Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 195: Battle of Huadu (9)

In the constant battle with Yamato, Kaido's figure gradually became thinner, and his entire body became leaner.

His last form is slowly revealed.

This form takes a certain amount of time to enter, so it cannot be used in extremely intense battles. However, at the moment, Yamato's pressure on him is far less than expected, giving Kaido enough time to enter the state.


There was a soft sound in his ears. Kaido's expression perked up and he quickly avoided his own body. For this reason, he just used his chest to bear Yamato's blow.


However, before Kaido could recover from the dull blow, Mary's blade approached again.


Mary's figure flashed past Kaido, and the long knife in her hand moved lightly, flickering around Kaido like a dragonfly touching water.

"Ten Thousand Leaves Breath!"


As he finished speaking, with the sound of the sword wind sweeping away, blood spots appeared all over Kaido's body.

There were tiny streams of blood splattering out in many places.


Kaido howled miserably, and curse marks began to appear all over his body.

He didn't have enough defense against Mary. With Mary's speed, the difficulty of cutting his flesh was about the same as withering a tofu flower.

It's interesting to say that if Kaido didn't use his form and only relied on his human form to fight Mary, it would be a lot more difficult for Mary. Because Kaido in human form has not transformed into a fantasy beast, which means that he lacks divinity, it is not as easy for Mary to break through Kaido's defense.

Of course, this is the advantage of poor intelligence. Kaido didn't know that he had special bonuses against phantom beasts.

Maybe he is still wondering if Mary's fruit power is special.

"Thunder gossip!"

As soon as Mary put away her sword, Kaido's roar came from behind her.

Thunder Bagua is fast and ruthless, and it reaches the extreme speed that even Luffy who predicts the future two years later cannot react.



Mary stepped lightly twice, and her entire body flashed under Kaido's stick like a phantom.

Then, he stabbed Kaido with another sword.


The severe pain made Kaido stagger violently.

Mary stood up calmly and wiped the blood off the blade.

In the state of blood damage + demon sword, her speed has long been far beyond the average emperor level.

"Sacred Foot·White Snake Drive!"

One wave has not subsided, and another wave has arisen. Before Kaido could recover from Mary's poison, Yamato's attack came again.

Kaido could only hurriedly set up Hachijie and put it over his head.


Taken and Hachijie collided fiercely, and in the overlord-colored confrontation, Kaido still had the advantage.

"Fall down, Kaido!"

"What sweet dream are you dreaming about!?"

Kaido roared angrily and knocked Yamato away again.

However, at the same time, Mary cut Kaido's open chest with a horizontal knife.



"It's just a pirate. After being dominant for so many years, it's time for him to come to an end!"

Mary grinned and sneered.

"what are you saying!?"

Kaido slammed the stick, and just as he was about to take a breath, Yamato rushed forward again.

One move, Thunderous Bagua, hit Kaido.

The breath that Kaido swallowed was stuck in his throat again, and he could only bite the bullet and hit Yamato with the stick against the severe pain spreading throughout his body.

"Miss Justice is right!"

Where the stalemate with Kaido was, Yamato shouted in a low voice.

Since he didn't know who Mary was, Yamato could only call her Mary by the name of Miss Justice.

"For the country of Wano! For the people!"

"It's best if you exit right here, Kaido!"

Yamato roared at Kaido.

Then, she suddenly felt cold all over.


Mary, who was waiting for an opportunity to make a move, looked at Kaido and her eyes widened suddenly.

"What's this……"

Kaido's appearance and aura changed.

His body suddenly became slender and ferocious, his cheeks became thinner, and at the same time he became more terrifying,

The eyes became more and more sharp, making it almost impossible to look into them.

At the same time, his body was covered with azure dragon scales, and his skin changed from flesh-colored to blue-grey.

Suddenly, a black mist floated over his body, and when she accidentally touched his eyes, Mary felt a chill that penetrated her heart from deep inside.

‘Another form? ’

Mary's thoughts were racing.

Kaido's original forms include dragon, human, orc forms...

What other form...


At this moment, Kaido's body suddenly moved.

His Hachisai remained motionless, holding on to Yamato's attack, and then punched Yamato in the abdomen.

Yamato felt like he was struck by lightning, his body was formed into an abnormal fold line shape from the waist, and he couldn't even let out a scream, so he flew out without saying a word.


Mary's eyes shrank, and then, Kaido's figure disappeared from her field of vision.

Her heart was shocked, and she immediately opened her eyes after seeing it.

At this moment, she felt that the whole world had become dark, and a wild beast opened its golden eyes in the depths of darkness and looked at her.

Then, the world suddenly shattered, the world of sex became clear, and Kaido——

Already appeared in front of her eyes!

'So fast……'

Mary was slightly startled and immediately stepped back.

At the same time, Kaido swept the ground where Mary was standing with a stick, and a mountain that resembled Mary's Immortal Peak rose from the ground and slammed into Mary.

Mary snorted softly, and a wave of blood slammed into the stone mountain.


Blood and stone collided with each other, and both sides were completely shattered.

Amidst the rain of stones, Mary saw Kaido standing alone in the middle of the battlefield.

The gray mist around him was slowly floating, and his faces were so stern that he looked so cold.

Mary's eyes narrowed slightly.

Yamato struggled to his feet. Her spine was severely damaged again. There must be some root causes of the disease after this battle, right?

Kaido looked at Yamato who was struggling to stand up, with an inexplicable emotion flashing in his eyes.

After a brief lull in the battle, Mary did not directly choose to attack Kaido in an unknown form out of caution.

Kaido stood in the middle of the battlefield and took a deep breath.

Now, he has entered his last form, which is also the trump card of his fruit ability.

He never thought that he would be forced to this point by two juniors.

However, the facts were in front of him, and he could not tolerate disbelief. However, Kaido, who has shown the ability to win at the bottom of the box, also has absolute confidence at this time - he will not lose.

His current form is called Ghost Dragon Form.

As the name suggests, the human-animal form is a combination of a human and a dragon, while the ghost-dragon form is a combination of a ghost and a dragon.

Dragon, it is not difficult to understand, is his Green Dragon Fruit.

And ghosts are his bloodline.

(Note: In the original work, Kaido once shouted to Yamato, "You are the son of a ghost." The ghosts may be a special race that has not yet appeared. Moreover, Kaido's base camp, Onigashima, has a huge skeleton on the island. At the same time, there are two huge curved horns on this skull. It looks a bit like Oz’s head. So I will make a bold guess here. The ghost should be a special race related to the ancient giants.)

(As for the ghost dragon form, it is based on the setting of the Beast Pirates recently announced by Oda. It describes that Kaido’s human-beast form has another stage. At this stage, Kaido can release the blue dragon ability. , allowing you to diversify your battles and defeat powerful enemies instantly.)

In this form, he can not only freely release the power of Qinglong, but also use the power of ghost.

That is the terrifying high speed far beyond normal, and the regeneration ability beyond normal organisms.

(This is what I set. Most of the special races in One Piece have their own special abilities. For example, Charlotte Brynn is a three-eyed tribe. Auntie once said that Brynn’s racial abilities will be awakened; Luna Members of the Leah tribe are able to produce fire on their bodies and survive various environmental conditions in nature)

Of course, entering this form consumes an astonishing amount of energy for Kaido.

The ability of racial bloodline cannot be used just when you want to.

He glanced at the battlefield and slowly said:

"For the sake of the country of Wano, for the sake of the people, let me withdraw?"

"Do you want me to quit based on your wishful thinking?"


Yamato responded firmly:

"A cruel monoman should not exist in this sea!"


Looking at the resolute Yamato, Kaido's eyes suddenly blurred.

For some reason, he, who was originally so excited, felt a loss of meaning at this moment.

I don't know since when, his only relative has been on the same level as him, like an enemy.

His eyes became a little cold.

Loss, betrayal, loss, betrayal...

His career so far seems to be filled with these two words all the time.

When he was ten years old, he was betrayed by his own country and finally lost his motherland.

During the battle in the Valley of Gods, he lost his captain.

He finally managed to get his pirate group together, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The time when I had a drink with Jin and others was gone forever, and I could only drink alone.

"Rocks can't be trusted. If you have anything, just tell me."

More than forty years ago, BIGMOM's words are still fresh in Kaido's memory. It was the first time he received attention from others.

Therefore, although the relationship between Kaido and BIGMOM has long been no longer as friendly as it once was due to various factors in recent years, Kaido still has some indifferent feelings for BIGMOM.

It's a pity that this "sister" who once protected him also died.

Zefa was right. After he came back, he immediately rushed to the place where the life paper was stored on Ghost Island.

Then, he only saw a pile of charred ash.

Kaido tightened his grip on Hachisai.

He looked up at the stubborn Yamato.

Finally, at this moment, he knew.

Even this last bond was broken, and everything was lost.

Maybe everything he experienced was partly his own fault, but he knew that the root cause of everything came from that betrayal when he was a boy.

Since then, a demon has been dormant in his soul. No more than the so-called demonic power of Devil Fruit, the demon hidden in the soul is far more terrifying than this so-called power.

After that, he had done too many things that he could not regret. He could only rely on his identity as a warrior and the rights brought by becoming a pirate to pour out all his anger, unwillingness, and pain on his enemies.

He was so miserable that he even sought suicide. And because of those who follow him, in order not to make them uneasy, he has to use lame reasons to cover up the lingering shadow in his heart.

"Perhaps in your opinion, my behavior is cruel and cruel, even cowardly..."

Kaido's tone became decisive, he lost all ties, and finally became alone, as if he had realized something.

He spoke calmly and forcefully, not like a violent and free-spirited pirate, but like a weather-beaten old man.

"Perhaps I have been repeating the same mistakes all my life, repeating things that seem unreasonable to you..."

Whether it was Yamato or Mari, they misjudged the nature of this pirate. No matter how ruthless he is, no matter how cruel his actions are, he is first and foremost an unrivaled warrior.

After fighting the sea for so many years, he will never waver or show mercy.

Even though these bad fates had almost overturned everything he had accumulated in half his life, he no longer felt sad about it.

He has been fighting this world for a long time. From now on, he has no restraints and no worries.

He just wanted to fight, fight, and keep fighting.

"But! Even if this is something extremely wrong in your opinion, so what!?"

Kaido asked loudly, turning his head to look at Mary.

That sharp gaze seemed to penetrate Mary's body and reach her soul.

"This is what I want to do."

His life was neither glorious nor free. But now he refuses to be convinced.

Regardless of being stubborn or contradictory, he just wants to be the same as he was at the beginning.

Be a free and pure warrior.

An overlord-colored domineering energy burst out from his body. Although the quality alone was not as good as Mary's overlord-colored aura, it was originally an idealistic power.

In a short period of time, Kaido, who had actually reached the extreme level, actually overpowered Mary in terms of dominance.

"Bloody hands, Yamato."

"You said I'm just a pirate, right?"

"You're so naive, rookies!"

"What you are facing is a veritable monster known to the world as the Four Emperors!


Kaido's body suddenly shook, and a fierce aura swept across the battlefield.

He suddenly squatted down, pulled Ba Zhaijie out of the ground, and pinned the cold beast boy to Mary's body.

However, the sight and color locked Yamato.

Then, he raised his Ba Zhai Jie high and blasted it toward the ground.

Under Mary's shocked gaze, the entire flower city was shaken, and then, the ground of the entire flower city lifted up like the petals of a blooming lotus.

Everyone is off balance.

Standing in the middle of the flowers, Kaido, who was as calm as a mountain, looked at all this, opened his mouth and laughed loudly:

"It's useless to say more——"

"Since you want me to withdraw..."

"Then come and defeat me and let me witness the birth of the next emperor of the sea, blah blah blah!"

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