The enemy was caught in a trap, but the enemy was still alive.

In the sea not far from the Dream, three medium-sized warships led by a rear admiral were rushing towards the Dream.

"Major General Casso, the other side seems to have been deliberately keeping a distance from us. Their ship performance is too good. We can't catch up. What should we do?" Major General Casso's adjutant Leighton reported anxiously.

Major General Casso frowned slightly, and his expression seemed a little dissatisfied. They had been chasing for a day and a night, but they were still being slunk away.

He was listening to a big shot in the world government to find trouble with this group of people. Of course, it would be better if he could make some extra money by the way.

It's just that until now, Major General Casso seems to have felt that something is wrong, but now he can't care so much.

"Major General Casso, lunch is ready. Do you want to eat now?" A navy officer wearing a white hat came to report.

"Let's eat first. Aren't they deliberately keeping their distance from us? I don't know why they know our distance so clearly, but this time I want to see if they will eat or not!" Major General Casso said in a deep voice.


"Major General Casso!" The chef saluted and replied immediately.

Then only a small number of guards were left on the deck of the warship, and everyone else went into the canteen inside the cabin to eat.

"Major General Casso, why do we have to send out three warships to pursue them this time? They don't seem to be famous, right?" Colonel Gatt, who was in charge of another warship, was a little confused.

This mission was not to attack that country. They felt that there was no money to be made, but Major General Casso still sent out three warships to carry out this mission.

This made him and the captain of another warship a little confused...

Major General Casso swallowed the meat in his mouth, then took a handkerchief and wiped his mouth elegantly, and said lightly: "This mission was assigned by that adult. The people on this ship seem to be related to Vice Admiral Garp..."

Now Colonel Gat and another colonel understood that the superiors did this to target Vice Admiral Garp!

They didn't like Vice Admiral Garp, a naval hero, very much, because this old man often blocked their way to wealth.

It's a pity that they only knew that Ling Yan and the others had a relationship with Vice Admiral Garp, but didn't know their strength and their background.


"Why do I feel dizzy..." A major stood up shakily.

"I... I feel a little dizzy..."

"Me too..."

"I feel dizzy too..."

"Not good!"

"We are poisoned..."

Major General Kaso looked at the appearance of the people in the cafeteria and immediately realized that they were poisoned, but...

Just as he was about to call the chef, his eyes began to blur, and finally he slowly closed his eyes and fell to the ground.

When he closed his eyes for the last time, he seemed to see a space door open...

The drug was naturally given by Desha. It would not kill them, but would only make them faint for a while.

Next, Desha began to act and took out the hearts of all the naval officers on the three warships!

The reason why he took so much effort to make them faint before taking action was because Ling Yan did not want these navy officers to know how their hearts were removed.

Desha's ability can be hidden for as long as possible. This is a very advantageous trump card...

After taking out the hearts of these naval officers, Desha took out a cigarette and smoked it between the noses of these officers, and they all woke up.


"How dare you poison the navy!"

"Go to hell!"

Major General Kaso and several officers who recovered first attacked Ling Yan and Nami immediately after seeing them!

In the alien space, Desha gently poked the hearts of these people, and in an instant, several naval officers immediately knelt down and screamed in pain...


"My heart!"

"It hurts! Help!"

"What...what's going on..."

"My heart hurts!"


"What on earth did you do to us!"

"I advise you to stop immediately, otherwise you will be rewarded by the navy!"




"We were wrong! Sorry..."

Ling Yan and Nami were very calm, looking at the naval officers who were rolling on the ground in pain and begging for mercy without any mercy.

These people must be scum who have done many evil things, otherwise they would only be punished by the Navy Marshal Zhan Guo.

's plan, wanting them to die in the hands of Ling Yan and his men.

Feeling that it was almost time, Desha stopped moving in the space.

Major General Ka Suo and his men were already soaked, and were now breathing heavily to relieve the pain just now.

"Can we talk now, Rear Admiral?" Ling Yan squatted in front of Major General Ka Suo and said with a playful look on his face.

"What exactly do you want to do!" Major General Ka Suo roared in a deep voice.

"The first question, who asked you to come?" Ling Yan asked coldly.

Hearing this, Ka Suo subconsciously fell silent. He didn't want to give out the person behind him yet, although it didn't matter if he said it out.

But at this time, the extreme pain just now came again...



"Don't! I said! I said!" Major General Ka Suo wailed and begged in pain.

Then, the pain disappeared again.

Major General Ka Suo's eyes were full of fear at this moment. He... He seemed to feel that his heart was not in his body!

With a look of horror, he looked at Ling Yan fiercely. He now understood that their hearts had been controlled by the person in front of them!

"Can you tell me now?"

"Dear Rear Admiral?" Ling Yan said in a cold voice.

"Okay... I'll tell you..." Rear Admiral Kaso was depressed and ready to explain everything clearly.

Because he didn't want to die yet!

With Rear Admiral Kaso's confession, Ling Yan and the others knew who was targeting them. Damn, it turned out that they were implicated by Garp!

"Want to live?" Ling Yan asked lightly.

Rear Admiral Kaso nodded slowly in humiliation.

"If you want to live, you should go back to the Navy Headquarters and surrender to Marshal Zhan Guo immediately, and explain your affairs to Marshal Zhan Guo clearly.

I believe that you have the background of the adults of the World Government, and Marshal Zhan Guo should not embarrass you.

This is your only chance to survive!

Also, don't talk about the heart, understand?" Ling Yan finished speaking, staring at Kaso with murderous eyes.

"I... I understand! We will return to the Navy Headquarters and surrender immediately!" Major General Kaso agreed without even thinking about it.

Just like Ling Yan said, even if they confessed their crimes to Marshal Zhan Guo, the big man behind them would protect them!

"Very good, very good!"

"Remember, you must confess clearly and don't do anything tricky."

"Otherwise..." Ling Yan said meaningfully.

Then, these naval officers felt the threat of death!

Amid their painful wailing and begging, Nami opened the space door, and then the two disappeared from the warship.

It was as if they had never appeared.

Nami: Brother, please urge me to update, it's a handy thing!

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