“Daddy! Dad! Something big happened over there on the other side of Upside Down Mountain! According to the news recently circulating in the New World, the golden lion Shiki that man… With Goth Roa, a big fight on Upside Down Hill, and then the golden lion Shiki… Golden Lion Shiki, lost to that Goth Roya!!! ”

A message from Marko… Let Whitebeard be stunned, and his expression was full of surprise.

Golden Lion Shiki, this legendary man… It is impossible for Whitebeard not to know that this is an old friend.

Of course, the Golden Lion Shiki is in addition to being his old friend…

At the same time, the other party is also his old opponent of the white beard!

Both sides have already fought many times!

And once on some group of pirates …

Both are people in the same boat!

This guy was actually defeated by Goethe Roya? Whitebeard had forgotten the last time he saw the golden lion Shiki, and the last time he had drunk with this guy.

However, he remembers that before the golden lion Shiji left, he said that he wanted to take revenge on the world government.

Then this walk is missing for more than ten or twenty years!

So long that Whitebeard almost forgot about this guy…

I even thought that this guy was old and dead.

After all, everyone is in their seventies…

When he was young, he still left various dark wounds.

It’s not easy to be alive.

“I didn’t find that this bastard is still alive! And against that Goth Roa … Goo la! It seems that this old lion must have wanted to recruit Goth Roa to become his deputy, after all, Lao Tzu still knows that golden lion Shiji very well!! ”

Whitebeard recalled some of the past, and his face couldn’t help but have a slight look of reminiscence.

But soon… This kind of reminiscence was directly overwhelmed by him.

He took a deep breath and laughed: “That golden lion must have done this, and then the two will fight, after all, how can a man who can become the boss of that guy Roger condescend to others?” ”

“Then again… That old lion, shouldn’t he have died at the hands of Goth Roya? ”

Marko was stunned and shook his head: “No, the golden lion Shiji is still alive and well.” ”

“But…” Marko hesitated, “No, Goth Roya has disappeared, and I don’t know if there is any agreement between the two of them, or an alliance?” ”

Speaking of this, Marko’s tone became serious: “Dad, if these two men form an alliance, our white-bearded pirate group has to watch out for them!” ”

It’s normal for Marko to have such worries, after all, the golden lion Shiki allied with Goth Roya…

This degree of influence is tantamount to the alliance of two pirate groups of the Four Emperors!

Once the two form an alliance, then for the whole sea…

It’s an extremely important event!

Although the Golden Lion Shiji and their Whitebeard Pirates are old acquaintances, they are also old rivals at the same time! It’s okay to drink together when you’re okay on weekdays, but after it comes to key things, it’s normal to fight each other to death!

Even though Marko seemed very confident in the power of his father’s white beard…

But the injuries on Daddy’s body have always affected his strength.

In this case, their group of white-bearded pirates …

If there is an alliance between those two men…

Basically, there will be no chance!!

There is even a high probability of defeat!!

What Marko could think of, Whitebeard couldn’t possibly think of, Whitebeard gradually converged the smile on his face, frowned and pondered, and then said: “The possibility of the two of them forming an alliance is unlikely, mainly that Goth Roya, it should be impossible to ally with the Golden Lion!” ”

“The person of Golden Lion Shiji is too uncertain, this guy always doesn’t know what he is thinking in his head, and generally normal people will not look for a guy with brain problems to form an alliance.”

“I think the man who is Roger’s boss, presumably… He knows this very well! ”

Whitebeard’s knowledge of the Golden Lion Shiji…

Naturally, it is much more than Marco.

His analysis makes sense.

It’s even close to the truth!

“Goo la! In any case, this news already shows that the man named Goth Roya has officially stepped into the first half of the great voyage! With his strength, sooner or later, he will step into the new world, and then the new world will be lively!! ”

Whitebeard smiled indifferently, indeed, if Roya wanted to enter the new world, no one could stop him.

This is true even for the Navy headquarters, unless the three admirals block Roa together.

But one thing is clear… Roya’s goal is too small.

He even had a boat as a small sailboat…

How do you intercept a person in this situation?

Isn’t this looking for a needle in a haystack?!

However, Marko was still a little worried, and he couldn’t help but raise a possibility: “Dad, if the other party comes to the new world, and due to various accidents, that man becomes the enemy of our white-bearded pirate group, then it will be trouble!” ”

“We may be able to prepare ways to deal with it in advance, such as letting the brothers keep their eyes open, if we meet Goth Roya in the new world, it is best not to provoke each other, even if we can’t win each other’s favor, we can’t provoke a terrible man casually!”

Hearing this, Whitebeard half-stared, and said with a smile: “Marko, you are still too cautious!” ”

“You know, Lao Tzu… But Whitebeard!! ”

Speaking of this, Whitebeard stroked the pheasant knife on the side, that is, the supreme fast knife “Cong Yun Che”, and laughed heroically: “If he Goth Roya dares to move Lao Tzu’s son, then let the horse come!” I, Edward Newgate, didn’t grow up vegetarian!! ”

“Everyone is an old thing of the old times, who is afraid of whom when fighting! Goo la!! ”

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