Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 193: Battle of Huadu (7)

"Sure enough, I guessed it right!"

Mary said excitedly:

"Kaido, you really enjoyed eating this fruit!"

With this cut, against Kaido's physical strength and extremely pure armament, Mary's hand no longer felt as easy as cutting tofu.

But it’s not much different, it’s just that I changed from cutting tofu to cutting rocks.

For a person of Mary's level, there is no essential difference between cutting rocks and cutting tofu.

Mary immediately realized that her guess was right - because of that phantom beast species, Kaido really has divinity!

Of course, we don’t rule out the possibility that Kaido himself is divine. But the possibility was so small that Mary felt there was no problem in ignoring it.

I thought carefully about the matchup between the two sides.

Kaido is an almost perfect hexagonal warrior.

High blood volume, high attack, high speed, high skill, high ability, and high defense.

However, now Mary has almost perfect control over every aspect of Kaido.

The blood volume, no matter how thick the blood volume is under the curse, can't withstand a few swords.

Attack, no matter how strong his attack was, he couldn't penetrate Mary's countless health bars. Every time he destroyed one of her health bars, it would be the upper limit. To Kaido, Mary's Life Fruit is equivalent to having blood locked countless times.

In terms of speed, Mary can be as fast as Kaido just by using the HP damage. In terms of reaction speed, Mary can even surpass Kaido. What's more, within the scope of the inherent barrier, Mary can fly like a thunder god anywhere.

Techniques, whatever techniques you need, a simple and rough cut is the technique.

Ability, Kaido's flames are suppressed by his own black flames, his Overlord Color cannot be suppressed, and Bad Wind's non-dragon form cannot be used yet.

As the final defense, Overlord Color Coil was restrained by Divinity (Child of Light), and the strength of the weapon color and body could not stop the super high panel correction of God Killer A.

Before knowing that Kaido had divinity, the pure panels of Kaido's hexagonal health, attack, and defense were beyond Mary's knowledge, and Mary didn't know how to break it. However, now that the fight was actually taking place, every one of the hexagons was restrained by Mary.

How can you lose?

Even if you can't beat him, you can't lose in this situation!

"Boom boom..."

Before Mary could make the next move, there was a sudden gust of wind.


Mary shrank, a sense of crisis hit her head, and she stepped back without hesitation.

Kaido's body expanded rapidly, so huge that it crushed the ruins on the ground and plowed the entire land into flat ground.

Seeing this, Mary immediately retreated at high speed. Kaido's swollen body kept chasing her behind, and Mary was forced to keep retreating. Although it's okay to be kicked out, it will still hurt if Mary eats it for no reason.

After Mary retreated several hundred meters, Kaido's swollen body stopped.


Mary looked up.

A giant dragon several thousand meters long lowered its head and slowly turned its head sideways, staring at Mary with its golden beast boy.

"The attack works on me..."

Kaido's beastly eyes widened, and the voice in his mouth was like thunder, spreading throughout the flower city.

At this time, Morgans, who had touched the edge of the battlefield, was also stunned by this scene.

Although he didn't take the previous scene of Kaido's fierce battle with Yamato and Mary - no matter how much he longed for big news, Morgans, who was self-aware of himself, did not get close to the core battlefield.

However, from Kaido's dull roar just now, Morgans understood one thing.

"This guy... can actually hurt the Yonko without relying on the cover of others!?"

Morgans looked at Kaido and was dumbfounded.


Mary looked at Kaido and raised her eyebrows.

Hiss, it’s too early to speak.

Looking at Kaido, even with Mary's sharp eyes, it was difficult for her to see the curse marks spreading on the wounds she had made previously.

After the size increased, the proportion of curse marks on Kaido's body became much smaller. For the curse seal...the percentage of life force equivalent to erasure has become smaller.

In other words, Kaido's health bar is correspondingly thicker by several percent.

Well, forget it...

Mary flicked the dusk away, and the blade sliced ​​through the air, making a crisp sound.

The health bar is only several times thicker, so what?

The overall general direction has not changed, and Kaido still has no way to defend himself.

No matter what happens in this battle, she will not lose.

She still has a lot of trump cards, and she still has a backup plan.

Looking at Kaido, an idea suddenly came to Mary's mind.

In addition to solving Kaido's problem, she also came to Wano to establish a naval base on the land of Wano.

And establishing a naval base in another country will definitely require the support of the other country's regime.

In this case……

Mary's eyes became glazed over, the ghostly aura gradually overflowed from her body, and blood began to flow from the ground behind her.

Blood gushed out like a fountain for free, and soon formed a sea of ​​blood several meters deep. The sea of ​​blood was turbulent, and the pungent smell of blood even reached the tip of Kaido's nose, which was hundreds of meters high.

The overlord's domineering force pushed out horizontally and pressed towards Kaido. And Kaido also snorted coldly, showing off his domineering look.

Two auras, one black and one red, collided fiercely, and black lightning burst out from the junction.

“The Demon World Pagoda!

! ——”

Mary stabbed her sword into the ground, and the ghostly aura spread crazily, almost turning the entire area into ghostly ghosts.

Then, the sea of ​​​​blood began to roar, and a large amount of blood swelled and slowly piled together.

The ghost energy slowly climbed up along the gaps in the blood, filling the gaps between the blood.

In the blink of an eye, a bloody giant, also a thousand meters tall, took shape.

Within the inherent barrier, Mary's blood control is unlimited!

The strong wind stirred up by the ghost spirit blew Mary's hair, fluttered her cloak, and even her hat was blown into the air.

The armor gradually took shape on the bloody giant, and a giant Karasu Tengu that resembled the armor of the general of Wano stood in front of Kaido.


With a buzzer that resounded throughout the world, armed colors covered the feet from the feet to the top of the head.

At the same time, a bloody blade hundreds of meters long appeared in the giant's hand, also covered with armed domineering energy from beginning to end.

The next moment, with a loud roar as the flames exploded and the air was displaced, the entire demon statue was covered with a layer of pitch-black demonic flames.


Following Mary's roar, Kaido seemed to see a flash of red light in the eyes of the giant statue opposite him, which was level with his own body.


A heart-wrenching sound came, and under everyone's shocked gazes, the Golem waved his giant blade hundreds of meters long.

Then, he slashed Kaido's neck with a knife!

"Ittōryu: Blue Dragon Kiri Yasutsuna!"

At this moment, under the gloomy sky, the figure of a samurai holding a long sword and slashing at the flying dragon that was causing trouble in the country caught the eyes of the entire Wano Country.

Even as far away as nine miles away, on top of the mountain peak, you can faintly see this scene.

Denjiro, who had already felt a little recovered, had half propped up his body. When he raised his head, he saw this scene.

His expression changed and he shouted loudly:

"Dragon-slaying warrior Ryoma!?"

Due to being too excited, Denjiro struggled violently, and his bones made an overwhelming sound again.

Denjiro groaned in pain and fell to the ground again.

However, this time, Denjiro had to raise his head and struggle to look forward even though he endured the extremely terrible pain.

The "God of Swords" of Wano, a great swordsman who has never failed in his life.

Once upon a time, the Tianlong that fell in the sky and caused chaos in the capital was killed!

At this moment, this scene reappeared under the hands of a navy.

"Since a small wound can't do anything to you, let's face it head-on, Kaido!

! "

Mary yelled at Kaido with great enthusiasm.

"Only you!?"

Kaido roared angrily and his whole body spun.

Huge air waves appeared as Kaido rotated, and the roaring hurricane forcibly blocked the approach of the giant blade.

"Tornado bad wind!"

Kaido let out a long roar, the dragon roared and released thunder, and the bad wind swept across the land along with the hurricane.

Countless buildings were cut into pieces under this blow, and even Mary herself was cut in half.

Seeing that the bad wind was about to approach the civilians who had not completely evacuated Huadu in the distance, the sea of ​​​​blood suddenly swept up, forming a wall surrounding the entire battlefield.

Withstood the attack of the bad wind!

"Whirring whirring……"

Under the collision of the majestic forces of both sides, the attacks of both sides were resolved by the other side.

Stopping spinning, Kaido looked down at Mary on the ground.

"...Hua Chi."

"The kid in black."

"Just because of a giant, do you want to fight me?"

"Only with this blood?"

"What are these?"

"Ah, I know that for you, a giant can only be suppressed with a snap of your hands."

Mary did not comment on Kaido's question, but slowly raised the knife in her hand.

"But what if there is more than one such giant?"


As soon as he finished speaking, Kaido saw the sea of ​​blood in his field of vision churning.

After a few breaths, eight more huge figures rose from the ground.


! "

The nine giants all raised their swords and faced Kaido.


Mary raised the tip of the knife. The military cap that had just been blown away by the strong wind slowly fell down and hung on the tip of the knife.

She looked at Kaido with a smile.

"So what? Kaido?"


Let’s not talk about Kaido’s mood. But at this moment, everyone who saw this scene, whether it was Denjiro, Orochi, Hiyori, the Imperial Court fans, or the ordinary people of Wano Country, were all stunned.

When Qinghui Ganzai looked through, nine shadows cast the sun rising in the east.

Mrs. Kozuki Toki's prophecy.

【Nine Shadows】.

Nine shadows fall from the sky!

Denjiro said "Uh" and fainted from excitement before he could even say a word.

"Prophecy... prophecy!" Hiyori Kozuki looked at this scene and covered his mouth in excitement.

"This, this, this..."

In contrast, the big snake panicked.

The people of Huadu were excited.

This prophecy is widely circulated in the country of Wano. When Mrs. Koyuki Toki was buried in the sea of ​​fire, countless people heard this prophecy.

And at this moment, when Kaido is about to destroy the country of Wano, the figure of Jiudao Qingtian appears!

It seems to be coming to reflect the prophecy!

"The haze of Wano...is finally coming to an end."

A Wano warrior murmured so, and the long sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter.

"If I attack you with nine swords at the same time, one of them can hit you, right?"

Mary took off her military cap from the tip of the knife and slowly put it back on her head.

Then, he raised his head and looked at Kaido leisurely.


"Uu la la la la -"

Kaido suddenly grinned wildly.

"Interesting, interesting!"

"I'm getting goosebumps!"

He looked at Mary with a smile. In his eyes, several figures slowly appeared behind Mary, who was full of ghostly aura.

What an incredible kid. He obviously doesn't look like a girl, just a little girl.

However, it allowed him to use such great effort to deal with it.

Not much...

The guy who makes me feel sticky...


White beard.

Red hair.



The figures of five people loomed behind Mary.

It was as if they were Mary's future.

"The kid in black..."

"The navy's rookie..."

Could it be that……

Can you beat them?

The navy——there is such an interesting person appearing! ?

"You guy..."

"What a monster!"

Kaido roared, and the whole dragon circled and flew into the sky.


"I'm a monster too, blah blah blah!"


Behind Mary, blood wings spread out.

Then, the nine colossi spread their blood wings behind them.

Flap your wings!

Amidst the huge wind and waves, nine huge figures rose into the sky and followed Kaido without any delay.


Kaido's body surface was gradually enveloped in crimson flames.

A huge fire dragon appeared in the sky.

"Hoo ho..."

Mary couldn't help but open her eyes wide.

The dazzling firelight shone all over Huadu, and Kaido's red body looked extremely dazzling under the dark clouds.


Vaguely, Mary heard the sound of atmospheric stirring coming from Kaido's body.

This terrifying temperature even restrained the flames of the demon world. After the nine demon statues approached, the blood knife slashed on the fire dragon, unable to cause any damage, and would only be evaporated out of thin air.


Mary narrowed her eyes slightly when she saw this scene.

Then, she immediately thought, and the black soldiers came out in full force. Regardless of the surprised expressions of the local samurai of Wano Country, they picked up the people of Wano Country and evacuated.

The overall evacuation speed increased several times.

The entire flower was completely emptied in just a few dozen seconds.

"Originally I didn't want to use this method..."

Such an approach by the Black Soldiers will definitely conflict with the local samurai, and the subsequent fights caused by the entanglement will definitely destroy many Huadu areas that were originally relatively intact.

Mary would not do this unless she had to.

But now, Mary has realized that the flowers are not saved.

Regardless of whether Kaido can use this move or not, at the moment, Kaido and Mary will not hold back.

The Flower Capital cannot be saved, so there is no need to worry about whether the buildings here will be damaged.

And just as Mary was evacuating the people of Wano Country, Kaido had slowly coiled up in the sky.

The whole body is like a vortex, entrenched in the sky.

The red flames were like the sun, and the overlord-colored domineering energy slowly gathered towards Kaido's head.

The momentum gradually climbed to its peak!



! "

At this moment, a terrifying wave of flames erupted, and the shock wave swept away all the dark clouds in the sky, revealing the bloody sky behind them.

"Fire Dragon Torch·Subduing Dragon·Fire Bagua!

! "

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