This is what a soldier should be like!

The navy moved and began to act according to the order.

"Lieutenant General? What do you want to do?" The old soldier was still puzzled.

Gumier smiled meaningfully and pointed to the empty wine pot.

"What do you think of Ling Bai's wine?"

"It's amazing. I also smell something. The wounds on my body don't hurt anymore..."

"This must be a magic wine! I'm going to... rinse this pot with other wine!"

Gumier said with a proud look on his face.

As if what he just said was an extremely ingenious plan.

"Rinse... rinse the pot?"

The old soldier's neck shrank.

This is what Ling Bai drank, and there is saliva on it. Isn't it disgusting?

"If my analysis is correct, the wine after rinsing must have the effect of healing injuries!"

Seeing Gumier's complacent look, the old soldier looked embarrassed.

"Just because of this, you asked us to move everything here?"

"Yes! What's the problem?"

"Don't you want to test it first?"


Gumil touched his chin, and the flesh on his chubby face trembled, "Yes... It seems that we should test it..."

"You are drunk..."

"I'm not drinking!"

"You are really drunk..."

The old soldier slapped his forehead hard, speechless.

In the past, Gumil was famous in the navy for his three characteristics of prudence, wisdom, and swordsmanship. If something went wrong, the old vice admiral would probably lose face.

"It's okay! It will definitely work!"

Gumil said firmly.

Inexplicably optimistic.

"Report! Everything is ready, please give instructions!"

A colonel came to report.

"Very good! Let the plan begin!"

Under Gumil's command, all the wine was poured into a large container.

The square was filled with the aroma of wine.

"Didn't the Vice Admiral always say that alcohol should be banned? Why did he mix all the alcohol?"

"Who knows? Why do we privates need to explain what the higher-ups are doing?"

"I really don't understand, but this alcohol smells really good. Being in the Navy, the quality of things is good!"

The sailors were talking, greedily sucking the aroma of alcohol in the air.

"Report! All the alcohol has been poured in!"


Gumil jumped up and jumped to the side of the container.

Then, in front of everyone, he started to rinse the pot with alcohol.

The alcohol was poured into a large bowl.

"Come on! Let Peng En and the others drink first!"

Peng En and the lieutenant colonel, who had smashed out 9999 Dao power a few days ago, were seriously injured and had several broken bones. They were still lying there and dared not move.


The old soldier took the bowl, but he still had some resistance in his heart.

He fed Peng En a little bit in the stunned eyes of the rest of the navy.

After feeding a few mouthfuls, Peng En got strength from nowhere and snatched it away.

"What kind of wine is this! How can it taste so good!"

The navy's eyes widened even more!


This is obviously dishwater!

However, the next scene completely stunned everyone.

Peng En drank all the wine and threw the bowl!

He stood up with a somersault, and with a loud shout, all the bandages wrapped around his body broke.

Looking at his body again, there was no injury at all!

"I feel full of strength in my body!"

Peng En's face flushed, and he started punching the air.

It seemed that he wanted to vent the energy in his body.

"Hahahaha! You see, I knew it would work!"

Gumier laughed and started to rinse the pot again.

Occasionally, he would secretly drink a few sips.

The wine in the pot was quickly drunk by many wounded.

Even the seriously injured who were knocked unconscious by the sea kings soon jumped up drunk, looking lively.

During the whole process, some navy officers kept their mouths shut.

"Can you cure diseases in this way?"

"It's really amazing!"

"I, I want to drink a few sips too...".

Chapter 13 Zefa and Crane (3/5, flowers please!)

Later, Gumier was too lazy to rinse.

He threw the wine jug directly into the large container of wine, as if he had thrown down some magical medicine.

The conditions of many injured marines improved, and they began their own performances with drunken hiccups.

Ling Bai was confused.

"What is this smell? So familiar..."

His consciousness was already hazy, but his body was very honest.

Ling Bai didn't even need to open his eyes, and he kept close to his nose and the wine. He moved and crawled to the container.

"It's wine!"

Ling Bai opened his eyes a little and looked at the wine that was still half full in the container.

He suddenly became energetic.

"System...identify, identify..." Ling Bai thought to himself.

"Ding——Identification completed, Sea King wine, low-grade, drinking it can activate physical potential, heal injuries, and strengthen the body."

"Sea King wine?"

Ling Bai looked around with a dazed look and caught a glimpse of the wine pot at the bottom.

" turns out to be...blended wine..."

Isn't this the divine wine he drank just now?

But he was able to blend such a large jar of low-grade wine, could it be that he didn't drink it all?

"Sin, sin..."

How could there be leftover wine?

"I'm here to atone for my sins..."

With a splash!

Ling Bai fell directly into the container.

The container was very large, and the remaining half tank of wine directly submerged Ling Bai.

But Ling Bai had the ability to breathe underwater, which did not affect his breathing.

Soaking in the wine, he smiled foolishly and drank happily.

The wine level dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and every cell in Ling Bai's body was fully nourished by the wine.

"Hurry up and pick that kid up for me!

Didn't I ask you to guard Ling Bai? Why did you let this kid get in?

If he drowns, it will be a loss for the navy and the world! Who of you can afford the responsibility!"

Gumil was drunk at this time, and he obviously drank a lot.

The navy he scolded was also drunk, and he might have forgotten the order to watch Ling Bai.

Everyone worked together to lift Ling Bai out.

"Not dead, still breathing! Just soaked!"

"Drinking with every pore of the body, what a high state!"

"Are you drunk? What nonsense are you talking about? It's clear that you have merged with the wine!"

Except for the first person, the rest of the people's words were floating.

Usually, they dared not speak nonsense due to military discipline, but now they are talking more nonsense than each other.

Leaving Ling Bai aside, everyone started drinking again.

There were even people in the kitchen who prepared the side dishes.

It seemed that a banquet had begun on the square!

"Pulu Pulu-Pulu Pulu-"

"Gumil! Den Den Mushi!"

A signalman yelled.


Gumil knocked the signalman unconscious with a punch.

"Smelly boy, did you call me by my name? You have no respect for me!"

Gumil took the Den Den Mushi with a curse, but did not forget to take another sip of wine.

"Hello? Who's looking for me?"


"It's me!"

"Me? Hahaha," the person on the other end of the Den Den Mushi laughed, "I've gotten older, and my temper has gotten worse..."

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