Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 122 The navy is the overlord!

At the southern port of the Tanin Kingdom, something was wrong. The slave ship trying to escape was locked by dozens of huge black iron bars.

The warship is approaching quickly.

Tina stood on the bow turret and opened her right hand to the slave ship. The giant iron rods more than ten meters long were her masterpiece.

Not only can her body turn into iron bars, she can also create iron bars for long-distance throwing, which is a very convenient ability.

Hey, really, how should I explain to my superiors now? Tina is very powerless.

Tina sighed helplessly, but after all, she still didn't hesitate to take action against the slave ship, even if it had Doflamingo's logo on the ship.

As a navy, she also has justice that needs to be implemented. The evil is right in front of her, and there is no reason to sit idly by.

Soon, the battle ended.

Several slave ships were intercepted, and the crowded warehouses were filled with civilians, including civilians plundered from other countries.

The slave traders were tied together and roared angrily: Damn Navy, do you know who we are?

We are the subordinates of His Majesty Shichibukai Doflamingo. If he attacks us, have you ever thought about the consequences?

The slave traders were fierce in appearance, with fear in their eyes. Their companions were almost killed, and only they were left behind.

Now they can only pray that Doflamingo's Shichibukai title can intimidate the navy in front of them.

Doflamingo? That's ridiculous, I'm a Marine!

Loya sneered.

Even if the King's Shichibukai has the legal right to plunder, it must be within the scope allowed by the World Government.

The slave trade was shady.

If Doflamingo dared to admit to running the slave trade, his title as King of the Shichibukai would be unnecessary, and the admiral would appear in Dressrosa the next day.

Plus, he's in the Navy.

The navy is the real overlord of the sea!

No matter how arrogant Doflamingo is, he cannot openly attack the navy unless he is sure of blocking the news.

Loya's target is Vergo. It is only a matter of time before he becomes an enemy of Doflamingo. The easiest way to expose Vergo's evil tail is to take the initiative.

He did not believe that in order to deal with him, the Don Quixote family would send out the entire army. He was not worthy of attention yet, and Ming Ge would most likely send cadres to assassinate him.

And that's exactly what he wanted.

Take them all back, Bator. You come to interrogate these scum. Just don't kill them. You have to escort them back to the headquarters.

Lu Yun, report this incident to the headquarters, especially about the Don Quixote family's suspicion of slave trading!

Let this department be separated from Doflamingo.


The warship sets sail for the next island.

It's not just the Kingdom of Tanin that's asking for help, it also has a lot of work to do.

For half a month, the 11 formation warships traveled to and from the surrounding kingdoms. In addition to destroying a group of slave traders, they also captured many pirates.

The situation of non-member countries shocked every sailor in Formation 11 again and again, and even Tina fell silent without realizing it.

Dressrosa, Royal Palace.

Doflamingo had veins bulging between his eyebrows, and he was obviously in a bad mood.

The arrest of a group of useless subordinates was not a problem. The accountability from the Navy Headquarters was the main reason for his unhappiness!

Of course, we can't admit that this kind of thing is related to him. Even if both parties know it well, they can't talk about it openly.

A mere colonel from the headquarters is really arrogant!

The finger pointed at the black hair.

Information about Black Hair was also presented to the Mingge family. Judging from the information alone, Black Hair is a quite unusual naval supernova!

Dover, I'll take care of the brunette!

Diamanti volunteered.

The matter of black hair has been discussed before, but now the worry has become a reality. If black hair is left unchecked, the losses suffered by the family will only continue to increase.

Those useless subordinates can't deal with the navy's supernova.

Then leave it to you, Diamanti.

Brother Ming nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: Don't be too careless, that guy's strength is not just as simple as a colonel in the headquarters.

Judging from the information alone, the black-haired man's strength during the training period exceeded the level of ordinary headquarters officers.

A few months have passed, and it is conservatively estimated that the strength is as strong as a brigadier general, or even higher, and several of the opponent's subordinates are also elite!

Diamanti raised the corners of her lips: Don't worry, I will bring the fighting army with me!

That's no problem.


G-5 branch, 11 formation warships docked.

Yo, black-haired brother.

Is Lieutenant General Vergo here?

The Lieutenant General is out. I'm afraid it will be a few days before he comes back.


Loya led his men into the fortress.

Looking at Loya who seemed to be at home, the brigadier general and his subordinates scratched their heads and followed quickly, feeling that something was wrong.

Wait, the black-haired brother doesn't seem to be from the G-5 branch, right?

Luo Ya suddenly said: Brigadier General, I am going to rest for a few more days when I come back this time. Could you please help me prepare accommodation?

no problem!

He patted his chest over his head in assurance.

The G-5 branch has never been fully staffed. There are many vacant rooms. We will free up a building for the black-haired brothers later.

Brother with black hair, I heard that you have done a lot of big things recently?


Loya smiled and nodded: Commodore, if you are interested, take your brothers and sail with us next time.

Okay, okay, you don't know, you've been catching pirates too hard recently, and the brothers have nothing to do, they're too idle!

Over-the-top smile.

Being stuck in the base all day was too boring. He and his subordinates had long wanted to follow the black-haired brothers and have some fun.

Night falls in the training room.

Smoker pushed the heavy barbell, and his whole body muscles were trembling. Not far away, Tina was performing weight-bearing squats, also sweating profusely.

The two of them were not empty-headed fools like Bator. They both sensed the danger signals. Loya's recent unusual behavior must have an extraordinary purpose.

What's more, he provoked that Shichibukai!

Seizing all the time to practice is the best way to deal with it.

Loya's room.

The World!

The world opens up!

Loya came to Virgo with a deep look in his eyes.

The opponent simulated by World is based on the strength displayed by the opponent when fighting him. It is like a simulated Garp who only uses some basic fist and kick attacks.

Therefore, he would challenge Vergo again and again.

The more battles there are in reality, the more data the world gets, and the closer the simulated state is to the enemy.

bring it on!

Loya stepped into the duel field, and Virgo immediately looked at him. His powerful aura was almost exactly the same as in reality.

Loya raised his fists and looked crazy.

If his previous practice was about getting stronger in a cyclical and progressive manner, then now he is undoubtedly walking on a high-voltage line and may die at any time.

Danger, but also forcing him to move forward!

He even felt like a pirate at the moment, facing an invincible enemy and desperately squeezing his potential.

Ace has already gone to sea, and there are still three years left before the war on the top. He wants to become an admiral in the navy within three years, but training alone is not enough.

He must move forward!


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