shichibukai, right?"

Mihawk didn't even bother with Sengoku and walked towards the red-haired and Garp.

"I'll stop him." Mihawk looked at Garp with sharp eyes, "Shanks, your performance in this battle was simply below the standard."

"This is enough for today. You can go and decide the outcome next time. This battlefield is not suitable."

After that, without saying hello to Garp, Mihawk slashed his sword horizontally towards Garp's neck.


A punch as fast as thunder struck the side of the sword, and the huge force made Mihawk's body tremble.

The next moment, the dark fist was in front of him.

Mihawk's face was stern, and he drew his sword and returned to defense.

The sword danced wildly in the air, the shadow of the fist and the light of the sword intertwined, and the force of each blow was enough to shatter a mountain.

Shanks was stunned for a moment and immediately realized what happened.

He took a deep look at Mihawk and left quickly.

Garp wanted to give chase, but was immediately stopped by Mihawk.

"Sure enough... a system like the Shichibukai shouldn't exist!"

Garp said viciously.

"...I have not broken my promise. Now that Whitebeard is dead, there is no need for me to continue to stand in your position."

Mihawk said coldly: "I'm not a navy!"

"Shock wave!

! "

The mighty power rushed towards Shanks and others, and as the white ripples spread, the earth sunken layer by layer.

The Warring States Period was also angry. Everyone regarded this naval headquarters as something! ?

He could just sit on the Diaoyutai. Although the loss was not small, the benefit of killing Whitebeard was enough to make this war worth its cost. However, Shanks and others repeatedly provoked the Navy Headquarters. As a marshal, he must not ignore them.

"Shishiwei Haijuan!"

This time, seeing the way to leave right in front of him, the Golden Lion tried his best.

Huge waves hundreds of meters high surged from the sea, pouring in through the gaps in the ice wall. At the same time, the Golden Lion finally floated all the pirate ships.

Except for the red hair who is still coming, everyone else has already boarded the boat.

The huge waves turned into lion heads and pushed towards the Warring States Period. The shock wave of the Warring States Period easily offset it.

"Don't even think about leaving!" Sengoku said, and he pushed his palms at the flying pirate ships one after another, and blasted them away with several shock waves that were not much weaker than the previous one.

The response to the Warring States Period was the Golden Lion's chop.

And the arrogant roar of the golden lion.

"Warring States!" Golden Lion raised his middle finger to Warring States, "If you must kill them all, after I leave, I will definitely pull a few islands over your heads from time to time."

"If you can guard me for one day, how can you guard me for a hundred days?"

"As soon as you are careless, I will smash you!"

"Are you convinced?"

Just as the golden lion was shouting, the entire fleet had already flown out of the huge gap cut by Mihawk.

"You..." Warring States laughed at Golden Lion's shamelessness, "Can you leave!?"

Seeing the golden lion flying out of his attack range, Sengoku looked directly at Kizaru.

Kizaru raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"Okay~ I'll just go, Marshal of the Warring States Period."

"Don't look at me with that scary look."

Kizaru immediately turned into a beam of light and rushed towards the golden lion.

"Esdeath, seal the nearby sea with ice." Mary said immediately, "Make sure they can't land on the sea. I will fly up to chase them."

"Senior Sakaski, could you please cooperate with Esdeath to arrest Shanks?"

"Mr. Karp has been held back by Hawkeye."

"no problem."

Akainu said in a deep voice, then glanced at Esdeath.

Seeing Esdeath's leisurely look like an old god, coupled with the sudden appearance of the huge ice wall and the ice dragon, Sakaski was a little unsure of the strength of the man in front of him.

But one thing is for sure.

Years of life at sea have given Sakaski an extremely keen sense of other people's temperaments.

The temperament and demeanor of the woman in front of him... fighting alongside him is not a problem.

Esdeath also looked at the strong man up and down with curious eyes, with a glint in his eyes from time to time.

After saying that, Mary spread her blood wings behind her.

‘——! ’

The severe pain entered her mind, causing Mary's body to tremble violently, and her blood wings almost collapsed.

Her strangeness immediately caught Akainu's attention.

"What are you..."

"I'm OK!"

Mary returned immediately, pale.

The moment the huge pain tearing through her body entered her mind, Mary knew something was wrong.

After Xiela's Kiss was shattered, her body was no longer unconditionally immune to extreme pain...

In other words, the fighting method of tearing one's body apart and shattering one's own body usually requires tremendous pain every time it is used.

From now on, she would have to rely on her own will to resist the severe pain that penetrated deep into her bones—even her bones were worn away.


However, Mary, who was just an ordinary time traveler, suddenly cheered up.

'It's just a little bit of pain, so don't try to restrict me...'

Mary gritted her teeth, and the severe pain made her face turn pale and her head broke into a cold sweat, which made Akainu look at her frequently.

But... her face became increasingly cold and determined.

"Esdeath!" Mary suddenly turned her head to look at Esdeath, "...Is there a problem!?"

Esdeath opened her eyes slightly and looked at Mary.

She was keenly aware that from the beginning, Mary's ability in some aspects had changed.

But...it's strange, nothing special happened just now...

Looking around the messy battlefield, Esdeath drew the sword from his waist.

"Ho ho, no problem." Esdeath shrugged and smiled.


Mary nodded and activated the blood evil.

Severe soreness and stinging sensations emanated from every inch of flesh and blood. Mary's face turned pale, but there was no change at all.


"I'll take the first step."


As a sonic boom sounded, Mary's figure stood up from the ground and quickly disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

"Very good..." When Esdeath saw Mary leaving, she leaned down and put her hand on the ice dragon's head.

Then, in the sky, the ice dragon made a huge turn and slammed into the rapidly advancing red-haired man!

The red-haired man felt the strong wind approaching behind him, turned back suddenly, drew his sword with one hand, and prepared to use it to attack the enemy.

Suddenly, a bullet was fired at Esdeath.


Before Esdeath could take action, Akainu took action and blocked the shot.

The two of them looked up and saw smoke rising from the muzzle of Jesus Bu's gun on the Redfors, which had flown several hundred meters above the ground in the distance.

As this shot was fired, three figures jumped off the red-haired pirate group's ship and landed next to Shanks.

"De Ge, Lam Jones, Gabu..."

The red-haired man shrank when he looked at the three people standing in front of him.


"Shanks, get out of here."

Lam Jones said decisively:

"The Red-Haired Pirates can be without anyone, except you and Beckman."

"Don't worry, we are just helping you buy some time. As long as the opponent is not that Mary Vinicius, others will not be so cruel..."

After a pause, Lam Jones turned back to the red-haired man and said:

"We will give you and others time to leave here. As long as you are out of danger, we will surrender."

"The navy is still reasonable...at least it won't kill us directly. We're afraid we'll go to Impel Down."

"As long as you can leave here, we have a chance to leave Impel Down."

"This is the proposal we got after discussing with Beckman, Shanks, don't hesitate, we don't have time, hurry up and leave!"


Looking at the serious face of Lam Jones, as well as the backs of De Ge and Gabu who did not look back, Shanks hesitated to speak, and the words were choked in his throat.

"What are you waiting for!? Leave quickly!"

cried Lem Jones urgently.

Shanks tightened his wrist, and the sword that had been unsheathed was pressed back again.

After glancing at the three of them, he turned around and quickly ran towards the gap created by Hawkeye.



When Akainu saw this, he hit the redhead with a magma fist.

Gabu jumped up violently, his hands covered with armed domineering force, and he used both palms to smash Akainu's magma fist into pieces.

At the same time, De Ge danced the long stick in his hand in a circle, and then a snow-white air wave blasted into the sky.

Then Laim Jones also waved the iron rod in his hand, but instead of swinging it, he stabbed it towards the sky!

Esdeath felt her heart tightening and jumped off the ice dragon without hesitation. The next moment, the entire ice dragon was shattered from the middle by a terrifying strange force.

Akainu immediately lost his foothold, but as a naval admiral, he was well prepared for this. Instead of messing up his position, he punched the lava waterfall towards the men and horses below.

The three of them showed their magical powers and blocked the magma waterfall when Akainu and Esdeath had already landed with a crash.

And when the three of them got back together, Akainu had already rushed over first!

He waved his hands, and streaks of black and red semi-fluid lava spread out from around him.

Something similar to a planetary ring swept across in an instant, and everyone in front of him received varying degrees of burns.

"Get away, you bastards!"

Akainu roars filial piety:

"I don't have time to play with you!"

"Then we have to have more fun with you..."

De Ge grinned, looked at each other with Ram Jones, and the two of them jumped at Akainu with their long sticks!


Akainu stopped his sprint and punched the ice. His hand slowly emitted red light, and the entire ice layer was dyed red with a crimson halo.

Suddenly, the red light that originally irradiated the world converged on Akainu's fist. At this time, his hand did not become elemental.

Akainu raised his fist and rushed towards the two of them.



Dege and Lem Jones both swung their long sticks at the same time and hit Akainu on the head.

But Akainu showed no sign of weakness, punching and facing two long sticks!

Suddenly, an incredibly powerful impact came towards the two men's sticks, and De Ge and Lam Jones shrank their eyes at the same time.

"Lava dome!"

As Akainu roared, blazing red light illuminated the entire battlefield. A huge amount of magma was compressed in Akainu's fist, and spewed out with huge impact at this moment.

The surrounding air first compressed violently towards Akainu's fist, and then expanded in reverse at a speed dozens of times faster than before. A huge red light group flew in all directions along with the billowing lava flow!

The huge shock wave shattered the ice, and the raised ice was completely flattened immediately. The continent under the sea shook, and Aokiji greeted Akainu and his family again.

In the turbulent hot wind, De Ge and Lem Jones flew out with bruises all over their bodies.

Akainu followed closely behind, jumped into the air, and fired two Hades dogs at the two of them.

But the red-haired pirates are elitist after all. Both Lam Jones and De Ge are quite strong. The two of them recovered at the critical moment. Although they couldn't stop the Hades, they relied on their strong physical fitness to avoid them. Started the attack of the Hades.

Seeing this, Akainu let out a cold shout.

"It seems that this kind of attack is of no use to you -"

"Forget it, let's fight quickly!"

As Akainu spoke, the escaping magma and heat suddenly gathered and quickly gathered into Akainu's hands, turning into a golden diamond-shaped crystal.

The golden crystal ball quickly turned red and was held by Akainu in his hand.

"Deal with one of you first!"

Akainu roared angrily and punched Deuge hard.


When Gabu saw this, he was startled and immediately planned to step forward to stop it.

Suddenly, there was a sharp chill behind him.

Gabu was shocked. As soon as he turned around, he felt his body being frozen.

Starting from his hands, ice-blue crystal blocks slowly covered his body upwards.


Gabu roared angrily, his armed color and domineering expression outward, and the layer of ice covering his body suddenly shattered.

Afterwards, Gabu, who escaped from danger, immediately retreated.

Esdeath put away her sword, looked at Gabu thoughtfully and said:

"The jet-black gas can be released outside. It is extremely hard and can shatter ice cubes..."

"Interesting, is this the unique power system of this world?"

After saying that, she flicked the tip of the sword suddenly, drawing a circle around her body.

The surrounding air temperature suddenly dropped!

"Interesting, interesting!"

"It seems that this world... still has a lot of fun!"

Esdeath looked at Gabu with wide eyes. A wall made of ice spread out from behind her and quickly closed, shutting Gabu and Esdeath together.

Then, the tip of Esdeath's sword pointed directly at Gabu.

"Okay, come on, let me see the vastness of this world!"


"Be conquered by me!"

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