
“What’s going on?”

“Why did the Sengoku University suddenly let us push out of the forest?”

“I don’t know, is there any danger?”

The surrounding navy is not as superb and domineering as the Warring States, and they can detect the surrounding situation.

Confused by the order of the Sengoku.


They knew why the Warring States were so flustered.

Raging fire continued to pour towards them from all directions, like man-eating fire dragons!

The trees along the way were all engulfed and quickly rushed towards them under the push of the fierce wind!

The surrounding temperature rises instantly, like a large steamer.

Water is constantly lost from the mouth, and the skin begins to dry and crack.

There is a salty taste in the mouth.

That’s the salt that evaporates in the body.

The fierce flames drove the navy together like sheep waiting to be slaughtered!


There are flames all around!

Where to retreat?

Or rush out of the encirclement against the flames.

Or turn into a roast suckling pig in this sky-high fire.

In order to eliminate the navy, the White Fang calculated this entire forest!

There was simply no retreat for the Navy!

In order to prevent the escape of naval soldiers, the White Fang deployed soldiers on both sides of the forest.

Even if someone luckily rushes out, they will face the soldiers of the Fiore Empire who are waiting for work.

From the beginning, the White Fang used the hatred of the Navy to calculate them to death.

The flames finally spread to their side, and the clothes of the soldiers standing on the outermost periphery splashed a little spark, and they were instantly ignited in this ultra-high temperature.

“Save me, help! My clothes are burning! ”

The blazing flames continued to burn his skin, emitting a scorching smell, and he rolled all over the ground in pain, trying to extinguish the flames.

But the fire is too fierce to extinguish!

Even if those soldiers around beat desperately, it would not help.

This is just the beginning.

More and more Navy soldiers began to stick to the flames, spreading like a virus in the army.

One after another, in just a short time, no less than hundreds of people were burned.



“So hot! So hot! Help me ~Help me ~”



Crying for help!

In the army of the navy, one after another, let the eyes of the war be torn!

“Kuzan!” Sengoku shouted.


Kuzan instantly understood Sengoku’s.

Although there may be some damage to the soldiers.

But it’s better than them being burned alive here.

“Glaciers… Uh~”

But just when he wanted to zoom in, he was suddenly attacked in the back!

A white-haired Kakashi fell from the sky and interrupted Kuzan’s big move.

How could the dark department responsible for gathering intelligence not know that there was a Kuzan with freezing ability in the navy.

This situation was already taken into account when drawing up the battle plan.

Kakashi had been staring secretly.


Kuzan, who was attacked by Kakashi, instantly smashed the earth out of a large hole, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Kakashi’s kick just now was domineering with armed colors!

“Who are you?”

Kuzan put away his usual lazy expression and stared at Kakashi with extremely solemn eyes.

“The one who killed you!”

“Lei Chuan!”

Kakashi’s figure suddenly split in two.

The blue-blue thunder and lightning sounded in their hands, and the two of them rushed towards Kuzan, and the thunder and lightning in the shadow doppelganger’s hand and the thunder and lightning in the body’s hand were instantly connected together to form a thunderbolt chain.

Even solid objects will be cut off!


Kuzan’s body was split in two directly from the waist.

However, a cold surge took the body’s back to its original state.

The elementalization had just been made before Lei Chuan cut through his body.

“Elementalization? It’s really a troublesome ability! Kakashi grumbled slightly.

“This white-haired little brother, can’t let you get in the way! If it goes on like this, the Navy will be gone! ”

Borusalino’s slightly lewd voice sounded in Kakashi’s ears, condensing a large number of photons, and the little leg full of great destructive power had already appeared in the back of his head.


Kakashi’s pupils shrank, and he couldn’t react to Borusalino’s sudden appearance at all!

It’s so fast!

“Lightspeed kick!”


Tremble in the balance!

Borusalino’s calf was suddenly forcibly reoriented.

“Kakashi, watch behind you!” A teenager armed with an armed domineering sword stood behind Kakashi and said to him, apparently he had just helped.

“Thanks! Stop the water! ”

This person is the genius ninja of the same era as Kakashi and Itachi, and everyone knows about the instantaneous water, but he was killed by the old Kagebi of Danzo with a conspiracy.

“Oh! It seems that there is another amazing little brother! Borusalino tilted his head and looked at the blood-red water stop in his eyes, his eyes filled with deep surprise.

The man who looked very young actually kept up with him.

Although Borusalino is very fast, the instantaneous technique of stopping water is also vegetarian.

The teleportation technique was almost practiced by him to the extreme, and it was as if it was teleportation, so fast that people could not react.

Once the speed of stopping the water was so fast that after killing the enemy, the enemy did not realize that he was dead.

“Really! Troublesome characters pop up one after another! ”

“Canine Tooth Red Lotus! ”


A huge magma wolf dog bites Kakashi with a temperature higher than the surrounding sea of fire.

All they have to do now is to free Kuzan’s hand to solve the damn sea of fire.

Otherwise, their navy will be all over!

However, how did the Fiore Empire let them get their wishes.

The personnel and strength of the troops have long been clearly understood by the dark department, and the combat plan has long been drawn up.


The hot magma giant dog was directly pressed to the ground by a big red hand, and the four dog’s hooves kicked wildly, and finally hung down powerlessly and turned into a pool of scorching magma.

Oh, my God!

What is it!

A skeleton more than ten meters tall, huge and incomparably large, surrounded by Chakra like a red flame, exuding incomparably terrifying and terrifying power everywhere!

Just looking at it makes people feel full of longing! _

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