Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 187: Battle of Huadu (1)

"Hiyori-sama, please go and take refuge."

After leaving the general's mansion, Denjiro took a deep breath, stopped walking, and turned to look at Hiyori.

"...Run? Where should I run?"

Hiyori asked, looking into Denjiro's eyes.

"Anywhere is fine." Denjiro replied, "Away from the Flower Capital and away from Wano Country."

"The sea is vast, and there will definitely be a place that can accept you, Hiyori-sama. Now it seems that Kaido can't help but want to destroy this land."

"...If nothing unexpected happens, the country of Wano will most likely be..."

Denjiro smiled bitterly.

"It's two years early. The prophecy... is indeed unreliable."

Then, he straightened his face and said seriously:

"I am a samurai, a samurai who once served His Highness Oden."

"I should have died with His Highness Oden eighteen years ago. However, Mrs. Shi's prophecy is still in my ears. I have endured the humiliation for eighteen years for this prophecy that overturned everything..."

When he said this, he turned to look at the flames spreading in Huadu.

Smiling self-deprecatingly.

"Now it seems that it is just wishful thinking."

"The hope of Wano's restoration is already slim. Nine shadows fall from the sky, nine shadows fall from the sky... The nine shadows don't have any bad omen now, but the dazzling dawn has arrived in a different way."

"It's time for me to die for the country of Wano. I want to delay even a little bit of time for the people of Huadu. Hiyori-sama, you must learn to be strong from now on... take care of yourself."

Having said that, Denjiro no longer lingered, raised his sword, and walked towards Kaido resolutely.


Suddenly, Hiyori grabbed Denjiro.

Denjiro looked back and saw Hiyori clutching her chest tightly, as if she had made a difficult decision, and whispered:

"I won't leave..."

"Why?" Denjiro opened his eyes slightly.

"...Although the ocean is huge, there is no other Wano Country."

Hiyori said softly.

"There are thousands of people in the world, but there is no Denjiro who can protect me."

Hearing this, Denjiro's breath suffocated.

After a while, he hurriedly said:

"Never act out of anger, Hiyori-sama."

"You are His Highness Oden's only remaining descendant in this world. If there is anything wrong with you, I..."

"I'm not acting out of anger!"

Hiyori interrupted Denjiro:

"Denjiro, do you think I can live in this troubled world without you?"

"Or do you think I will be afraid of facing Kaido?"

"I am the daughter of a samurai. When the country of Wano is in danger, I have no choice but to go."


Hiyori said solemnly to Denjiro:

"Don't fight to die...I'm still alive."

"I will not leave this battle and I will do my best."

After saying that, she pushed Denjiro away.

While turning around, he said:

"go quickly……"

Denjiro stared blankly at Hiyori who turned around and walked away towards the Shogun's Mansion. He was stunned for a moment.

Then, he lowered his head and knelt heavily in front of Hiyori.

Then, he quickly stood up and headed straight for Kaido!

"Sure enough, I still haven't recovered from that guy's attack..."

Kaido looked at the burning flower city and snorted dissatisfied.

In his expectation, if his breath of heat continues, the entire flower should be leveled. At least half of Huadu must be burned down to be barely worthy of his own strength.

But right now, I'm afraid it only covers one-fifth of Huadu. Otherwise, I wouldn't have heard the black charcoal snake yelling blindly just now.

It seems that the injuries from the previous battle with Long, Zefa, and Magellan are not clear yet. That guy Long... obviously didn't use Haki at all, but he was actually flexible to that extent.

It was as if the sky was completely his home ground, almost all attacks could not touch him, and he actually controlled his bad wind to attack him... What a difficult opponent.

"Today's Wano Country is so poor and weak... Is it true that in the land where Oden once appeared, there is no one who dares to step forward to stop me?"

Kaido couldn't help but feel a little melancholy when he looked at the tragedy.

All said and done, apart from anything else, he still admired Oden's strength.

Moreover, after all, Wano has been in business for so long. When he destroyed Wano with his own hands, he who advocated violence was actually looking forward to a hearty battle.

It's a pity that in today's Wano Country, eighteen years later, not only does no one have Oden's power, but no one even has the courage to fight him. It is really disappointing... huh?

Just when Kaido was about to take a breath of hot breath, a speeding figure flashed across the corner of his eye.

"...Hoho," Kaido's eyes lit up, "It's not like he doesn't have any backbone at all."

"This guy looks familiar. Is he someone who has fought with me?"

"Forget it... Since you dare to charge at me, let me test your strength!"

Kaido, who was happy to see the hunter, also left the people who were fleeing in embarrassment. When there were people who did not know life or death who challenged him, crushing those weak ones could no longer arouse Kaido's interest.

His huge body pressed directly against the charging figure, and he was met with a blast of hot breath.


! "

Feeling the extreme heat approaching quickly, Denjiro shrank and lowered his body.

Then, he moved his steps, bursting out with incredible speed, and managed to dodge the heat breath. The scorching flames passed by him.


The flames burned through his clothes and scorched a piece of his flesh, causing him to let out a muffled groan.

However, the severe pain aroused his ferocity even more!

His feet suddenly kicked off, and his body was as fast as the wind. The heat had not dissipated, and he had crossed a distance of several hundred meters.

"Let's settle the grudges from eighteen years ago..."


! "

Rushing under Kaido, his body suddenly spun, and his sharp sword slashed straight at Kaido.


The bright sword light flew out in the air, and gradually condensed into a slender silver line under the pressure of the air. It made a harsh scream in the air, and struck Kaido's scales with a clang!


Kaido felt the pain beneath his body.

Strange, this feeling...


The sharp knife wind penetrated Kaido's body along the scales, and then expanded instantly!

A blood flower bloomed under Kaido!


Kaido roared in surprise and anger, and as soon as he said that, Denjiro jumped up from Kaido's side without any hesitation. Before Chaoyi's words swelled up, he had already appeared next to Kaido!

Holding knives in both hands, he roared, veins popping out on his face.

As if he had exhausted all his strength, the knife in his hand was pulled from top to bottom like a meteor.

A mighty white sword energy washed towards Kaido in a wave shape!

"Hebei-ryu Mizushima Shirami!"

This sword is not about power, but about momentum. The sword energy enveloped Kaido with great force, causing him to lose his balance for a moment.

The expansion of Asaichi Monji even caught Kaido off guard for a moment.

A huge explosion occurred at this moment, and the white smoke spread suddenly, forming a strong wind that blew towards Denjiro.

Denjiro shook violently in mid-air and hit the ground, barely able to stand firm.

He managed to hold the knife in front of him, opened his eyes and looked in front of him.

In the center of the smoke, a huge black smoke hit Denjiro with lightning speed!

Denjiro's expression perked up and he immediately jumped up, holding the long knife under his body.

The mace wrapped in dark lightning passed under him, and the huge impact hit Denjiro through the air, throwing him violently away!

Before Denjiro could recover, a huge figure rose into the air and hit Denjiro with a stick!

Denjiro had no choice but to put the long knife in front of him as he had no time to react.



The mace hit the long knife through a gap of air, and Denjiro immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Then, the stick was swung out boldly, and Denjiro flew backwards faster than when he came in!

After smashing several streets of houses, Denjiro finally stopped when he hit a wall of earth and stone.


He pulled his body out from the earth and rocks with difficulty, coughed out two mouthfuls of blood, and stood up shakily.

Looking at the long sword that was still buzzing and seemed a little overwhelmed, Denjiro laughed sadly.

"Sure enough...the gap is still too big."


The huge figure crashed down in front of him, and a huge cloud of dust rolled up.


The dust slowly dispersed, and a ferocious-looking man stood in front of him.

Kaido in human-animal form.

To deal with Denjiro, he originally had no need to use his human-animal form, but out of respect for a man who dared to die, Kaido still planned to use some strength.

Moreover, the person in front of me is still an acquaintance.

It looked familiar at first, but the two sword blows just made Kaido quickly remember the identity of the person in front of him.

"...It's been a long time. What's the name of those samurai warriors who are somewhat capable? Denjiro, right?"

Kaido grinned: "I didn't expect that among these decadent samurai today, the most courageous one is actually a veteran of the former dynasty."

"That insect, Orochi, really doesn't know how to govern a country."

"You two...are just half a dozen."

Denjiro coughed twice, raised his sword, and looked at Kaido solemnly.

Kaido didn't care about Denjiro's ridicule. In fact, if he cared about this, Wano Country would have been destroyed by him long ago.

On the contrary, Kaido, who is currently in the stage where the pirate group has been severely damaged and is short of major generals, looks at the bloody Denjiro in front of him, but he has a love for talents.

Well, being able to resist one's own blow is a talent.

Moreover, he has the loyalty and courage to dare to resist himself for his long-dead master.

Therefore, Kaido extended his olive branch to Denjiro:

"Hey, Denjiro——"

"Become my subordinate. I promise not to kill you, and I will not blame you for what you have done before."

"I can even let you kill the big snake with my own hands!"


It must be said that Denjiro's heart was moved for a moment when faced with the [preferential treatment] of being able to kill Orochi with his own hands.

However, the next moment he immediately asked:

"Then...can you let Wano go?"

"Of course not."

Kaido decisively refused.

Just kidding, he decided to destroy Wano Country just to pull Yamato onto his chariot.

Although Denjiro is okay, he is far behind Yamato.

Hearing this, Denjiro finally took back the last bit of fantasy in his heart.

He refused coldly:

"Then I'm sorry...I will fight you to the death."


Kaido waved his Hachijie violently and laughed wildly:

"Fight to the death with me, can your reaction speed keep up!?"

"As long as your speed slows down a little..."

"Over there is your death!


Denjiro did not answer Kaido's question.

His strength is not as good as Kaido's, and continuing to talk like this will only make his momentum weaker and weaker.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted. Denjiro wants to cause the greatest trouble to Kaido while he still has the momentum to fight Kaido to the death!

I don't expect to defeat Kaido...as long as I can hold him off for a while, that'll be it.

He expressed his determination to Kaido with practical actions.

When Kaido finished speaking, he took a step forward.

"Bingwei style..."


The distance of more than ten meters was fleeting for a samurai of Denjiro's level. ,

In the blink of an eye, his figure appeared beside Kaido.

He jumped high and used his armed Haki with all his strength. The black Haki wrapped around the blade and made a silver-gray slash on Kaido's neck!

"Jiecuo Onuki!"

"very good!

! "After Kaido said that, he turned around and hit Denjiro's blade with his stick!

The turbulent airflow overturned the surrounding ruins!

"Since you have chosen to fight me to the death..."

"Then I'll let you get what you want! Stupid samurai!"

Following Kaido's roar, Yasai suddenly pushed away Denjiro.

As soon as Denjiro landed, Hasaiji hit him with the force of wind and thunder.

"Roar thunder gossip!

! "

Overlord-colored domineering energy is wrapped around Bazaijie, and Bazaijie, which is extremely fast and wrapped with lightning, is already in front of you in a breath!

Denjiro swiveled his sword: "Heibei-ryu Shizuki Sairyu..."


! "

Huge force acted on Denjiro's arm, and his arm immediately made an overwhelmed crunching sound.

The blade also made a crunching and twisting sound.

However, seeing Roilei Bagua about to be blocked by him...

Suddenly, Denjiro, who was slightly unconscious, felt a chill coming from behind him.


After a thunderous gossip was fired, Kaido appeared behind Denjiro without even a moment's delay.

This speed...

Kaido's low voice reached his ears.

"I already said that."

"As long as your speed slows down a little..."

"Over there is your death!


“Great mighty virtue—thunder gossip!


A huge force that was countless times stronger than before hit Denjiro's back.


Kaido suddenly landed dozens of meters in front of Denjiro.

Denjiro immediately fell to his knees and rolled his eyes.

The long knife... was shattered on the ground.


Without leaving a word, all the bones in Denjiro's body were shattered and he fell to the ground.

Kaido snorted, turned his head and looked at Denjiro who fell to the ground like a pile of rotten meat.

"...Talented, but still too weak."

Kaido commented calmly.

At the last moment, he had already withdrawn his strength. In fact, if he hadn't used up a little strength in the end, Denjiro would have been smashed from the waist.

Now not only is it not broken...it even has a life left, not completely dead.

Kaido looked at Denjiro who fell on the ground, and still had no desire to win over him.

In his opinion, as long as he defeats Denjiro again and again, one day he will succumb to him.

As for this mere fatal injury, Kaido thought that if he stuffed an animal devil fruit into his inventory, he would be able to recover.

With this thought in mind, Kaido stepped towards Denjiro.

However, just when he took two steps——

“Thunder gossip!

! "


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