Pirate: I can simplify skills

Chapter 171 Battle of Dressrosa Palace (1)

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone followed Lu Chen and rushed towards the palace ahead.

Because of the powerful strength that Lu Chen showed just now, ordinary people did not dare to come to stop Lu Chen and others from moving forward, and the road was much easier.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

"Fire Fist·Mirror Fire Flame!"

Lu Chen looked in the direction of the sound and saw a sea of ​​fire not far away, and there were two familiar figures in the sea of ​​fire.

It was Fire Fist Ace and Sabo who were blocking the navy led by Fujitora.

"I didn't expect Ace to come too. It seems that the world has changed a lot of plots because of me, but it will eventually be corrected by the will of this world." Lu Chen glanced at it and ran forward again.

Now, the most important task is to kill Doflamingo, other things can be put aside for the time being.

A few minutes later.

A huge figure appeared in front of him. It was Pika who was fighting Zoro. With that huge body, the power of his punch was really strong.

It's a pity that he can't use armed color Haki. If he can cover his whole body with armed color Haki, his strength will be improved to a new level.

"Hero! Don't run!"

At this time, Pika suddenly noticed Kuroye and others heading to the palace, and must stop them here to prevent them from disrupting the young master's plan.

The body merged into the huge stone giant, transformed into a huge arm, and rushed towards the direction of Lu Chen and others at high speed.

"let me!"

"I'm coming too!"

Green Pepper and Boxing King Elizabello II are about to step forward. However, Lu Chen used the Sixth Style of Navy Shave to move in front of the two of them instantly and shouted:

"You go first, leave this guy to me!"


Seeing this, Qingjiao and the others didn't know what to say. They completely believed in Lu Chen's strength and ran straight forward regardless of Pika's huge fist.

As for why Lu Chen chose to take action, it was entirely because the system's mission was triggered.

Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the mission. System reward: Stop Pika. System reward: Energy points +200!

According to the plot, the boxing king and Qingjiao should stop Pika, but now the system wants Lu Chen to take action, which may have its own purpose.

There are definitely benefits overall.

Seeing that Pika's huge fist was about to hit, Lu Chen clenched his right fist, and at the same time covered his right fist with armed domineering energy, jumped up suddenly, and shot out like a cannonball at high speed, ricocheting towards Pika's fist. And go.

Even the ground where he was standing just now was trampled into a shallow pit due to the powerful force.


"Tiger Fist!"

Powerful domineering energy condensed on Lu Chen's fist, and then was blasted out by Lu Chen, hitting Pika's boulder fist heavily.


With a straight punch, it was like a huge tiger tearing towards Pika's huge body.


With a loud noise, Pika's huge fist made of stone became as fragile as glass, gradually developing cracks like tortoise patterns.

Gradually, it spread from the position of the fist to Pika's entire arm.

In an instant, Pika's entire arm turned into powder and fell to the ground. Zoro over there was also staring at Lu Chen passing by, muttering to himself: "Is he the Night? His physical skills are so strong! "

"Hey, I'll leave him to you, I'll leave first!"

After that, Lu Chen left quickly, leaving only an afterimage in place.

Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, the system reward: energy points +200!

Zoro looked at Lu Chen's back and raised his brows. He suddenly felt familiar, but he quickly calmed down and continued fighting Pika.

Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

Lu Chen was extremely fast and soon caught up with Qingjiao and others in front, heading towards the palace of Dressrosa. Although there were many pirates blocking the way, they were easily solved.

It was easy to reach the first floor of the palace.

At the same time, Don Quixote's cadres also set off, preparing to stop Lu Chen and others.

Only on the first floor, Lu Chen saw Luffy and others who were still going up. Because no one was helping them, they stayed on the first floor.

Now that Qingjiao and others have joined, it has helped Luffy and Luo relieve some pressure, but now Luo is still controlled by the Sea Tower Stone Chain and cannot use his abilities.

"I leave it to you, the leaders of the Don Quixote family, to take down Doflamingo's head today." Lu Chen said solemnly.

"Okay, Senior Hei Ye, be more careful!"

"Keep it on us!"


Bartolomeo, Qingjiao and others answered one after another and rushed towards Don Quixote's cadres.

After getting a chance to breathe, Luffy ran upwards and shouted at Lu Chen: "Doflamingo should be defeated with my fists!"


Lu Chen smiled and said, "Okay! Then let you try Doflamingo's strength first!"

He was worried that no one would drain Doflamingo's energy for him, but now he had free labor. Before, he was worried that Luffy would not go up in time.

Now it seems that Luffy can still be of some use.


When the time comes, don't blame your elder brother. I'm doing this all for your own good. I hope you can grow in strength quickly.

Soon, the two arrived at the second floor. Although they met several cadres of Don Quixote, they were blocked by the pirates who followed them, allowing Lu Chen and Luffy to reach the third floor smoothly.

The third floor is full of fog, like a foggy world, with visibility only about twenty meters.

While Lu Chen and the others were stunned, a crooked giant toy emerged from the mist, wearing a black hat and at least ten meters tall.

Although it has no weapons, it looks very ugly.

Character: Head clip doll

Position: None

Fruit: None

Grade: C+

Skills: Crawling (C), Bite (C)

Bounty: None

It was the doll with a head clip made of sugar. Looking at the doll that appeared, Lu Chen raised his eyebrows and murmured to himself: "That guy is not dead yet!"

While in the underground factory, because Serka took action, he forgot to check whether Sugar was dead.

Maybe at that time, Serka rescued Sugar, but Chase Lu still killed Torrebol, leaving Doflamingo without another helper.

Suddenly, the head clip doll lay on the ground and crawled towards Lu Chen and Luffy quickly.

"Rubber pistol!"

Luffy was the first to hit the head clip doll with a punch, knocking its head apart.


However, as he knocked down a head-clip doll, more head-clip dolls appeared in the fog, surrounding Lu Chen and the other three.

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