The Laberdeen Peninsula, an uninhabited island in the East China Sea, is not too large, and it takes about half a day to complete the journey.

The vegetation is luxuriant, the animals are sparse and very peaceful!

The shipbuilders stopped on the peninsula and broke the tranquility of the island, being struck by lightning on the sails, causing them to sail very slowly. But simply, they finally came to this destination.

“Are you sure this is the place?” The ship merchant did not look like a cunning merchant at this time, but instead had a solemn face!

“Head, the news from the upper hair is indeed this island, this is a code word!” A crew member handed the drawings to the ship’s merchant.

The shipbuilder nodded: “I see, you are all waiting for me here!” ”


“That guy from the dragon actually raised a son behind my back, it’s really abominable!”

Deep in the forest, the footsteps of several people were heard.

The head of the head is larger than ordinary people, huge eyes and mouth, purple hair, with a giant-like head, but the body is half the same as ordinary people, dressed in a “sexy” costume, tall little legs step by step.

The body shape looks very funny, the face is covered with heavy pink makeup, and the smile is like a ghost crying, enough to frighten a little fart child.

“It” is not Ivankov, a cadre of the revolutionary army, who else will there be? .

Along the way, facing the leader of the revolutionary army, Monchi D. Long cursed and cursed, not treating him as the leader of the revolutionary army at all!

Next to Ivankov, Imazuna held a cup of tea in her hand and drank it in small sips.

Behind them, the merchant who had just disembarked trembled and followed behind them. You know, in front of him, there are two big Buddhas of revolutionary army cadres!

Had to let him offer well.

“You haven’t been discovered by the Navy this time!”

Ivankov finished talking about Monchi · After D. Long, he turned his head to look at the shipbuilder and asked.

“We were chased by the Navy, but we ran aground in a hurry, the hull was repaired, and we didn’t see the navy chasing us along the way!” The shipbuilder replied with his head bowed.

Ivankov touched his chin: “There is a risk!” ”

After all, it was discovered!

“I think we can try it, so let’s check it out!” Imazuna stopped drinking tea on her hand and said.

“Good!” After Ivankov finished speaking, he walked towards the ship.

Behind him, there were two people, Imazuna and the shipbuilder.


At this moment, a thunderbolt sounded on a sunny day, and the shipbuilder only felt that it was fried.

But looking at Ivankov and the two of them when they were about to inspect the ship, what they wanted to say suddenly got stuck in their throats and did not dare to make a sound!

This ship seems to be able to cross the robbery, although they have a deep experience, but if they say it to people who do not know, how can others believe it!

Not only the ship’s merchants, but also the crew on the side also lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

However, their action in unison is to stay away from the ship, for fear of being caught by dustpans!

“Why are they so far from the ship? Is this ship going to eat people? Ivankov glanced around, puzzled.

“Probably in awe of Lord Ivankov!” Imazuna said from the sidelines.

“When can your mouth be so sweet?”

Although Ivankov preached, his face was oily, and he seemed to like the tout!

The two got on the boat, and at this moment, the thunderbolt in the sky sounded again!

A group of crew members around subconsciously left the ship a little farther, terrified, they all came with a thunderbolt on a sunny day all the way!


At this moment, a lightning bolt fell directly from the sky, and Ivankov, who was investigating the hull, suddenly noticed something and just raised his head.

In his eyes, a large silver snake suddenly enlarged in his heavily made eyes, and finally…


Ivankov was electrocuted and paralyzed, fell from a height, and hit the ground hard!

“Lord Ivankov!” Imazuna’s face changed, and she quickly jumped off the boat!

But as soon as he jumped off the boat, a bolt of lightning fell on him accurately.


Imazuna paused and then fell stiffly.

About ten minutes later, the thunderbolt disappeared again!

Ivankov and Imazuna both had scorched black bodies, especially Ivankov’s lush purple hair, which was completely deformed at this time because he was struck by lightning!

“In broad daylight, why do thunderbolts appear?”

This is really a thunderbolt on a legendary sunny day, well, Ivankov and Imazuna were immediately recruited.

Although Ivankov’s whole person usually looked very grinning, his mind was still very delicate, and he suddenly thought of the ship’s merchants who had just not followed on the ship, and the reaction of the surrounding crew.

“Say, do you know something?” Ivankov asked, staring at the ship’s merchant.

“My lord, it’s none of my business, it’s really none of my business!”

Finding that the situation was serious, the shipbuilder quickly knelt down and begged for mercy!

But he knows Ivankov’s methods well, he will cut the tin if he does not agree, and change his sex if he does not agree!

He is a just and honest man, if he becomes a shemale, he will have to pay off!

“You really know, or else….!”

Ivankov touched the hair of his head, gritted his teeth for a while, looked at the ship’s merchant, meaning the consequences you know!

“I said…. I say! “How dare the shipbuilders not follow now, and now they have told them what they encountered at sea.

“You mean, you also encountered such a thunderbolt on the sea?” Ivankov said.

“Yes…. Yes….”

Imazuna’s whole person is also uncomfortable now, especially her body still carries electricity, which cannot be dispersed for a long time.

He said, “How can there be such weather in the East China Sea? ”

Ivankov touched his chin: “This kind of ghost weather, even the new world does not have it!” ”

Using the fruit ability, it was hard to change himself back.

Just changed back, the hair is upturned again, scorched black, the consequences of being hit by lightning, can not be restored in a short time!

“Damn, how can I go out and meet people like this!” Ivankov gritted his teeth with a big mouth, looking very angry.

The ship’s head was lowered, and he did not dare to make a sound.

“You guys have also been struck by lightning from the sea?” Imazuna asked.

“Yes… That is true! “The shipbuilders are about to cry!

“And before that? Have there been any abnormalities? “Imazuna.

“This… Not at all! ”

“That’s weird!” Imazuna touched her chin, this situation could not be sudden, and then asked: “Then did you stop on the way?” Or what happened? ”

“Adults, the small ones are trying to transport this batch of things, but they are working hard and hard, and they dare to stop for the future of the revolutionary army!”

“Don’t worry, we won’t blame you for this kind of thing, you can rest assured!” Imazuna said.

Ivankov didn’t care about his hair anymore, and carefully looked at the ship’s merchant.

“We… We had smooth sailing at first, and then we were discovered by the Navy and hunted down. Because it was so fast, it hit the rocks afterwards. Oh yes, we stayed in the East China Sea Windmill Village for half an hour, because we ran aground and couldn’t sail, but by then we had already thrown off the navy! ”

The shipbuilder lowered his head and said the matter.

“What are you doing in Windmill Village?” Imazuna seemed to have caught a glimmer of inspiration.

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