Dusk passed and night fell.

The light sailing ship of the Wise Natural Maru sailed straight towards the sinful place called Aaron Paradise.

In the dark, the lights are bright and the noise of Aaron Land is very eye-catching.

At this moment, the evil dragon pirate group led by the sawtooth shark man Along was still immersed in the carnival of the banquet, not realizing that the scythe of death had been placed on top of their heads.

When the Zhiluo Natural Maru schooner crashed through the sea gate of Aaron Paradise, the fish people of the Aaron Pirate Group were shocked.


“Who is so bold? Don’t you know that this is the base of our Aaron Pirates? ”

“Bastard, dare to disturb our banquet, no matter who you are, today is dead.”

The fish people shouted one after another.


On deck, Nami took a deep breath, plucked up the courage to stand on the bow of the ship, and shouted angrily.

“Nami? Am I right? That’s Nami! ”

“Boss Along, that ship was driven by Nami.”

“Hey, Nami, did you take the wrong medicine today? Dare to do this, you know the consequences. ”

In the face of the angry rebukes and threats of the fishmen, Nami was unmoved, still just staring at Aaron.

“Aaron, I’ve had enough, from today onwards, I am no longer your subordinate, today I am coming to take revenge on you.” Nami said.

Hearing this, the audience first fell silent, and then broke out into earth-shaking laughter.

“Hahahaha, did I hear you right? Just because you, a weak human being, still want to take revenge on us? ”

“Hey, Nami, we can’t listen to this sentence, just forget it, rebellion is only a dead end.”

“Brother Along, since Nami said so, how about we kill all the people in this village in front of her today?”

“Good idea, I agree.”



Aaron, the sawtooth shark man on the beach chair, stood up and laughed, but his gaze at Nami was even colder than the thousand-year-old ice.

“Nami, since you dare to say this, it seems that you have found a backer, let him come out, I want to see who your reliance is today?” Aaron spoke coldly.

“I don’t know if you can be so arrogant when I throw his head in front of you.” Aaron sneered.

“Hehehe, if you want to know who will die today, then I am already here.” Rollin’s murderous voice sounded behind Aaron without warning.


In the darkness, a cold light passed by.

Blood rose up with one of Aaron’s arms.

This sudden change shocked all the fish people present.


Suddenly the sharp pain of the broken arm struck, and Along involuntarily let out a series of miserable screams, stumbled back, hit a barbecue grill, and he himself fell in a charcoal fire.

The charcoal fire roasted the shark skin on his body red, but this burning heat was nothing compared to the pain of a broken arm.

Aaron’s eyes were just staring at the young man who suddenly appeared and cut off one of his arms, and the depths of his eyes were full of malice and anger.

“Abominable, abominable, abominable, who the hell are you a human being? When exactly was it standing behind me. Aaron roared angrily.

It was too unusual for a human being to appear behind him silently, without him noticing it at all.

If Rawling had cut off not his arm but his head before, then he would already be a cold corpse now.

Thinking of this, a chill surged in Along’s heart, and fear grew.

It has been many years, since he came to this weakest East China Sea, he has been the king of this sea, and no one has ever been able to make him afraid.

However, today, after meeting Luo Lin today, Aaron unconsciously gave birth to the fear of facing Vice Admiral more than ten years ago, who was naturally a Shining Fruit ability.

“Damn, there can’t be anyone in the East China Sea who is stronger than me, and you are not Klockdar, who are you?” Aaron shouted.

“Scared? When you wantonly bullied and killed ordinary people, did you ever think about today’s ending, did you think that you would also become the flesh of others? Rollin rebuked.

“Hahahaha, I’m afraid? Stop laughing? How can I be afraid of you as a mere human being? Aaron retorted calmly.

“Despicable human beings, relying on sneak attacks to hurt me, but now that you have no chance, I will make you suffer ten times … No, it’s a hundredfold pain. ”

Aaron said viciously, holding a huge serrated knife in his right hand, which was his weapon slash.

“Give me death.”

Along grinned, brandishing a huge slash peak with his right hand towards Luo Lin.

Luo Lin did not dodge or dodge, allowing Along’s peak slashing knife to fall on him.


Along hit Luo Lin with a powerful sword, but he couldn’t cause even the slightest scar on Luo Lin’s tough body.

Without waiting for Aaron to be shocked.


The sword flashed again in the night.

Blood rushed up again.

Only this time, it was Aaron’s head that rushed up with blood.

There was deep shock, fear and disbelief on his face.

To death, Aaron couldn’t believe it.

He has been a blessing in the East China Sea for eight years, and one day he will be easily solved by two cuts.

Aaron didn’t believe it, as did the other fishmen.

Fishman Aaron was defeated so quickly and died.

This shocking scene plunged Aaron Paradise into death-like silence.

All the fish people widened their eyes and looked at Along’s body in disbelief.

For a moment, a harsh roar broke the dead silence in the room.

“Big brother”

“Brother Along, Brother Aaron is dead and killed by that human!”

“Abominable, unforgivable, unforgivable, dare to kill Brother Along.”

“I can’t spare you.”

The crowd of fish were excited, each clenched the weapon in his hand, and killed Luo Lin regardless of it.

Facing the imposing group of fish people, Luo Lin looked calm, without joy or sorrow.

Before coming, Rollin had thought about what to do with the other fishmen besides Aaron.

Is it all killed? Or grab it and give it to the Navy?

After hearing the vicious threat of the fish people to Nami, Luo Lin already had the answer in his heart.

Once when he was in the navy, when he planned to completely destroy other vicious pirates, the Warring States would always stand up and reason with him and persuade him to imprison the pirates in the city and not kill them all.

For the Navy’s so-called ‘humane’ approach, Rollin has never been happy.

Now that he is no longer in the navy, he naturally does not need to follow any rules.

That’s –

Pass, pass, hit, burst!!!


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