
“You can already see the sky!”

“Great Route, I’m Coming!!!”

Amid the shouts of the hot-blooded boy Luffy in the Straw Hat, the Golden Melly broke through the barrier of cumulonimbus clouds.

In an instant, the sky is bright.

“It’s so beautiful!”

Standing at the highest point of the Upside Down Mountain and looking at the boundless sea, Vivi, Nami and other little girls couldn’t help but marvel.

However, their calmness is also here.

Next second.

When the bow of the Golden Melly fell down, it began to fall, driven down sharply by the current.


The screams of the girls rose and fell one after another.

Fortunately, this last steep slope is not too big.

In just a minute, the Golden Melly rushed into a smooth strait.

At the beginning of the Great Voyage, Cape Gemini arrived.


“It should have arrived!”

“Is this Cape Gemini?”

“Yes, we have arrived safely on the Great Route.”


The little girls who hugged each other spoke one after another.

After being sure that they had safely achieved the achievement of crossing the Upside Down Mountain, the mood of the little girls suddenly became beautiful.

After being happy, Nami and Koya looked around, as if they were looking for something.

“Vivi, Sister Robin, didn’t you say that there are whales bigger than the island? How is it not? ”

Looking at the quiet twin capes, Nami couldn’t help but wonder.

“Don’t worry, little girl Nami, it’s coming soon.”

It wasn’t Robin who answered Nami’s question, it was Rollin.


In the blink of an eye, Luo Lin had already stood firmly at the top of the mast.

‘Boom Rumble’

The next moment, a violent roar suddenly came from below the surface of the sea.

The calm sea ripples in circles.

Then the sea suddenly rises, as if some behemoth is about to jump out of the sea.

The huge wave pushed the Golden Melly to withdraw more than 100 meters backwards.


The behemoth that quickly surfaced let out a cry full of joy.

The sharp sound wave came, which made the little girls on the ship cover their ears in unison.

“That’s the real body of ‘The Wall’!”

“Is that an island whale?”

“It’s really big! Bigger than an island! ”

Nami, Vivi, and Koya exclaimed in amazement.


The eyes of the giant island whale Rab 100 meters round looked at Rollin standing at the top of the mast without blinking, and once again let out a happy cry.

It also remembers.

Forty years ago, when it was desperate because the Rumba Pirates had not returned for so long, it was this man, it was Rollin who brought ‘him’ and ‘them’ back.

“Rab, you’ve really grown up.” Rollin spoke


Raab exclaimed in response.

There was joy and gratitude in his voice and… Miss.

It seems to be asking why he has not come back to see me for so many years?

Obviously said yes at the beginning!

“Okay, Rab, don’t bark, there are still some little girls on my side of the boat.” Rollin soothed.


Raab called three times in quick succession to show that he knew.

Rollin: “…”

“Giaogiaogiao, Rab, it’s noisy, the old man’s rare nap time, all wasted by you ah hey.”

Rab’s shouts disturbed not only Nami and the others on the boat, but also a certain flower, no, someone, who was taking a leisurely nap in the lighthouse on the shore at this time.

“Well, it turns out that another ship has come down ah, Rab, how many times have I told you, let them pass, don’t get in the way, obedient.”

The old man with the flower-like decoration behind his head shouted.

After that, continue your nap.

“Yo, Kulokas, haven’t seen you for decades, don’t you even plan to say hello?”

Rollin, who was at the top of the mast, shouted at the old man of the lighthouse.


Until Rollin spoke, the confused Kulokas quickly rubbed his eyes and looked at the mast of the Golden Melly.

After seeing Rollin standing above, Kulokas’s body was suddenly stunned.

“You… You are…… Is it really you!!! ”

Kulokas’s voice was raised by more than an octave, and a pair of old eyes were round.

Unable to take any more naps, Kulokas turned over and ‘fell’ directly from the lighthouse more than ten meters high.

However, without waiting for Nami and the others to scream, the next moment, Kulokas stood firmly on the ground.

As a former crew member of One Piece, it is naturally normal to have this skill.

“It’s really you! You’re alive! Not dead!!! ”

Kulokas looked at Rollin, who had come to him, and shouted in shock again.

“Hey, hey, curse me to death as soon as we meet, you’re the second, Kourokas.” Rollin grinned.

“Hahahaha, good, good, this is really good, I just said how can you guy die? You are immortal!!! ”

Kulokas laughed happily and gave Rollin a big hug after forty years.

I still remember forty years ago, when Rollin and Karp first crossed Upside Down Mountain and met young him and Raab.

At that time, he just casually told the story of Raab and the Rumba Pirates.

This young navy is the right to help.

At that time, Kulokas just smiled.

Didn’t care too much.

However, in just three months, Luo Lin really brought the ‘Rumba Pirates’ back.

It was precisely because of this that for the first time Kulokas had great admiration for this navy about his size.

However, who would have thought that the difference would be a full forty years.

Kourokas thought he would never have the chance to meet in his life.

Yet today…

“Okay!” Kulokas stared at Rollin closely, tears flashing in his eyes.

“Brother Luo Linge is friends with that flower-like uncle?”

“Listening to what they mean, it seems that they haven’t seen each other for decades, but how is this possible? Brother Luo Linger looked like he wasn’t even thirty years old. ”

The trio of Vivi, Nami and Koya all looked puzzled.

“Okay, okay, don’t think about it, you’ll know later.” Robin spoke.

“Yes, yes, about the past of the mentor, we will all know about it later.” Kerla echoed.

Wei Wei and the three nodded in confusion, so they did not continue to delve into this issue.

“Uncle like a flower, I heard that you still have skeletons that can play the violin here, and green ghosts, is this true?”

The question of the Genki boy Straw Hat Luffy attracted everyone’s attention.

“Junior, huh?!”

Kulokas was just about to answer.

In the next second, when he saw the familiar straw hat on Luffy’s head, Kurokaston’s eyes widened.

“Naw, uncle, is there any? A skeleton that can play the violin. Luffy asked with a curious look.

“There is… Some. ”

Kourokas nodded.

“When day and night meet, it’s time for the skeletons to return!”


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