Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 199: Battle of Huadu (13)

The glorious majesty illuminates the earth.

Even the dark red sky was illuminated by this golden holy light.

"What is this……"

Morgans stared dumbfounded at the huge magic circle that opened in the sky. In his impression, the time he saw this magic circle before was when Mary opened the inherent barrier at the naval base.

"Could it be..."

Thinking of the similarities between the two, Morgans had a conjecture in his mind.

"Did Mary learn this Blood Sea ability from this guy?"

"Isn't this a devil fruit ability?"

Having said that, Morgans did not neglect his actions and quickly took pictures of the shocking scene.

Although no one could be photographed from such a distance, it didn't matter. The scene was eye-catching enough to be published in the newspaper.

The sky-wide chains covered several kilometers in radius, wrapping around Kaido like a dragnet.

Countless chains were wrapped around Kaido's body like silk, including several quite thick golden chains locked around Kaido's neck.

"Damn...what is this..."

Kaido was twisting in a pile of golden chains, but was surprised to find that he couldn't break free.

Its hardness simply exceeded my expectations. It's not a matter of being pulled back if he tries to break away, but that he can't pull him back at all!

"How can this be!?"

This scene went beyond Kaido's common sense and caused his brain to shut down for a moment.

"I see, Enkidu, that divine weapon from the ancient civilization of Sumer, Mesopotamia..."

"'Aruru washed his hands, took the clay, and threw it on the ground,'"

"'From earth she created the majestic Enkidu.'"

"'He drew his strength from Ninurta,'"

"'He was hairy all over, and his hair was like a woman's, and curled like waves like Nisaba's,'"

"'He doesn't recognize anyone, he has no home, and he's dressed like a mother-in-law.'"

Standing on the ground, Elio Hiiragizawa touched his chin and thought:

"Strange, this Enkidu doesn't look [majestic]... His appearance is that of a woman, but his hair is not straight either..."

"The difference between the feeling and the record is huge."

Seeing the chains binding Kaido, Elio Hiiragisawa's eyes flashed.

"This scene……"

"The giant beast, the divine dragon, Kaido in front of me..."

"The Bull of Heaven?"

The scene in front of me seems to be reenacting the legendary Enkidu and Gilgamesh defeating the Bull of Heaven, but this time, it is Mary standing next to Enkidu.

"With the power of this blue dragon, it cannot be trapped by a chain of this size. But Enkidu seems to be able to do it with ease..."

"Is there any power on these chains?"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, it's a little far away."

Elio Hiiragisawa is full of curiosity about everything he doesn't know. Once omniscient, his desire for the unknown is incomprehensible to ordinary people.

"Forget it, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Elio Hiiragisawa shook his head and chuckled.

At the same time, while Enkidu restrained Kaido, Mary was flying high into the sky.

She wasn't worried at all that Kaido could escape. Enkidu once locked the God of Creation for an hour.

Although Kaido's divinity is far inferior to Tiamat, his power is also far inferior.

Mary's black figure flew towards the sky in a golden light, attracting the attention of Elio Hiiragisawa and Morgans.

"Bloody hands, what do you want to do?"

Morgans geared up and pointed the camera at Mary.

Mary's every move never failed him, and often he couldn't predict it.

Therefore, following Mary is like walking through a maze of treasures and dangers, never knowing what you will see next.

This exciting feeling accelerated the secretion of adrenaline in Morgans' body and raised his blood pressure.

Elio Hiiragisawa recalled what Mary had said to him through blood before, and smiled.

"Do you want to use other powers to shoot down Kaido? It's interesting."

"It's a pity that I still have to work."

After saying that, he shook his head with a wry smile and walked towards the edge of the flower capital.

Mary gave him something to do and hoped that he would do it. Elio Hiiragizawa was bored anyway, so he might as well do something if he had something to do.

Mary gradually flew over Enkidu and Kaido, flying higher into the sky.

She kept sorting out her plan in her mind.

There are four plans in total in her plan. The first plan is to kill Kaido by force on his own. It's a pity that in the end, it fell short due to poor luck.

The other three plans are used to deal with the current situation.

Plan 2: Let Hiragawa Elio use all his strength to defeat Kaido.

The biggest problem with this plan is that Hiiragisawa Elio is no better than Crowley. He himself is not good at frontal combat - or in other words, he is not good at this kind of extremely fierce frontal combat. Therefore, although Hiiragisawa Elio Ou's power is quite terrifying, but this plan is not adequate. Elio Hiiragisawa is better at rear work, such as building positions, developing auras, and theoretical knowledge.

Plan 3: Let Enkidu use all his strength to defeat Kaido.

This solution is feasible. As for Enkidu's strength, Mary believed that he must be at the level of an emperor. Under normal circumstances, Mary felt that Enkidu might not be able to win a one-on-one battle with Kaido. After all, Kaido was extremely powerful. This was her view when she didn't know that Kaido had divinity.

Now, Kaido's divinity is quite high, and he has been hit hard by Mary one after another. If Enkidu uses all his firepower, it is not impossible to defeat Kaido.

Moreover, this can also let everyone know that there is an emperor-level combat power around them, which can be used as a nuclear deterrent.

However, the disadvantage of this plan is that it will expose Enkidu's full power. Moreover, Enkidu may not have enough magic power under this plan.

Yes, not enough magic.

Although Enkidu's complete form ensures that he can absorb the great source of magic power on the earth to ensure his own life, firstly, his battle with Kaido takes place in the air, and secondly, the release of the Noble Phantasm still consumes her as the Master. Xiaoyuan magic power - that is, vitality.

She once talked with Xi about recruitment. From Xi's mouth, she learned that the system requires special people to recruit characters from other worlds. This specialness means that they have their own identity in the original world, or have the ability to travel through the world.

And bringing them from other worlds requires consuming limited PT, which is why there is a difference between recruiting special characters and recruiting ordinary soldiers. Ordinary arms are more like biochemical humans. By relying directly on three types of PT, the system can directly synthesize them in this world. But in addition to shaping the special characters, their consciousness must be brought from other worlds.

And therefore, for Mary, because the system wants to bring these people here in a way that is most consistent with her original world view, the relationship between these people and her is also different.

For example, Xi is the spirit parasitic in Mary's heart, because Xi itself is a power related to the soul, and as the will of the world, it cannot stay in the main world.

Elio Hiiragisawa appears as a kind of traveler walking around the world. This is also his choice after suffering a lot of hardships in his previous life. Moreover, he is also willing to help give guidance to the younger students.

The relationship between Enkidu and Mary is that of Master and Servant. It's just that there is no Command Seal. In other words, Enkidu's current existence is somewhat similar to Gilgamesh who gained a physical body after the Fourth World War. The magic power he usually supplies is enough to maintain a certain intensity of battle, but once the intensity of the battle increases, he has to use his own The master absorbed the magic power and used it.

This is why Mary's blood has been wrapping Enkidu... to heal the demon.

And Mary's life force is magic power. Under the backlash of the forbidden demon sword technique, even if the surrounding mountains are temporarily sucked in, Mary is not sure whether the magic power she supplies is enough to kill Enkidu.

Plan 4: Let Elio Hiiragisawa and Enkidu take action to control Kaido, and then use that divine strike to finish the game.

This solution can also solve Kaido. Even Kaido in his heyday may not be able to withstand a divine attack, let alone Kaido at this time.

Although the Divine Strike moves forward, Elio Hiiragisawa and Enkidu can ensure that Kaido cannot escape the range of the Divine Strike.

Under this plan, Elio Hiiragisawa can completely hide behind the scenes, and Enkidu will only show the power to control others. Mary also asked Enkidu to appropriately reduce his power to show weakness and make others underestimate Enkidu's strength.

After Mary temporarily absorbed the vitality of the grass and trees, it was more than enough to supply Enkidu with magic power to activate the Noble Phantasm once. Moreover, in this case, Enkidu's truly powerful attack power was not reflected.

This is equivalent to having a hidden and permanent trump card.

Then, finish with a divine strike yourself. The experience card does not need to be powered by itself, and Mary believes that with the expressive power of the divine strike in the original work, it can perfectly serve as a Bienkidu [O people, hope to lock the gods! 】A more perfect deterrent.

It is obviously a cost-effective deal to exchange a disposable hole card for a permanent hole card, and to exchange an undifferentiated AOE, uncontrollable and forward-moving hole card for a hole card that can be used at any time and has its own ideas.

To sum up, Mary finally chose to apply the fourth solution.

"This is my first time flying to such a high place..."

Looking down at the earth, the shape of Huadu comes into view.

Looking down from Mary's height, she could even see the border of Wano Country in the distance.

"It's incredible..."

Mary said to herself, and took out the [Apocryphal Code: Divine Strike] experience card from her inventory.

A card as clear as crystal fell into her hand, with some incomprehensible golden spells engraved on it.

"How does this thing work?"

Mary couldn't help but frown.

Speaking of which, this was her first time using an experience card.

"Hey, system." Mary asked, "How to use the experience card?"

"Just snap it off."

The system replied coldly and ruthlessly.

"What a crude approach."

Mary shook her head and sighed.

Then, she broke the crystal card in her hand.


With the sound of crystal shattering, the experience card snapped and turned into crystal dust and slowly floated away.



Mary raised her eyebrows, why was there no movement.

Mary didn't feel the change, but at this moment, Elio Hiiragizawa's expression suddenly changed on the ground.

"This kind of power!?"

For the first time, Elio Hiiragisawa showed a shocked expression for the first time since he was summoned.

All along, Elio Hiiragisawa has been shown to others as an extremely mysterious magician, a miracle walking in the world, as if everything is under his control.

However, now, Elio Hiiragisawa's expression became serious.


"Whirring whirring……"

Mary also felt the change. The extremely turbulent air current in the sky suddenly disappeared.

"What on earth is this..."


! "

At this moment, a purple magic circle quickly opened at Mary's feet.


Purple breath spurted out from the ground, passed through the magic circle, and turned into a purple magical light stream, washing over Mary, crossing her body, and then rushing straight into the sky.

Without thinking much, Mary immediately looked up.

At this moment, her vagina shrank suddenly.

"What's this……"

The clouds in the sky gathered together and surrounded the purple torrent, forming a huge vortex with a radius of hundreds of kilometers. The huge clouds slowly rotate with a majestic and vast momentum, and the visual effect is top-notch.

Then, she saw a red hole appearing behind the clouds, somewhere far away, perhaps in the background of the universe.

The magic light flow penetrated into the hole and disappeared without a trace leaking out. The crimson hole was like an endless maw, swallowing up all the magic power that came.

Mary gulped.

She felt an unrivaled power.

"Does any pseudo-canon have such power..."

Kaido's struggling movements also stopped.

"What is this... Bloody Hand, what other tricks do you have?"

He looked at the sky and said blankly.

Mary was still in a daze. She lowered her head and suddenly saw Morgans running towards her with a feverish look.

With a thought, the blood stuck to the area around Morgans, preventing him from getting close.

Under the divine attack, Mary was not sure she could protect Morgans.

Seeing Morgans' actions, Mary finally reacted.

"We can't just wait for God to strike down now."

"Since it is used, it must be used to its full potential."

"Not only must we destroy Kaido, but we must also provide the ultimate deterrent to everyone."

Mary's vagina gradually became cold.

She deliberately used the fruit power to suppress her humanity, and then the divinity belonging to the child of light began to emerge in her body.

Her body slowly floated up, behind her was the extremely deep red cave, and around her was the holy light illuminated by Enkidu's Sky Lock.

She opened her hand, and the sea of ​​​​blood surged up, turning into bloody fish and flying into the sky like a heavy rain.

At the same time, the storm was raging. The blood mixed with the clouds, and the huge swirling clouds behind her were gradually dyed blood red from the center.

The dark figure hung high in the center of the clouds, as majestic as a god.

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