The next morning, the sun shone through the clouds, warm and bright, illuminating the entire sea.

However, for everyone, this does not mean that today will be a good day.

Since leaving the Twin Towers yesterday, they have encountered many extreme weather attacks.

At first, the sky suddenly became gloomy, and heavy rain poured down like a pouring, as if the whole world was submerged in water.

Then, the temperature dropped sharply, and the cold air made people feel biting cold.

Even in the season of June, snowflakes can be seen falling.

This abnormal climate makes people sigh at the magic and unpredictability of nature.

In addition to heavy rain and temperature drops, there are frequent thunderstorms. Lightning streaked across the sky, thunder roared, and brought great trouble to the voyage.

Everyone had to carefully deal with these adverse weather conditions to ensure the safety of the ship.

It was not until night fell that the weather gradually stabilized. But everyone's worries did not dissipate, because they had seen the unpredictable weather on the Grand Line.

This peculiar climate phenomenon made Ling Yan and his team always alert and ready to deal with any emergency.

The weather on the Grand Line is indeed unpredictable, full of unknowns and challenges.

It is sometimes violent and sometimes calm, as if testing the courage and wisdom of everyone who bravely sets foot on this sea.

Only by adapting to and overcoming these difficulties can we continue to move forward and explore more mysteries and treasures.

"Ling Yan, what are you doing? Don't you want to eat breakfast?" Anya asked Ling Yan who was looking at the sky on the side.

"Don't worry about him, he's watching birds~~~Aww~~~" Nami said without looking back, and then ate the snack in her hand in one bite.

"That's right, Anya, you don't have to worry about him." Guina also said casually.

Just then, a news bird appeared, and Ling Yan shouted to the sky: "Come down~~~"


The news bird was suddenly startled. When it saw Ling Yan on the ship below, the news bird trembled violently and almost fell from the sky.

The news bird landed obediently and stopped quietly on the side of the ship.


The news bird obediently took out a newspaper and handed it to Ling Yan.

Ling Yan took the newspaper and opened it, and then asked lightly: "Where is Morgause now?"


"You mean you don't know?"


"So that's it, I understand, you can go."


The news bird was relieved, flapped its wings a few times and immediately left the Dream.

Just after it flew away from the sea, it suddenly remembered that it had not collected the 50 berries from the newspaper!

But it didn't dare to go back and ask~~~


The people who were eating breakfast were already used to it, but Anya was very surprised. Ling Yan was actually talking to a bird just now?

"Anya, don't be surprised. This is Ling Yan's devil fruit ability. He can command all birds~~~" Nojiko saw Anya's mouth open wide, and then told her about Ling Yan's ability.

"Ling Yan, is there any big news today?" Nami was full and walked to Ling Yan.

Ling Yan handed the newspaper to Nami and said softly: "It's not a big deal. It's just that a person who ate the Flame-Flame Fruit defeated a Shichibukai. The World Government wanted to invite him to become the new Shichibukai, but was rejected."


"Did the Shichibukai be defeated? Let me see~~~" Kuina immediately came to Nami after hearing this.

The newspaper reported that the Shichibukai Hanafza fought with the user of the Flame-Flame Fruit, and Hanafza was defeated and lost the title of Shichibukai.

Hanafza is a veteran Shichibukai, and he is also a fan of collecting ancient devil fruits.

After the user of the Flame-Flame Fruit defeated Hanafza, he got the title of Fire Fist Ace, and became famous in the sea.

"Isn't this the grandson of Vice Admiral Garp?"

"He actually became a pirate?" Kuina was a little surprised.

In the past six years, they have traveled all over the islands of the East China Sea, and they have also been to Windmill Village, so they naturally know the existence of Ace and others.

At that time, Ling Yan wanted to bully King Luffy, but Garp was also in Windmill Village, so Ling Yan had to give up the bullying plan.

"I think Vice Admiral Garp must be very angry, hahahaha~

~~" Daisy laughed heartlessly.

Everyone laughed happily when they heard this.

After sailing for more than half a day, the Dream finally arrived at Whiskey Peak.

Looking at Whiskey Peak from a distance, it's like seeing two huge cacti, and the densely packed tombstones on it are like the thorns of cacti.

The Grand Line starts from the Twin Towers, and the first island of the seven routes is almost full of bounty hunters.

Speaking of bounty hunters, they are actually just some losers who don't have the courage to continue taking risks.

Arriving at the first island of the Grand Line, Nami and the others were very happy. They had to go through all kinds of extreme weather to get here!

It seems that they knew Ling Yan and the others were coming a long time ago. The port of Whiskey Peak was full of welcoming staff.

Ling Yan and the others were also treated the same as Wang Luffy and the others.


"Are the people on the islands of the Grand Line so enthusiastic? "Liya said in surprise when she saw the warm welcome team.

"Liya, don't be fooled by their superficial appearance." Kuina clenched the Wado Ichimonji and looked at the people on the shore, exuding a hint of murderous aura.

"Yes, they seem to be welcoming us on the surface, but in fact, their eyes are full of greed!" Nokigao said in a deep voice.

Ling Yan heard the judgment of Kuina and Nokigao, and felt relieved instantly. They finally lived up to his training for so many years~~~~

Whiskey Peak is Crocodile's territory, and the people on it are the executive commanders, millionaires and billionaires under his Baroque Studio.

They are entrenched here as residents of Whiskey Peak, with the purpose of attacking passing pirates, stealing property or exchanging for bounties.

"Ling Yan, can you do it? "Kuina looked at Ling Yan.

The others were also eager to try.


"Look at you all, how come you all become violent? After all, they are here to welcome us." Ling Yan said with regret.

Everyone walked away from Ling Yan tacitly.

The reason why they became so violent is because of the training of you, the captain!


"Well, you guys hurry up and chop them!" Ling Yan said with an awkward cough.

"Hmph~~~" Nami snorted coldly.

Then the seven people jumped up directly and made a kicking gesture at the same time.

"Ray kick!!! ”×7

Instantly, seven slashes from the kicks fell towards the people on the shore!

Ling Yan was admiring the beautiful legs in the sky on the boat, but when he saw Hogg's legs, he felt bad instantly.

He quickly shifted his gaze to look at Nami, and after admiring the beautiful scenery for a while, the good mood just now returned.

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