The 20-year-old boy was in a hurry to get out of the water.

"What's wrong with these guys? All of them are in Dominant Color? It's too outrageous!!"

"Weak guys, retreat. This Dominant Color is even stronger than my father--"

"Hold steady, don't let the sea water sweep you away!"

"Pay attention to the bubbles. If the bubbles break at this depth, it's over--"

Phoenix Marco blocked the way with both hands, and even he felt the pressure! !

The originally stable seabed waters were all washed by the Dominant Color, and the substantial waves pushed towards the distance, sweeping away their bubbles, and they were unable to resist at all.

"Captain Marco, stop talking, he has fainted!" Teach said in panic with cold sweat on his forehead.

Marco turned around, Black Maria, Garette, Praline, and the others, including the little brothers they brought with them, all fainted.

With this level of Domineering Haki, even elites like Doberman, Burning Mountain, and Flying Squirrel would have to kneel down. It has undergone a tremendous transformation and is completely superior to Shanks, who is said to be the world's No. 1 Domineering Haki! ! !

"Damn it! There are a lot of people who fainted here, but we can't take care of you!" Marco felt uncomfortable.

Not to mention saving them, even their own people in the White Group couldn't help, and even he himself was in danger. If the bubble broke, it would be the same. He could only use domineering to bless the bubble to prevent accidents!

It can be said that except for the freezing ability, other fruit ability users are useless in the deep sea-

"Huh?" Adolf noticed this group of onlookers.

Rubbed his palms, and a huge bubble was thrown out, forcibly squeezing hundreds of them in, and even returned to Fishman Island under the push of the bubble.

"Huh, back to the island." Marco breathed a sigh of relief.

"The deep sea is too dangerous, I almost thought I was going to die!!" Teach wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

He is not a fruit ability user yet, so he does not have the weakness of sea water, but this is the deep sea! There are human weaknesses! Can people survive in such a place? ? ?

"Hey, wake up, forget it, you should just go to sleep, and don't watch the excitement." Marco gave up waking up the others. Everyone almost died watching the excitement, it was too exciting.

"Sea King Adolf——"

Teach looked at the blurred figure in the distance, and he doubted his life. He came to Fishman Island just to see Adolf and see if it was worth it.

He lurked in the Whitebeard Pirates for so many years just to wait for the Dark-Dark Fruit. Was it right?

Even among the powerful devil fruit ability users, falling into the sea is not as good as a newborn baby!

The Dark-Dark Fruit he was waiting for does restrain other devil fruits, but it is also afraid of sea water! And this world, except for the 99% sea of ​​the Red Earth Continent, it is better not to eat it! !

Does he have to climb to the Red Earth Continent to show his power? But the Red Earth Continent is full of stones, and there is no grass growing. Who would go to the Red Earth Continent?

Fighting for territory with Mary Geoise? Is he crazy? ! !

'No! No! He is a mermaid, this is his racial advantage, which I can't compare with. My biggest reliance is my special physique! ! ' Although thinking so, Teach still began to hesitate in his heart.

In the future, it is the world of the sea people. Devil fruits have no future. They will be hammered as well! !

Mentality collapsed——


Adolf ignored these onlookers and taught the whole army two-color domineering.

There are only a few days before the upcoming event. The improvement of basic strength by training is almost zero. Just teach something new!

'What happened just now? Was it the influence of my golden finger, or the reaction of this world? ’

‘Their mental emotions actually resonate with my Conqueror’s Haki...? Released with me as the main force? ’

Adolf was puzzled, he had never heard of this before.

‘The so-called Conqueror’s Haki is a collection of courage, courage, emotion, will, dream or ambition, and it is the power of inner liberation! ’

‘When countless people have the same will, the same emotion, and the same dream, starting with me, they regard me as the leader they worship, and the beliefs and emotions that gushed out are the same as mine. ’

‘In this way, the Conqueror’s Haki resonates with the inner power and is released with me as the main force, which seems to make sense logically...’

Adolf looked at the warriors who were practicing and comprehending below, thinking in his heart.

‘It’s unrealistic to run around with 70,000 warriors for the Conqueror’s Haki bonus, but it’s a good thing. ’

‘Wait! If we put aside the so-called fate and the saying that one is born with the king’s qualifications, theoretically speaking, anyone has the possibility of awakening the Conqueror’s Haki! Although it is extremely difficult, it is not something that can be obtained through learning.

, but a complete transformation of the heart. ’

‘As I said before [I was born to be a mountain, not a stream...] [May we become our own sun], a firm belief in studying for the rise of China, and working hard to move forward. ’

‘As experience enriches the heart, strengthens the heart, and truly liberates the inner strength, isn’t it the Conqueror's Haki? ? ’

‘The Conqueror's Haki does not yield to others, it is the high point of the soul. But they are not yielding to me, but longing, yearning, and companions who fight side by side for the same ideal, regardless of position, class, and strength...’

‘It is not the mountain that they cannot cross in their eyes, but the example they follow one after another. Don't countless people take Roger as an example? They can also have Conqueror's Haki. ’

‘They don't have it now, but just positive momentum like ghost spirit and murderous spirit, but according to this theory, they can awaken Conqueror's Haki! ! 70,000 Conqueror's Haki soldiers? ? ’

All of a sudden, Adolf was shocked.

It's too exaggerated, 70,000 Conqueror Haki soldiers? ?

If I had known earlier, I should have called the 30,000 soldiers over, and it would have been better to have 100,000...

'If that's the case, why not just make it a belief of the entire fish-man tribe, wouldn't everyone be like a dragon? ? '

'No, even if we can't awaken Conqueror Haki, it should be the core of a nation's self-improvement! ! Even if a nation falls into a trough for a while, there will be suns that illuminate others one after another, and by passing on this spirit, it will soon rise again from the trough! '

Speaking of which, Teach shouldn't have Conqueror Haki when he was in the Whitebeard Pirates? After becoming Blackbeard, he awakened Conqueror Haki with strength as his confidence and ambition released?

However, it can't be used as a case with the word D...

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