Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 277: The storm is rising

Mary didn't wait long in the Forest of the Sea. About half an hour later, Renesmee brought Lunalia over.

At this time, Lunaria had broken away from the huge mountain of flesh, and was now a long navy blue figure just like when Renesmee took Mary to see him not long ago.

With a body that is more than six meters long, except for the human upper body, the lower body spreads out long and erratic like clouds, like a snake.

When Lunaria arrived, Mary was shaping a human figure out of soil.

After Mary soaked the soil with her own blood, the soil was easily shaped. Subsequently, the blood released life force onto the inorganic objects. After absorbing the life force, the inorganic objects suddenly began to move.

"What are you doing..."

Renesmee frowned slightly at this scene.


Mary wiped her sweat and looked back at the two [people].

"I'm experimenting with whether the size of living things, or the size of inorganic objects, will affect the way life force operates."

"It doesn't seem to be a big problem now, but the reaction of the living body produced in this way is too simple. It feels the same as a single-celled organism."

"What is a single-celled organism?"

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. You just need to know that it is a very simple creature."

Mary scratched her head: "The size of the object will not affect the operation of the vitality, but the operation of the vitality is still simpler now. I am starting to complicate the entire operation system."

"That is to say, I am conducting an experiment."

"I hope I can give Lunalia a body that is almost the same as a human's."

Having said this, Mary shrugged and then looked at Renesmee:

"Okay, Lunalia just needs to come here. You can help me find materials."

"Something like agate, bone, or some horn would also work."

"Hmm... maybe we can also bring some seabed clay or something?"

"Anyway, you can leave."

After saying that, Mary made a gesture to drive people away without politeness.

Mastering the core technology is so confident.

Renesmee shrugged without comment and looked at Lunaria. The two seemed to be looking at each other.

Hmm... maybe it's some special way of communication among elves.

Not long after, Renesmee nodded, glanced at Mary and Lunalia, then turned and left outside the Fish-Man Island.

Only Mary and Lunaria were left in the Forest of the Sea.

"Yo... we should have met a long time ago, right?"

Mary looked at Lunaria and asked.

Mary had a very familiar feeling from the first time Renesmee brought her to meet Lunaria.

I always feel like I’ve seen it somewhere.

But now when she saw Lunaria again, Mary suddenly reacted.

He controls the weather, has a navy blue figure, and has a bad temper, but he has no malicious intent against humans...

"You've been in the Devil's Triangle before, right? We've met there before."

Mary said firmly.

She is still deeply impressed by that floating island floating in the Devil's Triangle.

There are two reasons. The first is the history recorded in the ancient texts and other materials above. It was the first time Mary came into contact with the truth eight hundred years ago. And the other one is a huge natural disaster that still makes her feel astonished.

An ocean crashed down from above. This scene is unforgettable for anyone.

And Mary had a vague impression...that is, when the natural disaster struck, she saw a figure in the clouds in the sky.

A navy blue figure.

Although no matter how you look at it, the size of this navy blue figure is dwarfed by the one we saw before, but this kind of elf cannot be speculated based on common sense. Since both can cause natural disasters, Mary has reason to think that the two are the same thing.

However, Lunalia shook her head, as if she was deep in thought. Soon after, lightness surrounded Mary.

"...don't you know? Haha...that's true."

Mary smiled and tilted her head: "For an immortal like you who has lived for who knows how many years... This kind of thing probably only happened more than half a year ago. I'm afraid I don't even have a memory."

Lunalia's body was like a cloud, her dark green eyes showed no emotion, and the expression on her face was a bit vague, making it difficult to tell the truth.

"Okay, then Lunalia, how about we just chat? I need to know you better before I can shape you... By the way, can you speak human language?"


"Well, you probably can't. So can you write?"


"That's no problem. I told you to write it. Control your temper and don't get angry at me suddenly."

"Although I'm not too scared... but your attack coverage is too wide. I'm afraid that if you accidentally blow up the Forest of the Sea or Fishman Island, Renesmee will come back and beat you to death."


Lunaria blew a dent in the soft white sand.

【I try my best】

"...Do you feel like your character is pretty good?"

Mary raised her eyebrows, "You seem to be much easier to talk to than Renesmee."

Lunalia didn't say anything, she just rolled up her body slowly and made a circle around Mary.

A body like a cloud enveloped Mary.

"Renesmee said you were very close to people, and she was right."

Mary smiled and touched the cloud-like body. The touch was empty, but she could still feel a warmth.

"Hehe... Then I'll continue to shape up."

"I will practice more and try to increase my speed."

"Oh yes, Lunalia, what do you want yourself to be?"

"Beautiful man? Little boy? Super strong man?"

"Oh... you may not be a boy, so do you want to be a cute girl?"

[Renesmee is a woman, so I will be a man]

"Does the sky correspond to the ocean? It makes sense."

"But Lunaria, according to you, what will happen if an earth elf appears in the Red Earth Continent in the future?"



It seems that this touches the other party’s knowledge blind spot.

In Alabasta, Weiwei was sitting in the office, answering a call from a stranger.

"You said... you are the general of Wano Country?"

Weiwei asked tentatively.

"Ah, yes, I am Oden...ah, no, Yamato."

A woman's hearty voice came from the other side of the phone.

"We, the Kingdom of Wano, would like to join the Desert Alliance, is that okay?"

"Huh, huh?"

Weiwei was stunned.

She does know the country Wano. This country is a country of warriors and one of the most well-known countries in the world. It is one of the countries with the strongest combat effectiveness in the world.

But first of all, this country is in the new world, and secondly, this country has not even joined the world government, so it is quite aloof. At present, the vast majority of members of the Desert Alliance are related to the World Government. Although some countries have withdrawn from the World Government because of excessive sky gold, it also shows that they at least recognize the existence of the World Government and their power.

And a country that is so arrogant that it is unwilling to join the World Government...now suddenly wants to join the Desert United?

The Desert Alliance doesn't seem to be able to give them much protection. It would be better to say that they can protect the Desert Alliance after joining.

"Uh, general, why do you want to join the Desert Alliance?"

Weiwei swallowed and asked seriously.

"Oh, does your Desert Alliance have a leader named Mary Vinicius?"

When she heard Mary's name, Weiwei immediately brightened up.

She said with a serious face:


"That's right, Your Excellency Mary defeated Kaido and saved Wano Country. Therefore, as generals of Wano Country, we hope to join the national coalition led by her."

"So, is this reason enough?"

"...enough." Weiwei sighed, then smiled happily.

Another country saved by Lady Mary...

After agreeing, Weiwei looked serious and asked seriously:

"In that case, I have a few questions to ask you."

"First: Your country is in the new world after all. It is too far away from us, and communication is not convenient. How do you want to solve it?"

"Second, to become a member of the Desert Alliance, you must send troops for the Desert Alliance and provide enough power to protect those countries that have been violated."

"Can you agree to these two conditions? This is the basic condition for joining us."

"No problem, of course."

Yamato answered very generously.

Weiwei nodded: "Okay, do you have any fax phone bugs there?"

"Ah...fax phone bug?"

There was a noise from the other side of the phone bug, and soon after, Yamato's voice came from the other side of the phone bug.

"Yes, yes."

"Okay, then I'll get your joining documents first..."

Weiwei said, the next step is some official matters such as the joining process.

Faced with the joining of a superpower, Weiwei was quite serious.

After Weiwei hung up the phone, Yamato breathed a sigh of relief.

The current Yamato is in an office building in the center of Huadu, which is still being rebuilt and is in the ascendant. Wearing a gorgeous armor and kimono, he looked noble.

"I'm still not very good at doing this kind of thing."

She couldn't help but gasped, then turned around and looked:

"Mr. Elliot, is this okay?"

"Ah, of course."

Behind him, Elio Hiiragisawa, who was making tea and sipping, said with a smile.

He single-handedly led the reconstruction of Huadu and even Wano Country. At the same time, as Mary's representative, he stayed in Wano Country to negotiate with Yamato, Hiyori and others.

Regarding the issue of postwar leaders, Hiyori is obviously smart. After seeing the power of Yamato and others with her own eyes, and Yamato actually planning to inherit Oden's mantle, she no longer clings to her royal status.

After all, Kaido's rule over the years has made them understand that big fists are the last word.

Yamato, Hiragawa Elio and others who control the core power are obviously on the same front.

And this is also Hiiragizawa Elio’s own calculation.

When Mary left, she told Elio Hiiragizawa that Wano Country would be her future base and the core of the core. The terrain of Wano Country is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it has a very important strategic position.

Elio Hiiragisawa made it clear that he and Mary were on the same side after Mary left, and Enkidu was also part of the team that subdued Kaido, and both of them were Mary's partners. Enkidu did not participate in the internal affairs of the country of Wano. He was always outside the country of Wano.

Ever since the news of Kaido's death came out, a large number of pirates have been charging towards Wano Country one after another, hoping to take advantage of this gap to plunder Wano Country. However, the existence of Enkidu made all their ideas in vain.

Over time, Enkidu's name began to spread across the sea. No one knew his name, but everyone saw on the news that this man cooperated with Mary to kill Kaido.

Now he is killing pirates who dare to approach Wano Country. People think that he is the hidden guardian of Wano Country.

The sea gave him a title: [Dragon Hunter] and.

Compared to Enkidu, Elio Hiiragisawa is almost a non-existent person in the eyes of outsiders. In the battle to annihilate Kaido, his performance was not as shining as Enkidu's. After the war, he never left the country of Wano and had no contact with the outside world.

The reason is because Elio Hiiragizawa has been dealing with internal affairs.

He used his magic to restore the scars caused by war and pollution, and gained extremely high reputation among the people of Wano. He was respectfully called "National Master" by the people of Wano. And a national master like him stood silently behind Yamato, who called himself [Oden], was very powerful, and gave Kaido the final blow.

This brought Yamato's reputation to a peak.

The reason why Hiiragizawa Elio is willing to support Yamato is simple. He could see that the people of the Kozuki family had a natural sense of alienation towards Kaido's daughter. Although Yamato himself didn't feel anything, he knew very well that Yamato and the Kozuki family seemed to be incompatible with each other.

Supporting Yamato is easier to control than supporting the Kozuki family.

It’s not that the Kozuki family is very smart, or that it’s difficult for smart people to control them.

After learning about the death of Wano Country, in Hiiragizawa Elio's mind, most of the people in the Kozuki family are: the country is in danger but they are humble, they are strong but they don't resist, they are powerless but have a small pattern, and they have negative emotions. exposed on the surface.

This kind of cooperation goal is by no means an ideal cooperation goal. If I let the other party take control of the country of Wano, I might be tricked by them at some point.

Therefore, letting Yamato control Wano would be a better option.

Of course, having two powers in one country is a very dangerous thing, so...

The current situation is still unstable and we cannot take action yet.

When everything is on track, he will find a way to make all the remaining elders of the Kozuki family——

Disappear silently.

Taking a sip of tea, Elio Hiiragisawa said with a smile:

"This tea tastes good, as expected of a Far Eastern country..."

"Ah? Mr. Elliot, this is tea imported from the Kingdom of Flowers. After the liberation of Wano, the first person to contact us was the Kingdom of Flowers."

Yamato said quickly.

"The Kingdom of Flowers..." Elio Hiiragisawa said with a smile, "Let's find a chance to go there and have a look."

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