Mist Island, Northern Wilderness.

The members of the Spade Pirates were lying behind a small slope, peeping at the battlefield in the distance. Their captain was confronting the navy.

Hey, things are not good!

It's the famous black-haired major general!

Don't worry, Captain Ace is very strong!

This year's pirate newcomers, as long as they are a little well-informed, will know that the first obstacle to entering the new world is the rear admiral codenamed Black Hair.

When they were in Shampoo Land, they heard about the reputation of black hair.

Rumor has it that more than half of newcomers who enter the new world die at the hands of black hair, and many pirates call him the newcomer killer!

And it’s not just black hair.

The pirates looked to the other side of the battlefield. The navy was gathering, and many of them were famous and powerful characters.

The situation is quite bad!

In the center of the battlefield.

Ace's fists and palms collided together, and the smile on his face was extremely confident. He has become ten times stronger since he went to sea!

Loya, you have to be careful!

bring it on.

Loya smiled and put his hands in his pockets.

Damn it, you underestimated me!

Ace was a little annoyed, kicked off his legs and rushed towards Loya quickly. He did not use his abilities, but chose to fight with fists and kicks.

Just like it was then.

He didn't want to take advantage of Loya.

watch out!

The fist swept past Loya's ear!

Loya turned his head slightly and easily avoided Ace's fist, then raised his leg and kicked Ace in the abdomen.


A muffled sound!

Ace held his abdomen, arched his body in pain, staggered back a few steps, and almost vomited out the spaghetti he had just eaten.

Loya was a little disappointed and said calmly: Ace, I haven't seen you for a year, your physical skills haven't improved much.


Ace looked up with cold sweat on his face.

At that moment, he didn't see Loya's kick clearly. Although he didn't use all his strength, he shouldn't have been kicked so easily.

He won't be careless anymore!


Ace rushed towards Loya again, his whole body's nerves were in a highly active state, his eyes fixed on Loya's every move.

Go all out!

The speed of punching increased to a level higher than before.

That's pretty cool.

Loya still put his hands in his pockets and swayed to a minimum, easily dodging Ace's fists and kicks without even needing paper drawings.

He could clearly see every move Ace made.

Lift your legs!


His knee blocked Ace's fist!

Ace felt a slight pain in his fist, and the impact felt less like a human body and more like hitting steel.

Similar situations have been encountered before.

Ace raised his lips: It's so tough. This move seems to be called an iron block, right?

No, you are overthinking.

Luo Ya frowned, he simply raised his legs to block.

Isn't it normal for legs to be harder than iron?

After a brief trial exchange, he could feel that Ace's physical fitness had improved very little compared to before.

This kid must have slacked off on his physical training after eating the Shao Shao fruit.

In the first half of the sea area, natural ability users can indeed easily kill indiscriminately, which can easily cause the ability users to have misconceptions and focus on developing abilities.

Especially if Ace is free-range, he is more likely to go astray.

But in the new world, there are as many domineering and powerful people as crucian carp crossing the river. If you rely on fruits, you will definitely be severely punished.

Loya shook his head and kicked his right leg upwards against Ace's fist!

The strong sense of crisis made Ace instinctively raise his head, and then a strong wind swept across his face.

A line of blood appeared on his face.

Ace quickly jumped back and distanced himself. He raised his hand and touched his face. Looking at the blood stains on his fingertips, he felt horrified.

He had clearly dodged the kick just now, but he was still injured.

Loya has become so strong!

Now is not the time to be distracted!

The scolding reached his ears, and Ace quickly raised his head. Loya, who was supposed to be right in front of him, was nowhere to be seen.


His eyes flashed, and Loya appeared in front of him as if teleporting, and kicked him in the face with his right foot!


Time seemed to slow down, Ace's entire face was shaking greatly, and two molars popped out.

Immediately afterwards, the body flew out.


Smoke and dust are everywhere!

Captain Ace!

The friends down the slope were extremely anxious.

That brunette is ridiculously strong!

Captain Ace is completely suppressed!

Use your powers quickly, Captain Ace!

Only by using the power of the Burning Fruit, the situation will definitely turn around. As partners, they have no doubt about the power of the Burning Fruit.

On the other side, the naval camp.

Smoker and others are watching the battle.

Seeing Ace's performance, everyone frowned.

Fire Fist Ace is not as powerful as I thought.

Don't underestimate him. As a newcomer, his performance is already outstanding and his movements are quite good.

Keep watching, that guy is a natural ability user and has not shown his true strength yet.

In terms of physical skills alone, Ace's display was not very good. The traces of Noroko were very serious, and both Smoker and Tina were sure to suppress Ace.

But the advantage is his quick reaction, his physical fitness seems to be very solid, and the name Fire Fist does not rely on physical skills.

Natural type, naturally powerful.

Less than ten minutes into the battle, Ace knelt on the ground panting.

Damn it, I can't beat him at all!

Back in Mount Kolbo, he and Loya were evenly matched, but now Loya's physical skills completely suppressed him.

Up to this point in the fight, Loya didn't even take his hands out of his pockets. He was unable to fight back with just his kicking skills.

This guy is a monster!

Originally, he didn't want to use his ability to take advantage of Loya, but now it seems that he is too naive.

Luo Ya is different from him. The opponent has no ability to get close to him. He specializes in physical skills, so it is natural for him to be able to suppress him.

Ace climbed up, his body bursting with flames.

Loya, I have to be serious!


Loya shook his head in amusement and took his hands out of his pockets.

The environment will affect a person's growth rate. The first half of the sea area is called a paradise precisely because it is too comfortable.

He believed that after Ace arrived in the new world, it wouldn't take long for Ace's strength to double and even catch up with him.

But Ace is too immature now!

Loya slowly pulled out Yuqie.

Give you three minutes!


Ace jumped up, his fists burning with blazing flames!

fire punch!

The raging flames hit the face, the extremely large-scale attack, and the spread and explosion caused by the flames after they hit the ground. It is difficult to dodge even if you use Shaving.

The power of the natural system is clearly visible.

Loya watched the flames approaching, and the tips of his hair began to curl due to the high temperature.

Although it was previously joked that dogs would not eat the Shao Shao Fruit, in fact, this fruit is definitely a top-level ability.

The sharp sword light flashed away!


The huge flames split into two and flew past both sides of Loya.


The dazzling fire exploded behind me!

As the flames filled the air, the two met their eyes again.

Ace's pupils contracted.

The fire was cut open!

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