Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 175: War on the Top (16)

On the side, the battle between Mihawk and Garp continued.

On the other side, the battle between Akainu and Esdeath and the three red-haired pirates was almost fierce.

Akainu stood high in the sky and threw out the crystal he had previously held in his hand towards Dege and Ram Jones. At the same time as the crystal expanded rapidly, Akainu and a Hades bombard the rapidly expanding crystal.

Suddenly, the crystal shattered.

The hot lava spurted out in all directions and turned into meteors falling down. The dark red magma spurted out in the billowing black smoke, and the huge rumbling sound pressed towards the surrounding layers, leaving thousands of fiery red scratches in the air of the smoke screen.


"Hell beckons you from the other side, you scum of the sea!"

The rolling lava illuminated the entire world dimly. Seeing the astonishing coverage of this move, De Ge and Lam Jones could only bite the bullet and face it.

Both of them waved the sticks in their hands, constantly blocking the falling magma. Its stick wind, which can tear hundreds of meters of ice, is buried in the endless lava, causing no waves.

Moreover, while the two of them were busy blocking the lava from falling on themselves, neither of them noticed that the ice around them had been completely melted by the lava and the entire ice surface. The two of them were now on an isolated island.

The lava condensed in the seawater to form a floating island, and more lava pressed on the condensed rocks. It continued to erode, slowly overflowing, and forced towards De Ge and the two.

Looking at the two people who were still struggling desperately, Akainu raised his hands above his head, and the magma twisted around his body into a structure similar to a drill. The drill continued to expand, gradually forming a huge overwhelming vortex.

The extraordinary heat spread out and finally attracted the attention of the two people.

"That is……"

Lam Jones winced and was about to say something.

However, by this time, it was too late.

The huge vortex brought up a massive thermal cyclone, and the entire ocean of lava covering the sea also rotated. Hot, smoky and poisonous steam roared across, and in contrast to the brilliance of this area, the originally clear sky turned purple.

"Dark! Color! Rock!"

Akainu roared angrily, and the magma vortex with a diameter of several hundred meters in his hand crashed down.

The magma vortex and the magma wave on the earth suddenly merged together, and amidst the rumbling sound of death, a mushroom cloud hundreds of meters high rose from the ground.


Just falling is not all.

At the same time that the mushroom cloud rose, the sky-high waterfall that erupted from the magma dispersed the entire mushroom cloud. Orange-red flames soared into the sky from the huge sea of ​​magma and reached the clouds.

The gushing of the flaming stream causes magma to continuously gush out. The circles of magma rings represent that the explosive power of this flaming stream has intensified again and again!

"Sora! Sora! Sora!"

Akainu fell into a sea of ​​flaming lava.

Behind him, the huge stream of flames turned into a background, and the red light could not reach his face.

"You stubborn people, magma is the only advice I can give you!"

"For you, giving up the struggle here is the only thing you can do."

After a long time, the flame flow finally subsided, and the entire magma sea finally calmed down.

Two unconscious, blackened bodies floated up from the magma.

"Tsk tsk, he is indeed a member of the red-haired pirates."

Seeing this, Akainu raised a rare eyebrow.

"The vitality is really extremely tenacious."


The sound of rock cracks caused by rapid cooling came, and Akainu frowned and looked forward.

Esdeath was dragging Gabu, who was frozen into a lump of ice, towards Akainu.

Every time she takes a step, the magma within tens of meters beneath her feet will quickly condense into pitch-black rocks, and even be covered with a layer of frost.

"It's so boring."

Esdeath said, throwing the pile of Gabu in his hand to the ground.

"The physique and strength are not bad, but the fighting skills are too barbaric."

"And apart from hand-to-hand combat, he has almost no strengths."

“How did a character like that get on that guy’s boat?”

Esdeath said with contempt in her tone.

After being summoned to the battlefield, there were a few people whose auras always concerned Esdeath. There are those from Garp, those from the Warring States Period, those from the Three Generals, and those from Golden Lion and others.

The red-haired Shanks has the strongest momentum, and Esdeath also thinks that he should be the most powerful person among the people present. Compared to Garp, who is among the two brothers, Shanks' momentum is more energetic.

After witnessing the tremendous power of the three generals' attacks, as well as Whitebeard's attack that was comparable to a natural disaster before his death, Esdeath placed Shanks' status at an extremely astonishing level.

And therefore, he naturally has high expectations for his soldiers.

However, Gabu's fighting style, personality and habits reminded her of the northern foreign people she had conquered. The only difference was that Gabu was more durable. This made Esdeath extremely disappointed.

However, after subduing Gabu, Esdeath couldn't help but marvel when he looked at the sea of ​​magma burning like hell and the sea of ​​magma that descended like a disaster of species extinction.

This ability... is really amazing.

It seems that there is still some gap between himself and these powerful men known as [Generals].

What are Shanks and Whitebeard called? 【Four Emperors】?

The four emperors and generals...are they the strongest in the world?

The fighting spirit in Esdeath's heart grew stronger.

Looking at Gabu who had no ability to resist, Akainu also felt slightly aloof.

Although for him, one against two is not a big problem, but this does not mean that the cadres of the red-haired regiment are weak. In fact, any elite lieutenant general in the headquarters has a very small chance of winning against these cadres.

The woman in front of me defeated Gabu in a one-on-one situation, and she even seemed to be able to do it with ease and remain unscathed. This strength far exceeds that of Lieutenant General (except Garp and Crane).

Moreover, the initial burst of freezing, this exaggerated ability to control ice...

Another general?

Both of them have their own thoughts in their hearts.

Soon after, the magma cooled completely, leaving only gray steam still rising in some places. Akainu also lifted the two people he defeated out of the magma and placed them with Gabu.

"Three people." Esdeath said frivolously, "How about it, do you still want to chase after us?"

After Akainu was silent for a moment, he shook his head.

"No, forget it."

"I was held back by them for a few minutes. With the red hair's speed, I'm afraid he would have disappeared long ago."

"In such a vast sea, if we only want to find him, we can only search separately, and he will defeat us one by one."

"Can't you beat him?"

Esdeath suddenly asked.

Akainu paused and shook his head.

"I have never fought directly with him, but I think even if we did fight, it would be difficult to determine the outcome between him and me in a short period of time."

"I'm worried about you. You don't seem to be domineering?"

Akainu said seriously: "If you don't know how to be domineering, a person with pure abilities is looking for death if he fights against the Yonko."

"I don't know where Mary found a monster like you, but obviously you don't know enough about the powerful Yonko level. If you are alone, you will easily be eaten by yourself."

Akainu can be regarded as an all-rounder who can be both civil and military. He is fearless when he needs to be aggressive, and he is never greedy for success when he needs to stop. He has a strong ability to control the overall direction of the war situation.

A person who can become a marshal cannot be just a warrior.

However, this is the same for Esdeath. She just doesn't understand the specific situation of the pirate world now.

Naturally, you should listen to the opinions of professionals when it comes to things you don’t understand. Esdeath nodded naturally and no longer dwelled on this topic.

"Then these people..."

"Take it back to the Warring States Marshal."

The battle here has come to an end.

At this time, Shanks was swimming in the cold water under the ice of Esdeath.

When Shanks escaped, the Golden Lion had already pulled up the fleet and took off at high speed. Shanks could not catch up with that speed.

Thinking about it differently, if Shanks can catch up, then there is a high probability that Akainu, Sengoku, Garp and others can also catch up. This is not good news.

However, Shanks had already anticipated this situation. After seeing that it was impossible to pursue the large fleet, he changed his direction.

After Beckman and others left with the golden lion, the red hair rushed into the sea alone through the crack in the eagle's eye.

Before Esdeath froze the sea, Red Hair had already dived into the deep sea.

He swam out quickly.

At this time, the benefits of not being a Devil Fruit user are revealed.

The one-armed red-haired man moved forward at high speed in the sea. All the sea kings who dared to approach were frightened by his overbearing domineering aura and quickly retreated.

Then, after an unknown amount of time, he saw that there was finally no ice covering his head, and the red-haired man felt that he had probably left the navy's scanning range.

So he rushed out of the deep sea and gasped for breath on the surface of the sea.


He closed his eyes and calmed down for a moment before looking at the sky again.

Now, with thousands of meters of glacier behind him and a clear sky, nothing unusual could be seen. Shanks finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's really... embarrassing."

He shook his head.

In order to help Whitebeard kidnap Ace, he not only hooked himself up, but even traveled thousands of miles to the East China Sea to call Captain Roger's old rival, the Golden Lion, to help out. Logically speaking, Shanks expected his side's lineup to be the same. It shouldn't be a problem to successfully fight against the Navy Headquarters. In the end, we can escape unscathed according to plan.


This time it was a complete defeat. Not only did Whitebeard die, but three of his own crew members were also killed.

"That Mary..."

Shanks felt chills running down his spine when he thought of that crazy blonde girl.

Not just because of her strength...

Shanks, who originally had little contact with Mary, only valued her because of her extremely strong personal strength, and the pirates could not find a character who could compete with her.

But after this battle, Shanks discovered the terrifying characteristics of this little girl.

First of all, her personal strength is beyond doubt. In addition, she also has the ability to instantly turn the tide of the battle.

The turbulent sea of ​​blood in that scarlet world would be almost unmatched if Mary's Armed Color Haki was stronger or she learned the Overlord Color Coil.

Moreover, Mary's domineering color is comparable to her own. Once she learns the domineering color winding, she will immediately reach the top of the world.

At the same time, when possessing great power, the crazy Mary's attack style is not as careless as it seems. That desperate madness was just her appearance. Looking back at the battle, Shanks discovered that Mary's attacks were actually quite calm. Except for killing Whitebeard with Akainu in the end, almost every time he took action, there were no mistakes.

This only shows that she has a plan before every big move.

This enemy... is terrifying.

In addition, Mary's terrifying charisma is something Shanks has never seen before. He originally thought that Warring States was already the most difficult enemy he had ever seen as a commander. But at the moment, it seems that if political ability is ignored, Mary's appeal is probably far stronger than that of Warring States.

In addition to her speeches on the battlefield, she seems to be particularly able to seize the opportunity to reverse the momentum of the two parties. If you think about it carefully, every big move she makes is extremely fatal to the pirate side's momentum. To be defeated like a mountain is to put it mildly. Before Shanks could even react, the pirate side was completely defeated, and even Whitebeard lost his life.

This kind of ability to control the battle situation cannot but be praised as amazing.

Finally, there is Mary's faith, which is what gives Shanks the biggest headache.

This attitude of treating pirates as extremely evil and having to eradicate them as soon as possible no matter what the situation, without any clean-up to speak of, is what troubles Shanks the most.

"How on earth are we going to deal with this brat..."

"Is it possible that... you want to find Yin Mu?"

"This generation of Qiao Yin Boyin has not yet appeared. Yin Mu and the captain's ideas are almost the same at this time... But if you let Yin Mu do this kind of thing, it will be very difficult to take the initiative later, and the environment will be different. It will get worse quickly..."

Before he finished thinking, Shanks felt a chill in his heart.

When he looked up, a shell was already in front of him.


! "


It's a pity that this cannonball was deflected, and there was a huge splash of water around Shanks.

With a loud rumbling sound, a somewhat dilapidated giant ship gradually approached Shanks.

"It's really like one wave after another..."

Shanks looked helplessly at the giant ship in front of him.

On the bow of the giant ship, Zefa stood there with a fierce face, followed by several young navy men standing solemnly.

He looked at the red-haired man intently, and his already dark complexion became even colder.

"It seems that at the same time as the incident in Jinjin City, some major events also happened in the headquarters."

"Red-haired Shanks!"

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