Pirate Bloody Hand Mary

Chapter 309: Face to face with Im



With a loud roar, Mary's speech ended.

This crazy and bold speech had more effect than Mary could have imagined. She stood on the stage, looking at the sea of ​​people in the audience who looked like demons, and suddenly felt a sense of unreality.

"I can actually get to where I am today..."

she muttered.

Esdeath walked up behind her and looked around the audience in surprise.

"If you want to be a politician, you will definitely be a very scary guy. But what a pity, this guy has quite a lot of vitality. If possible, I would like to keep him for experimentation."

"There will be many experimental subjects in the future, but Weibull is the only one." Mary looked at the people in the audience and said, "If we want to achieve this effect at this time, we can only use Weibull."

"Okay, okay, is the speech over now? Then I'll withdraw first."

Esdeath shrugged and turned to leave.

Mary was also preparing to drag Weibull's body away. Her emotions were already aroused, and the purpose of her speech was achieved.

The rest of the endgame can be left to the Warring States Period, and she can retire with success.

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

Amidst the deafening cheers, a very clear sound of applause came.

This applause is not harsh, but makes people feel like a spring breeze. But among the noise, it seemed extremely abrupt.

Warring States face suddenly turned sideways and looked in one direction. Mary also trembled and looked to her side almost subconsciously.

A sense of crisis enveloped her, as if she was being targeted by some kind of ferocious beast.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah..."

"This is……"

Esdeath, who was about to leave, also stopped smiling and looked back.


Although there was no outward momentum, Garp and others felt a suffocating sense of oppression.

Coming from a person.

On the side of the podium, someone had already sat down.

A man in white clothes and a white mask stood behind him without saying a word, looking at everyone warily.

The man sitting upright has white hair, is wearing snow-white clothes, and has a delicate face like a young man who is just starting out.

But the smile on his face made others feel inexplicably frightened.

"Who are you……"

Mary's eyes dilated slightly.

The person in front of me... looks very familiar.

"A very good speech, even I feel excited."

The man stood up with a smile and walked slowly towards Mary.

At this time, even the ordinary navy soldiers noticed this man's existence.

But they did not have the keen awareness of Mary and others. When they watched the man walking towards Mary, they were just curious about who this man was.

"..." A drop of cold sweat flowed from Morgans' forehead.

Yin Mu's existence is a secret to most people in the world, but as a journalist, he knows more or less the inside story.

After all, he has worked with Doflamingo in the past.

"This guy can't be..."


In Baldigo's conference room, Long's expression suddenly changed and he stood up.

"It's Yin Mu."

"Mr. Long?" Sabo was stunned for a moment, "Who is Yin Mu?"

"Yin Mu is the actual ruler of the world government, and..."

Long's hands clenched quietly, "If my previous guess is correct, I'm afraid this guy... is actually the strongest in the world."


The top leaders of the Revolutionary Army in the conference room took a deep breath.

A trickle of cold sweat ran down Long's forehead.


Garp and others also frowned when they saw this and wanted to get up and step forward.

However, Crane stopped them with a wave of his hand.

"Little Crane?" Garp looked at Crane in confusion.

"Take it easy, Garp."

He whispered: "This person... is not on the same level as everyone you have met before."


Garp was stunned for a moment, and the three generals all looked shocked after hearing this.

Who is Cap? That was someone who had faced Pirate King Roger and Rocks directly.

Not on the same level as these two people?

Ms. Crane will stop Garp, which means Garp may not be able to offend her.

Thinking in this direction, if the so-called not a level refers to strength...

Several people suddenly felt a sense of terror.

"you are?"

Mary half-closed her eyes, looked at Yin Mu, and said tentatively.

This sense of oppression, this sense of threat...

There's no mistake, this guy is...

The figure in front of her gradually merged with the figure fighting the sea in her memory.

"Is this the first time we've met?" Yin Mu showed a kind smile, "It's strange, I feel like we have met several times before."

Mary remained silent.

In the Devil's Triangle, although she saw Yin Mu, Yin Mu didn't pay attention to her. Therefore, when Yoon-mu said he had seen him before, he should mean...

When the original owner was a child...

"Then let me introduce myself. My name is Yin Mu. You can also call me Victoria."

Yin Mu said with a smile and walked up to Mary.

"Your speech was quite good, and many of the ideas you proposed made my blood boil. If possible, do you have time to have a chat with me?"

After saying that, Yin Mu slowly moved his hand towards Mary's head.

His hand passed over Mary's head, slid towards the back of her neck, and lifted the hair on the back of her neck.


Esdeath on the side had already drawn his sword, and a sharp murderous aura instantly enveloped Yin Mu.

On the podium that looked calm on the surface, the two momentums were still tit for tat, and they were extremely sharp.

Mary's hair and eyes were also dyed red for the first time.

Although she is not very willing to have a head-on conflict with Yin Mu at this time, after all, she is not confident enough to win against him.

But if Yin Mu came directly to her door, she wouldn't be afraid of a fight.

At the critical moment, a burly figure suddenly squeezed Mary away.


Mary, who was originally full of murderous intent, was stunned by such a blockage.

Sengoku's figure stood between the two of them.

"...Warring States Period?"

Yin Mu's outstretched hand was blocked back, and his expression became obviously a little cold.

He narrowed his eyes, and then a tremendous pressure covered the entire naval headquarters.

"Well... why is it so cold suddenly..."

Some ordinary marines were trembling and looking around.

The expressions of the lieutenant generals who had some strength changed drastically, and they all drew their swords and looked at Yin Mu.

The hostility can be felt even across a screen.

"What's going on……"

"Who is that man?"

There was a lot of discussion on the Chambord Islands, and everyone looked at what was happening at the Navy Headquarters and was confused.

"Sorry, this is the Navy Headquarters, and Mary is... Vice Admiral."

Seng Guo faced Yin Mu and said expressionlessly.


Yin Mu looked at Seng Guo without saying a word.

The two looked at each other silently, and a breathless atmosphere spread from the stage.


Crane's eyelids twitched and he covered his face.

"I just guess this guy can't control himself."

Zefa suddenly jumped onto the stage, then hugged Mary and retreated violently.

Warring States stood motionless in front of Yin Mu. Yin Mu had no attitude towards Zefa's actions, and just looked at Warring States.

After a long time, he finally said softly:

"Marshal Warring States, you have changed."

"I am about to leave my post." Warring States said calmly, "Before I leave, I naturally have to bring some new changes to the navy."

"Very good, your idea is very good."

Yin Mu nodded, and the suffocating pressure suddenly disappeared, revealing a gentle smile.

Many lieutenant generals who had tensed up their bodies also felt a lightness on their shoulders.

For a time, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Yin Mu.

Without releasing his overbearing lust, ghostly aura, murderous aura, and nothing else, everyone felt unprecedentedly nervous.

Who is this guy?

"..." Warring States' body did not relax at all. As the only person in the navy who knew something about Yin Mu, he was well aware of the unpredictable and moody nature of the person in front of him.

The second person in the navy who knew something about Yin Mu was He.

Of course, that's without counting Mary.

"You have a good heir."

Yin Mu's tone was incomprehensible, and then he turned around and left without any hesitation.

The man in white followed closely behind him, not forgetting to look back at them.

The two of them disappeared into thin air within seconds, as if they had never happened.

This strange way of disappearing also shocked everyone.


Standing on the stage, Warring States finally relaxed, and as soon as he took a breath, he suddenly realized that his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"...It's not good."

He gave a wry smile.

Mary, Mary, you guy... was actually targeted by Yin Mu.

Backstage, Zefa put Mary, who was hugged by him, on the ground, while Esdeath and Enshia followed behind him.

"That person is very dangerous."

Esdeath said with a frown.

Since coming to this world, Esdeath has never felt like that before.

It felt like being targeted by the highest level of danger when I was a child.

This feeling made her extremely uncomfortable.

It was only at this moment that Enxia regained consciousness, her stiff body softened, and she leaned against the wall next to her.

"That scary guy was smiling, but he didn't look relaxed at all."

"Who is that?"

"Warring States is actually so cautious. It seems he knows something."

Zefa frowned and said, then looked at Mary and said:

"Don't worry too much. Although I don't know who it is, Sengoku will definitely help you. You are a navy after all."

"I'll go back and help you ask who that person is. You have to be more careful in the future. With that aura just now, that guy is no ordinary person."

As soon as Zefa finished speaking, Mary tugged on his sleeve.

"No need, I've met that person once and I probably know who he is."


Seeing Mary's solemn expression, Zefa couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.

In his memory, he had never seen Mary show such an expression.

"Teacher Zefa, don't ask the Warring States Marshal, and don't ask me who he is."

Mary looked at Zefa seriously and said:

"Knowing this is not a good thing for you. You are no longer fighting on the front line. Your own safety is the most important thing."

"...Is that person from the World Government?"

Zefa asked in a low voice.

"You don't need to know."

"……I see."

In a deserted street in Mariegio, two figures slowly emerged from the air.

They are Yin Mu and the man in white.

"Your ability is really good." Yin Mu nodded slightly and said, "It's very suitable for sneaking in."

"Even with my knowledge, I can't see your movement path."

"That's ridiculous, Lord Yinmu."

The man in white leaned forward slightly, then raised his head and asked:

"Lord Yinmu, I have a question and I wonder if I can ask you."


"Lord Yin Mu, you should have made a decision just now, right?"

The man in white said softly: "No matter whether Mary is a suitable carrier or not, we are going to catch her and try, right?"

"You're very perceptive, I don't hate it."

Yin Mu acquiesced to the man in white's statement.

The man in white lowered his head even lower.

"Then if that's the case, why didn't you take action just now?"

"With your strength, let alone Mary and Sengoku, even if the entire navy swarms, you can easily destroy the entire navy, can't you?"


Yin Mu snorted coldly.

The man in white closed his eyes.

"Please teach me."


Yin Mu turned his body sideways and glanced at the man in white.

"Famine, let me ask you, what is my main purpose?"

"Long-lasting world domination."

The man in white, that is, Famine, answered without hesitation.

"That's right, dominating the world. Catching carriers is another matter altogether."

Yin Mu nodded, "As long as I am the ruler of this world, if I miss one carrier, there will be another one. I am immortal and have no shortage of time."

"But it takes time to build a navy. If you destroy this navy, it will take much more energy to build the next navy."

Yin Mu explained the famine in a rare and patient manner:

"You are right. With my strength, I can easily destroy the entire navy headquarters. But what happens next?"

"The navy is the foundation for my rule of the world. Although my power is strong, I cannot always appear in any corner of the world that opposes me."

"I need a carrier, but this does not allow me to rule the world. Mary is now protected by the entire navy. She and the navy are both prosperous and destructive, so it is inconvenient for me to take action."

"You know what I mean, famine?"

Famine thought for a moment and nodded.

"You wouldn't destroy your foundation for a carrier, would you?"


Yin Mu nodded, and then said coldly:

"Of course, I won't let Mary go so easily. Although there will always be carriers and so on, waiting for a hundred years is really a headache."

"The Warring States Period is about to step down. The time for the next marshal to hand over power is the time for the division and integration of naval forces."

"The navy was at its weakest at that time."

"At that time, let's take action again."

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