Xian'er pulled out the black sword and swung it straight at the old man. Different from the sword-drawing technique, she swung the sword much slower for some reason. This was one of the reasons why he had never been able to practice the Heijia swordsmanship well.

However, the old man jumped up vigorously like a cat, doing these actions that were completely unlike an old man. He stepped on the blade with one foot like a gymnast, and raised the blade with the tip of the other toe and pointed it out from the shoe. Xian'er's neck easily defused her attack.

The younger brothers surrounded Xian'er and Simon with ferocious looks.

"Are you two dissatisfied with our sacrificial ceremony?"

The old man played with the knife and scratched Simon's arm.

Simon clenched his fists in front of his chest with a pitiful look, and said cutely with tears in his eyes:"Oh, fellow life-saving brothers, don't get me wrong, I will repay you. It's too late, how can we cause trouble? Don’t you want to eat? Didn't I ask my chef to chop it up for you? It was the first time she participated in such a large event, so she was inevitably a little nervous."

"The high priest is interested."The old man squinted his eyes and nodded with a half-smile.

Simon then shouted to Xian'er:"Hey! Tang Xianer! If your sword skills are so bad, I will fire you.~!"

Xian'er murmured:"Fired? You don't want to be responsible, do you?! Humph!"

"Hey~ I won’t bother the high priest."

The old man gently waved the scalpel on his arms as smoothly and smoothly as if cutting a cake, and easily cut them into pieces without even a trace of blood spilling. This was probably due to his fruit ability.

Xian'er immediately He swung the knife and put the old man down, crossed his arms, turned his head away with a pout, and obviously didn't see

Xian'er who was giving her a crazy wink when Simon spoke. As well as the old man who was about to put on a napkin and prepare to stage a cannibalistic spree, Simon's heart was bleeding as he saw that the old man was about to eat.

"Hello! Old man, eating raw food can cause diarrhea easily!"Xian'er suddenly said.

The old man stopped what he was doing, looked at Xian'er, and recalled the memory of having stomach upsets several times. After all, it was still a bit too torture for the elderly. Although Xian'er's tone was a little impolite, Fortunately, I'm in a good mood today and don't want to worry about it too much.

"Oh~ Does this chef lady have any experience in cooking in this area?"

"Come on, I want to become the world's best food hunter. Not to mention cooking my arms, even if it's the excrement of an orangutan, I can handle it for you like a feast for the Celestial Dragons!"Xian'er raised her head proudly and pointed her thumb to her nose. She was so confident that it didn't seem fake.

The old man stroked his beard and thought for a moment, looked at Simon, who was surrounded by young men, and pointed at Xian'er's nose. Black Knife signaled her to remove her weapon

"Okay, that's up to you."

The old man took the black knife and handed the dinner plate to Xian'er.


It turns out that she was pretending to be in a daze just now, but she was actually accumulating power to transform into a ghost. She turned into a white-haired witch, and used her incredible power to close the iron dinner plates and pack them into balls.

"Got it!"She threw the dinner plate in the direction of Simon with a baseball throwing motion, and all the villagers in her path were knocked away like bowling balls.

With a clean, crisp and sweet sound, she successfully threw a ball. The ball was maliciously touched, but it was a pity that it hit his teammate Simon and was not ejected.

Fortunately, Simon had a strong head and had already added magic to increase his defense. The iron ball was only in his head. He was hit on the forehead:"What kind of hatred or resentment! I saved your life and you treat me like this? Be careful……"

However, Xian'er just faced this side with a proud smile, and instantly used the cat's turning to kick out a whirlwind upper roundhouse kick that just knocked away the knife that was stabbed in the old man's back. The prediction of turning back to fight back was really cool, and Simon's prompting words couldn't catch up.

"Hmm↗? Hmm↘↗? Um~~!"

Simon, who was still between the two emotions of complaint and fascination, saw that the kicked knife seemed to be flying straight towards him. Doubts kept pouring out. Multiple emotions caused confusion in his brain, and his scalene muscles were lost. The support ability was down immediately. Fortunately, my brain avoided the flying knife.

"Who is your little sweetheart!"Xian'er gritted her teeth, her cheeks bulged slightly, she made a fist with one hand in the direction of Simon and stamped her foot, like an angry kitten.

Obviously, Simon may not have had the ability to speak when he was in the Savage Garden. There was a problem, maybe it was just that Tang Xianer's hearing was really bad.

Even though they were fighting with him, these young men still wanted to flirt with each other. The old man was a little jealous, oh no, angry.

He waved his black knife and prepared to hit Xianer. With the skill of cutting in half, as a user with the ability to dismantle fruit, he can easily dismantle the body of any target with the help of tools such as swords and hammers. Even objects as hard as diamond can be casually dismantled like tofu toys. Disassembly

"Cat backflips!"

Xian'er jumped into the air flexibly like a cat, and accurately jumped onto the black knife with a backflip. Only then did the old man realize that the black knife was too heavy, which greatly reduced his attack speed.

Just as he was about to abandon the knife When Xian'er's legs were removed, Xian'er used the black knife as a diving pedal. With the help of the falling momentum, she kicked the knife down while leaning forward slightly and rebounding slightly.

"The horse kicks from behind!"

Xian'er moved towards the old man's head like a horse, kicked her feet back, and directly knocked out all his back molars, which did not have two. When she fell forward due to the reaction force, she used her hands to support herself. He did a forward somersault, then stood up and landed, released the ghost mode, and gracefully faced Simon with one hand in front and one hand behind him.���I made a final bow.

When you perform a set of moves, you will be as smooth as a top gymnast.

"10.0 points! Simon held up a scoreboard that he didn't know where it came from."I think you're a bit of an underachiever just being a swordsman. Believe me, under the leadership of this national producer, you will definitely become the world's number one dancer."!"

The old man was kicked to death by Xian'er. When the surrounding villagers saw this, they rushed forward one after another.

Xian'er dodged sideways to avoid the attack of the leader, then reached out to grab his arm, and shook it hard. He performed the spinning top technique and knocked down all thirty or forty villagers. Even Guishou, who had been beaten to a point of unclear consciousness, was not spared.

After a while, the ground was filled with groans. The little brother.

Xian'er clapped her hands, looked at Simon, and thought for a moment, her eyes full of wisdom.

"Warrior? As a girl, I don't have the courage to fight with you rough guys with bare hands."

Simon looked at the rough men lying on the ground, and felt that it was a bit hard to say anything.

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