Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 5 Spin, jump, I close my eyes

In the evening, the rooftop of the tower.

Looking down from the top, Shieldstown is in full view.

Loya was shirtless, shook the clean sailor's shirt vigorously, and then hung it on the clothesline, hoping to dry it.


All work is completed today.

He was so happy!

Luo Ya wiped the sweat on his face and showed a satisfied smile. He had been sweating profusely all afternoon and felt very fulfilled physically and mentally.

There is still half an hour before dinner, so you can take a short rest. Being too nervous will do you no good.

If only I could


God seemed to hear his voice, and a delicate white cigarette appeared in front of him, more enchanting than the woman in the dark alley.


Loya blinked, the corners of his mouth raised uncontrollably, he hurriedly took the cigarette, and his eyes changed when he looked at Fenbudi.

It was like meeting a long-lost brother. If I had gone to college in my previous life, I might have called him adopted father!

Digo, where did you get it?

Hmph, newcomer, don't compare me to you.

Finbudi raised his chin proudly, lit one, threw the lighter to Loya, and then squatted leisurely in the corner.

Smoking is prohibited as a recruit, and all items you bring with you when you first enter the camp will be confiscated. It is not easy to get cigarettes.

But, it’s easy to do things if you have money.

The two men were squatting in the corner, shirtless, puffing away with enjoyment. They looked more like prisoners who had just been reformed through labor than sailors.

Loya, you did a great job today.

I learned it all from Di Ge!

Loya waved modestly.

This is also true.

This guy really has a severe mysophobia, and his rigorous attitude at work is even more serious than when he was dating his girlfriend, even to the point where he even wipes the toilet until he can lick it.

At first glance, it looks like he comes from a wealthy family!

In his opinion, working with the other party is no less than practicing in the morning. It is not only a great physical exertion, but also a mental test when facing the super boss's toilet.

His nose was almost useless.

Fenbudi looked at Loya.

When they met for the first time at noon, he actually felt disgusted when he saw Loya's rude manner. He preferred a partner who behaved elegantly.

But after spending an afternoon together, his view of Loya completely changed.

Young, motivated, not complaining, willing to endure hardships.

Also, those who love cleanliness are good people!

When he first joined the army, he cleaned with his seniors, but his perfunctory attitude toward cleaning almost made him go berserk.

He liked Loya's seriousness very much.

You still have some time, come here, I'll teach you something new.

After stubbing out the cigarette butt, Fenbudi came to the middle of the empty rooftop, as if he had arrived on the stage where everyone was watching, and his whole body was in high spirits.

Loya, you are a very good boy, but if you want to get along in the upper class in the future, it is very necessary to have elegant words and deeds, just like beautiful handwriting.

Fenbudi showed a bewildered smile, covered his sailor hat with his right hand, bent his legs, and supported his body on his toes.

And dance is the best way to improve your temperament.

Cover your crotch!


Throw your arms!

Spin, jump, close your eyes~~

Difficult moves come one after another.

Loya's eyes widened.

With the clean and neat connecting movements and the mesmerizing rhythm, for a moment, Loya thought he was watching a professional performance.


So elegant!

He was 100% sure at this moment that this guy's dancing level was definitely among the best in the world. Being a sailor was too much for his talent.

Fenbudi spun around and faced Loya coolly.


Loya, come on!


Luo Ya just wanted to refuse. He liked to watch young ladies dance, but he knew nothing about dancing. He didn't know where to start even if he wanted to dance.

However, his body swayed to Fenbudi's rhythm.

Spin, jump, close your eyes~~


He was under a magic spell!

Night falls.

The power supply on the island is limited and cannot provide 24-hour lighting service for the branch. In addition, the training intensity of the branch is relatively moderate, so it is time to rest at night.

The sailors all returned to their dormitories.

Recruit dormitories.

After washing up, the newlyweds lay down comfortably on the bed.

Hey, Luo Ya hasn't come back yet?

Didn't see it.

During training during the day, that bastard was really arrogant!

Huh, I haven't finished training yet!

He should practice more at the training ground.

You really deserve it!

The newcomers were sarcastic.

In the morning's basic training, from the very beginning of the long run, Loya went against the grain and ran a full 20 laps.

The rest of the training items are also aimed at those veterans. However, for newcomers, if they want to complete such a large amount of training, one morning is simply not enough time.

Of all the training items, Loya only completed more than half of them because he increased the amount of training without permission. He was the only one among the six newcomers who failed to complete the training tasks.

According to the regulations of the branch, if you cannot complete the training tasks in the morning, you will have to practice extra in the evening.

You deserve it.

Hey, do you want to play cards?


Hey, where did you get the cards?

Hey, I'm hiding it in my butt.

Recruit training ground.

In the dim sand, a figure could be vaguely seen rising and falling.


Loya was shirtless, holding the back of his head with his hands, doing sit-ups again and again, his sweaty back covered with mud.

After dinner, he did not go back to the dormitory directly to rest. Instead, he came to the training ground to make up for the training that he had not completed during the day.

He must train himself according to the standards of a formal sailor. If he cannot complete it in the morning, he will work overtime at night until all projects are completed.

This is the bottom line he has set for himself.

No cell phones, no computers.

When I returned to the dormitory, apart from bragging, I could only bury myself in bed early.

Going to bed so early, what about health care?

Might as well practice more outside!

Efforts may not necessarily pay off, but the sweat you put in will never let you down, especially in this crisis-ridden world.


Luo Ya relaxed and lay sprawled on the sand.

Another item completed!

catch my breath!

Five minutes later, Loya heads to the ropes.

Climbing ropes is a key training event.

When fighting on the sea, when a warship is close to an enemy ship and you want to board the enemy ship, rope is one of the best ways.

If you unfortunately fell into the water during the battle, you would have to climb back to the boat using the rope.

If you want to save your life, you have to practice more.

It's quiet at night.

Loya limped back to the dormitory dragging his exhausted body. He fell several times while climbing the rope and almost died.


There was thunderous snoring in the dormitory, and the smell of foot odor was so strong that he almost couldn't open his eyes.

Damn it, who didn’t wash their feet!

Loya covered his mouth and nose and came to the balcony.

The World!

The field expands!

Entering the World training ground, my body and mind immediately calmed down.

He likes to stay in this quiet environment very much, as if he is the only one left in the whole world and does not need to worry about anything.

for example

Two and a half hours later, Luo Ya was paralyzed in the center of the training ground like a ball of soft mud, his muscles all over his body were beating reflexively as if they didn't belong to him.

Then he saw a man.


Next to the training ground, there was a stage that was not too big. Finboudy was standing in the center, tiptoeing, holding his hat with his right hand.

As if sensing Loya's gaze, Fenbudi moved.

Cover your crotch, kick your legs, throw your arms!

There is also sliding~~

Fuck, The World also recorded the dance teaching during the day!

Loya stood up silently and put on his pants.

When a person is alone, he will inevitably have a tendency to let go. Ahem, he is actually afraid of ruining his clothes during training.

Don't worry, it's an illusion!

Loya comforted himself, then frowned and looked at the dancing Fenbudi, lost in thought.

As we all know, in the world of pirates, you can live without it, but you can’t live without it. Singing and dancing rap is a must-have skill for everyone.

There are no outsiders anyway.

No, this is flexibility training.

Cover your crotch!


Spin, jump, I close my eyes~~

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