Recalling the ambition of his youth… Well, when he was young, he didn’t have any ambitions, the point is that at that time he didn’t know that he had such a golden finger as “youth forever”.

How ambitious can a person with ordinary talent and no external hang expect?

If it weren’t for the hard work of cultivating for more than 80 years.

Roa will not have the strength he has now.

Especially since Gore D. Roger….

Because of this bastard.

Roa retired early!

Otherwise, you would have become a thief king long ago!

After all, Roger at that time had already made a name for himself on the sea, and at that time Roya also knew that the guy named “Jairo” was actually the future One Piece “Roger”.

He also knows how big a storm Roger will make in the future, as the former boss of the other party.

I will definitely be involved because of Roger!

So at that time, the Roa rapids retreated….

Choose to retire in your twenties.

At that time, his bounty was 7 million!

Roger’s bounty at that time was 400 million!

But let Roya not expect… Even if he retired early, even if he tried to distance himself from Roger, the world government still didn’t know where to learn about these secret things.

If Roya knew, it was because of Roger’s diary.

Then he can’t wait to go back in time and strangle that bastard!

Myself an old man, am I easy for me!

When you die, you have to use a diary to pit people!

Luo Ya put down the vegetables he bought, sat on the chair, and couldn’t help frowning and pondering: “How much does the world government know?” Got it all? Still is…… Only know a star and a half? ”

“But even if you only know a star and a half, you probably know some big events.”

“Otherwise, it would not be possible to offer such a high reward…”

“It’s really painful!”

He naturally became a bounty prisoner, living a life of fear, and worried every day whether a few admirals would come to beat him?

Or do you have to find a way to distance yourself from Roger so that you can continue to live in old age?

This question stumped him a little for a while!

Because if you live a fearful life….

That’s doomed to be an enemy of the world government!

Roya, who has seen the original book of “One Piece”….

Very well aware of the remnants of those old times.

What is the ending that follows.

Even if it’s as strong as a whitebeard…

Not dead on top war yet?

Even if it’s that Barrett…

Still not the same burp?

If you give Luo Ya more than 80 years of time, Luo Ya has great confidence that he can be invincible in the world, even if he uses human sea tactics, he can’t drag himself to death!

But now the world government doesn’t give him time, and the bounty hunters don’t give him time either.

There are also some sea thieves who like to eat black and black….

The same will not give him so much time.

So choose to distance yourself from Roger?

But…… How do you do that?

Do you turn yourself in now?

“Nope… With the suspicious nature of the five old stars, if I went directly to turn myself in, I was afraid that before I could explain anything, I was directly escorted into the execution ground by the other party, and then the head fell to the ground. ”

Roya’s gaze looked out the window at a naval branch flag fluttering in the wind not far away.

Suddenly, a flash of light suddenly appeared!

Of course, he couldn’t have gone into the Navy.

The Navy has to fight to the death every day.

He can’t stand an “old bone”!

“The plan is probably like this, although the East China Sea is the weakest sea, it also has a lot of pirates, and the pirate group is a very headache for the world government and navy… If I go to destroy two or three pirate groups as a civil justice person, will it be a petition for the world government to prove itself and distance myself from Roger? ”

The more Luo Ya thought about it, the more he felt that this method was reliable! But I don’t know why I vaguely feel a little wrong.

But time is a little bit tight for him at the moment.

The mentality that didn’t feel quite right was suppressed by him.

Anyway, the pirates are just small groups.

Offend a small group on the side of a few pirates….

Better than offending the world government!


At the same time, in Rogue Town, in the office of the colonel of the naval branch, Smog had already put down the bounty order he was carrying before and was devoting himself wholeheartedly to his work.

From the mountains of documents, he turned out a relatively new document.

Open the file and watch it for a while….

Smogg took a puff of his cigarette and muttered: “The former colonel in Rogue Town still has some ability, and he actually infiltrated the power of the navy to the pirates in the East China Sea, as long as he cooperates with the people lurking on the pirates’ side, come to a combination of inside and outside.” ”

Smogg’s eyes showed a cold light, filled with a low murmur of slaughter, which sounded in the office.

“Then you can take those pirate groups in the East China Sea at once…”

“Directly wipe out at least one-third of the scale!”

After spitting out a smoke ring, Smogg’s complexion returned to normal, which was a plan that the Navy headquarters had already set.

The purpose is to eliminate pirates in the East China Sea!

Even if only one-third can be eliminated.

That’s a big deal too!

As long as the outside navy cooperates with the navy lurking in the pirates, it is logical to cooperate inside and outside.

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