

Bright flash flashes.

The scene of Smogg angrily beating Colonel Rat was filmed.

At the same time, he also stood with Klockdar in his hands, with a lonely and tall appearance, and quickly spread throughout the East China Sea with one detailed report after another.

The Dragon Incident in Kokoa West Village ended with the demise of the Dragon gang and Colonel Rat.

But the aftermath of this dragon incident has only just begun.

Before the incident between the Seven Warriors Sea Klockdar and the East Sea Evil Dragon was fully spread to the world, the naval headquarters on the other side of the Red Earth Continent was the first to receive a detailed report about the incident from the base of Rogue Town in the East China Sea.

As a result, the naval headquarters building shook violently at this moment, frightening the sailors training in the square to be a stirring spirit.

“Marshal, what’s wrong with this today?”

The sailors of this department were full of puzzles and doubts, and then unconsciously shrunk their heads, not daring to explore too much.

This is the moment.

Accompanied by a loud ‘bang’.

A solid wooden desk in the marshal’s office died gloriously.


Vice Admiral Tsuru, the chief staff officer sitting at another desk to assist in handling naval affairs, shook his head helplessly, but he didn’t have much to say at the moment.

Because the dragon incident in the East China Sea had too bad an impact on the prestige of the navy.

It can even be said that the entire navy has lost face.

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong? ”

At this moment, a lazy voice came from outside the door.

At this time, the only one who had the guts and the qualifications to enter the marshal’s office without listening to the report was the legendary vice admiral and hero Karp, who was the same era as the two people inside.

“Sengoku, why is there such a big fire all of a sudden today? What’s going on? Karp’s voice was still lazy.

The Warring States, who were still angry, did not reply.

General Tsuru, who had been infused with some kind of immortal essence when he was young, shook his head and pushed a piece of information sorted out on the table.

“You better see for yourself, it’s about the East China Sea.” The young Lieutenant General Tsuru spoke.

“Tokai? Could it be related to that crocodile? I’ve already heard that if that crocodile dares to do something wrong in the East China Sea, I definitely want him to look good. Karp clenched his fists and spoke demonstratively.

“Alas, you better watch it before making a decision.” Lieutenant General Tsuru reminded.

Cap sat down suspiciously and casually picked up the information collection on the table about the Baroque Work Society’s trip to the East China Sea.

The previous fact that the safe crossing of the windless belt to the East China Sea was enough to shock the world, Karp did not care, and casually exposed it.

It wasn’t until the Cook Island Food Festival Big Stomach King Challenge that Karp finally became interested.

“Donghai Big Stomach King Challenge, it’s really nostalgic, I think back then, if I hadn’t made a mistake halfway, I would have been the first Big Stomach King champion of this challenge!”

“But it’s really strange, I can’t see that the crocodile would participate in this kind of competition, heh, that little ghost of Smogg is also there.” Karp found the singularity.

“Hahahaha, Tsuru, Sengoku, look at this photo, that kid from Smog and Klockdar, are the two of them on the bar?” Hahahaha, Smogg Kid is still too young! Karp laughed without looking at the atmosphere around him.

As a result, he received a double white eye from Sengoku and Tsuru.


Karp coughed twice in embarrassment, turned the page and continued to read the report information.

What follows is the report that all pirates in the East China Sea, including the overlord of the East Sea, have challenged Klockdar to be destroyed, and the news that the Baroque Work Society has sent warmth and trade to all parts of the country at the same time.

“That bastard Klockdar can’t really change sex, right? I heard that he is also a Rausch hero in Alabastan, won’t he want to be a hero of the East China Sea again? But this is also good, it can be regarded as a contribution to the East China Sea! ”

“If something goes wrong, there will be a demon, and if a person is abnormal, there will be a knife, these things are not so simple.” Lieutenant General Tsuru said.

“Even if he really has any purpose, at least in my opinion, these actions of his attraction to eliminate the pirates in the East China Sea can be regarded as contributing to the peace of the East China Sea, so you don’t need to make such a big fire.” Karp was puzzled.

“You better finish reading it first.”

Karp nodded and began to look through the last dragon incident report.

A minute later.

The entire marshal’s office suddenly fell silent again.

This was followed by another violent earthquake in the headquarters building.


Lieutenant General Tsuru’s desk was also an honorable sacrifice under Karp’s punch.

“The evil dragon gang, and the scum, the scum, the bladder, the garbage rat of the Navy!”

Lieutenant General Karp, who has always been lazy and giggling, was also completely angry this time.

Because the East China Sea is his hometown.

However, he never noticed that there was a group of fish people doing evil under his nose!

What a dereliction of duty to kill and persecute more than a dozen islands for eight years.

There are even navies that are supposed to uphold justice, which are to be complicit with it!

How disappointed will this really be for their navy?

“Karp, this is not your responsibility, you can only blame those grassroots in the edge of our navy that there is indeed a problem, there is definitely more than one moth like Colonel Mouse, what we need to do next is to eliminate these scum and ensure that the dragon incident does not happen again.” Lieutenant General Tsuru spoke sanely.

“Perhaps, the position of naval inspector mentioned by Klockdahl is indeed not without necessity.”

“Xiaohe, you… I wouldn’t really want Klockdar to monitor the Navy. Karp was surprised.


Lieutenant General Tsuru suddenly showed an expression like looking at a retarded mind.

The frozen atmosphere in the marshal’s office lasted for a long time.

Lieutenant General Crane, who silently sorted out the mess on the ground alone, got up and took out a mostly blank report from a large stack of materials.

From Navy Colonel Tina.

“I knew you two would ignore this because of the dragon incident.” Lieutenant General Tsuru shook his head helplessly.

“What is it?”

Karp, who was relieved, took the report.

“Or did Tina hand it over, but there is nothing on it, just a ‘handsome’?”

Looking at the report with question marks throughout, Karp’s head was also marked with question marks.

The name is unknown, the appearance is ominous, it is suspected to be a new agent on the Klockdar ship, and it may also be the boyfriend of Vivi, the daughter of the king of Alabastan – this is the description report about Rollin handed over by Tina.

Very brief, so simple that people don’t care.

But at the end of the report, Tina added a sentence.

“A ghost that can’t be on top of the picture?”

Sengoku frowned, puzzled by Tina’s abstract description.

“Ghosts? Little crane, you don’t really think there are ghosts in this world. Karp buttoned his nose nonchalantly.

“I’ve been in contact with Tina, and there’s a huge collection of photos of the Big Stomach King Challenge, which is a major event at the Cook Island Food Festival.”

“Tina, Princess Vivi, and the Baroque Valentine’s Day and Miss Golden Week, all four people around the ‘ghost’ were photographed, except for the mysterious man mentioned in the report.”

“Xiaohe, you mean there is something wrong with this ‘ghostly’ man?” Sengoku frowned.

“What can be the problem, not being photographed, maybe it’s just an accident.” Karp forked.

The young lieutenant general gave Karp a blank look.

“I suspect that this trip to the East China Sea full of mysteries by the Baroque Work Society, Klockdar may not be the mastermind.” Lieutenant General Tsuru guessed.

“Little Crane, you mean…”


Just then, the door to the marshal’s office was pushed open.

“Oh, oh, oh, both tables are broken, am I not here at the right time.”

The tall and thin general Yellow Ape wearing a yellow and white suit opened his mouth lewdly.

“Borusalino, what are you doing here?” Sengoku frowned.

“I also know about that crocodile in the East China Sea, or let me go and see it.”

The general Yellow Ape, who has always liked to be lazy and can mix and mix, took the initiative to ask for orders for the first time.

“Borusalino, did you take the wrong medicine today?”

Warring States frowned again, obviously also shocked by the initiative of the yellow ape.

“It’s too much, Mr. Sengoku, how can I say that I am also a naval admiral.” The yellow ape pouted lewdly.

“Borusalino, do you feel this way too?” Lieutenant General Tsuru suddenly asked without a word.

“After so many years in the main department, I just wanted to go out and around.” Yellow Ape Road.

“Well, you go directly to Alabastan and investigate the heavy rain in Alabastan by the way.” Lieutenant General Tsurudo.


The yellow ape answered.

Next second.

Countless photons shone, carrying the body of the general yellow ape away in an instant.


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