11 formation warship, medical room.

Smash Varudo?

Question marks appeared on Lu Yun's head.

Then, the bespectacled girl watched Loya's body emit a faint light, as if going back in time. The damaged internal organs and shattered spine were quickly repaired, and even the belly she had cut open by her own hands was healing.

In less than thirty seconds, Loya's body recovered as before, with no scars visible on the surface, and the life fluctuations on the instrument meter became increasingly stronger.

It's a miracle!

The girl with glasses opened her little mouth into an O shape.

Return of life? No!


She knew that there was something wrong with Senior Loya's body, and this miraculous recovery power was definitely not something ordinary humans could possess.

Could it be that Senior Loya is a special race that has never been recorded?

Hey, Loya-senpai's body

After the injury recovered, Loya's body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his muscles were rapidly drying up.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Ya was skinny and skinny.

Lu Yun could understand this scene.

Recovering from injuries requires energy consumption, so Senior Loya asked me to prepare food. It's really a magical physique.

There are still many unexplored places. Perhaps the specialness of Senior Loya is no less than that of the legendary Lunaria tribe.

It's so much fun.

The girl with glasses is in high spirits.

In Punk Hassad's records, the Lunaria clan, known as the Clan of Gods, is the most special. Even Vegapunk calls the Lunaria clan the strongest human beings and is eager to copy them. Revealing Nalia's clan.

Compared with the Lunaria clan's physique, Senior Loya's performance is much inferior, but the recovery process from the injury just now is not like recovery in the traditional sense, but more like manipulating time, allowing the body to return to the state before the injury. state.

If it is really the power of time.

The girl with glasses stretched out her hand and stroked Luo Ya's belly gently. With the other hand, she lifted up her clothes and touched her belly, trying to feel the difference.


When Luo Ya opened his eyes, what he saw was the girl with glasses touching his belly, and her smile was unusually wet, like a slut.

My mouth is watering!

Have you touched enough?

Hey, senior woke up so soon?

The girl with glasses quickly wiped her saliva.

Loya sat up, feeling the weakness in his body.

Lu Yun, what just happened?

Hey, senior, you don't know?

Know it, but can't see it.

Oh I got it.

Lu Yun recounted the scene just now in detail, looking at Luo Ya with an indescribable desire to explore in his eyes.

Pretty scary.

Senior, it is possible that the power of time is hidden in your body, and it can even affect the real world!

Affect reality?

Loya frowned.

He can actually feel that the potential of the world is not just about extending time, it needs to be developed like a devil fruit.

Copying the real environment, even replicating the opponents you fought, and recovering your body are all among the abilities of The World.

If you can really affect reality and apply it in combat, your combat skills will be greatly improved.

Maybe my mental strength is not enough?

Loya stared at the girl with glasses.

He was not surprised that the girl with glasses discovered the secret of his body. As his lieutenant, they had been together for a long time, and in a sense they were closer than his wife. It was impossible to hide his abnormality.

What's more, there are too many strange races in this world, including monsters like Lunalia.

He is special at best.

For what he wanted to do, the secret of his body was nothing. What could be more serious than wanting to replace the Celestial Dragons?

In comparison, he cares more about whether the girl with glasses can help him develop the world.

Lu Yun, are you sure?

If the process just now happens again, I should be able to confirm.

Deer Yunqueque wanted to give it a try. The situation just now was too sudden. She was not prepared at all, and she was also worried that interference would affect Loya's recovery.

Again, it only takes a very simple experiment to confirm.

Okay, there will be a chance soon.

Luo Ya nodded slightly, his eyes deep.

The world has recorded all of Vergo's power, especially the Ghost Bamboo move. His body will be broken countless times.

Lu Yun, I'm hungry.

Ah, senior, please wait a moment!

Only then did Lu Yun react and hurriedly came to the medical room. All members of Formation 11 were waiting in the corridor, all of them very worried.

With such a serious injury, Colonel Loya could not be saved, right?

Seeing Lu Yun coming out, everyone hurriedly stepped forward and asked, Major Lu Yun, how is Colonel Luo Ya's condition?

Out of danger!

Lu Yun comforted everyone and ordered: Prepare food quickly, the more the better!


Although they didn't quite understand, everyone still rushed to the kitchen in a hurry. This was all they could do now.

Soon, a large amount of food was carried into the medical room. It was like a glutton eating crazily in the room, like a bottomless pit.

Quick, bring the food over here!

“Let the chefs speed it up!”

Having been eating for half an hour, all the food for several days has been eaten!

After eating for half an hour, the eating was finally over.

Silence returned to the medical room.

Lu Yun pulled the door of the medical room and said seriously: Colonel Loya needs to recuperate for a while, and no one should disturb him during this period.


The sailors nodded vigorously.

The colonel was so seriously injured that it was natural for him to take some time to recuperate.


The door is closed.

In the medical room, Loya's body, which had been swollen due to eating too much, was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the originally shriveled muscles were getting stronger again.

Loya clenched his fists, his arm muscles were as sharp as rocks, and his body was once again full of strength, stronger and more powerful than before.

It's like being reborn!

Lu Yun, I will need so much food every day from now on!

Senior, the warship doesn't have enough food!

Lu Yun had to remind him that according to Luo Ya's way of eating, the ingredients stored in the warship could only last for three days at most.

Go to the G-5 branch and ask for it!

Loya was unceremonious: In addition, contact those countries that we have helped before and ask them to send food materials over!


There is no pie in the sky. Since they provided military assistance, it is reasonable to ask for compensation, not to mention it is just some ingredients.

Early the next morning.

All the friends from the G-5 branch came to the port and wanted to check on Loya's condition. They were very worried.

Lu Yun stopped them.

Please rest assured, Colonel Loya is out of danger and is currently recovering from his injuries. He cannot see you for the time being.

Understood, understood.

The sailors of G-5 breathed a sigh of relief.

They like Formation 11 very much and are really worried about Loya's death.

The brigadier general patted his chest over his head: If you need anything, please let us know. We will definitely do our best!

Thanks in advance.

Lu Yun smiled and thanked him. Although these rogue sailors from G-5 had bad deeds, they were still quite loyal.

Base Chief's Office.

Aren't you dead? Life is pretty tough.

After Vergo learned the news, his stern expression did not change at all. Yesterday's battle had confirmed the threat of Loya.

He is indeed outstanding, not even comparable to some major generals in his headquarters. Over time, he will definitely become a serious problem for the family.

But unfortunately, there is not much time left for the boy.

Threatening to be strangled in the cradle!

“Little black-haired brother, the next time you go to sea, you will die!

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