Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 120 Fist 119 Fire Fist Ace

at dusk.

11 formation warships, infirmary.


Disinfectant alcohol was applied to the wound. Loya's face twitched in pain. Although he could use World to restore the injury, he did not do so.

Injuries in battle were common, and he had to get used to enduring the pain, just like being beaten violently by Garp in the world.

Moreover, if some injuries healed too quickly, he would appear abnormal. He didn't want to be carried to Vegapunk's experimental platform.

Not far next to him, Smoker was also covered in scars, and his swollen face could not even see its original appearance.

What a terrible loss.

Even if the two of them fought together, they were no match for Vergo, and they couldn't even make the other party use their full strength.

Your Steam White Fist is pretty good.

Hmph, thank you.

Smoker was unhappy.

He has been reading books in his spare time and learned a lot of physics knowledge, especially about the principles of steam engines.

Treating the body as a boiler, it generates heat by accelerating muscle movement, increasing the temperature and pressure in the arm, while converting blood and even bone marrow into steam.

In this way, every blood vessel in the muscles will be filled with high-pressure steam. When the arm reaches its limit, the accumulated pressure will be instantly released along the fist!

The power was so explosive that it even hit Vergo until he vomited blood and flew away with one punch, but it also put the arm's endurance to a great test.

Smoker raised his right arm that was swollen and red, as if it had been roasted. Recalling his previous performance, he felt a little unbelievable.

He has become stronger!

Science is really amazing!

Hey, Loya.

Smoker stared at Loya, a little confused.

If you just want to practice, there are many strong people who can challenge you in the G-1 branch, and you can even go to the main branch to find Teacher Zefa.

Why challenge Vergo?

I want to beat him.

Loya calmly recounted the facts.

Although it is extremely dangerous, this is the fastest shortcut to get to the top. Apart from banning Vergo, the other road is too long.

I'm going for a rest.

Loya got up and left the infirmary. After returning to his room, he opened the world without taking a break.

Virgo is waiting for him!

Time passes quickly, south of Thunder God Island.

Pull the boat over!


The warship pursues the pirate ship at full speed!

Watch out for shelling!

Bato, defensive posture!

Don't worry, leave it to me!

A transparent barrier was opened at the bow of the ship, and any approaching cannonballs were blocked and could not damage the warship at all.

In terms of defensive ability alone, the Barrier Fruit is definitely at the top level in the world.

Driven by the external gear, the warship quickly approached the pirate ship. When the distance between the two sides was less than 100 meters, two figures flew out of the warship deck.

White smoke launcher!


Loya stepped on the moon steps and landed on the deck of the pirate ship with Smoker. The pirates were furious because they had been chased for a long time and immediately killed the two of them.

Kill the navy!

Oh oh oh!

Facing the rushing pirates, Smoker clenched his fists, his arms suddenly swelled, and high-pressure steam flowed under his skin!

Steam White Fist!


The fist slammed into the pirate's chest, and the impact air waves visible to the naked eye came out of the body, blowing away all the pirates behind him!

The captain jumped up, slashed Loya's head with a knife in both hands, and roared angrily: Damn navy, you ruined our dreams!


The blade struck Loya's shoulder, but it broke into several pieces with a click like it was striking a stone.

How can it be?!

The captain looked at the broken knife stupidly.

How can flesh and blood resist the sword?

Fingergun Madara!

Luo Ya raised his hand coldly, and his fingertips instantly turned into phantoms, leaving more than a dozen bloody holes on the opponent's body.

You scumbags are worthy enough to talk about dreams.

In less than three minutes, the battle was over.

Flow barrier·stairs!

Bato built a staircase between the two ships and rushed into the pirate ship with his brothers, happily carrying the treasure.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. If it weren't for some living expenses, the pirate ship would have been sunk long ago with the firepower of the warship.

In the combat conference room.

The atmosphere was very solemn, and there was no joy of victory at all.

The pirate captain in this crusade is just a low-level pirate with a bounty of 60 million, and a cadre with a bounty of 30 million.


It has been more than a month since I left the G-5 branch, and I have captured a lot of pirates, but they are all small shrimps, and none of them has a bounty of over 100 million.

It was only March, the off-season for pirates.

Pirates set out from all over the world, relying on the guidance of the record pointer, and it will take at least half a year to reach the new world. The second half of the year will be the pirate blowout period.

In addition, the number of supernovae is extremely rare. Normally, there will only be two or three supernovae in a year. The year Luffy went to sea was a special situation.

Lu Yun took out a reward order and waved it in front of Luo Ya: Colonel Luo Ya, this guy might be interested in you.

show me!

Loya took the reward order and raised his eyebrows.

Fire Fist Ace has a bounty of 120 million Baileys!

You've only been out at sea for three months and you've already made a name for yourself!

Loya was amazed.

When they met last year, Ace and Luffy's strength was very limited, and he even defeated Ace.

But the scary thing about the two of them is not how solid their foundation is, but the terrifying speed of their growth in the face of adversity.

Luffy, who had just left the sea, could now be beaten with one hand, but Luffy during the Chambord Islands period was already a 300-million-strong pirate, and his strength had reached the level of a lieutenant general.

It’s only half a year.

Ace's transformation speed is not inferior to Luffy's. When he reaches the new world, the bounty will be at least doubled.

I have to speed up my pace too!

Loya felt unspeakable pressure, being chased by the genius, and realized how slow his progress was.

There isn't much time left for him!

Colonel Loya, a pirate ship was spotted at three o'clock!

Ready to fight!


Three days later, the warship returned to the G-5 branch to rest.

Loya immediately found Vergo.

Lieutenant General Vergo, please spar with me!


The Virgos are a bit numb.

How many times has this happened?

In the past month, Black Hair has completely regarded G-5 as his home. Every time he went out to sea to catch some pirates, he would return to G-5 to rest.

Then, challenge him!

If it weren't for the sake of protecting his own image, he would really want to beat the black hair to death with a stick, and even consider whether to kill this guy secretly.

Vergo picked up the bamboo stick. From the beginning, he was careless, but now, he must take this kid seriously.

I have to admire that Black Hair has grown very quickly and is very good at summarizing. Every time he challenges him, he can avoid the mistakes he made last time and even find his weaknesses.

Colonel Loya, you seem eager.

Yes, Lieutenant General Vergo, I have an enemy that must be defeated!

Loya stared at Virgo with burning eyes.

Before Ace reaches the new world, he needs to kill this guy!

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