Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 73 Formal, formal, still formal!

The scale of Roge Town is very large. As the most important port city and hub in the East China Sea, the permanent population is close to 200,000, and the floating population is even more countless.

Comparable to a small country.

With Mulak's acquiescence, the number of gray industry employees in Rogge Town has reached an exaggerated level, even counting in the tens of thousands.

Most of them are low-level people. Even if they are captured from the branch, they will only be detained for a few days, just like the young ladies in entertainment venues and those little gangsters.

As for the cadres of the underground forces, if you want to arrest them, you first need sufficient evidence. And unlike pirates, unless they are extremely guilty, it is difficult to impose the death penalty according to the law.

When dealing with pirates, Loya can kill them without any scruples, but when dealing with underground forces, that is, the gray industry, he cannot abuse his power.

He is not a murderer and cannot kill them all with one blow. At the same time, the branch does not have so much spare manpower and material resources to use to find criminal evidence and go through the procedures.

Management is a science!

Luo Ya looked through the information and was filled with emotion.

As the top officer of Rogge Town, he must give priority to the stability of Rogge Town. If he focuses on arresting people, the re-employment of those at the bottom, such as those who have fallen behind, will become a big problem.

Too many idle people will only make Rogge Town more chaotic.

But obviously, he doesn't have that much time and energy to manage Rogge Town, and his own practice is the most important.

Sergeant Dasqi came to the office.

Colonel, everyone is here.


Loya nodded slightly.

In the largest conference room of the branch, the leaders of the underground forces in Rogge Town were basically present. A group of people were sitting around the table, all of them had fierce looks, and they were sarcastic and mocking each other.

If the navy hadn't been present, they might have started fighting immediately.

Loya came to the office, looked at the noisy underground leader, and snorted: Be quiet, you scum of society.


Everyone shut their mouths in unison.

This black-haired colonel is ten times more ruthless than Mulak, the kind who kills without batting an eyelid, otherwise they would not have come to the navy branch obediently.

Dasi Qi.


Dasqi distributed the prepared documents to the leaders in categories, listing various requirements.

For example, casinos and entertainment venues can only operate from 8 pm to 12 pm, and special services are prohibited.

Look, these are the rules you need to abide by.

This is.

The leaders looked at the regulations listed one by one, and their faces turned green on the spot. If they really followed the requirements in the document, wouldn't they be just like good citizens, and how much money would they make.

Someone slapped the table and stood up, shouting angrily: Colonel Loya, you have gone too far. Why did you give me the rule to change careers?

You are?

I'm Kabuda!

Hold on.

Loya flipped through the information and quickly found the other party's information.

Drug dog Kabuda, engaged in drugs.

Why did that idiot Dasqi send an invitation to this guy? Didn't he put a red circle on kill, kill, kill?

Loya took out his pistol in dissatisfaction and aimed at the astonished Kabuda.


A blood hole appeared between Kabuda's eyebrows, and blood spurted out.

Drag him down.


Kabuda's body was dragged away by the navy, and Fenbudi thoughtfully took out a rag and wiped the blood stains on the table clean.

The conference room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Loya turned the pistol and put it back into the gun bag on his waist, looking at the sluggish leaders with cold eyes.

You bunch of scum, drag them all out and shoot them. Absolutely no one is innocent. I give you a chance just because I don't have that much time and energy to clean up the mess.

I asked you to come here this time to tell you the rules I have set, not to give you opinions.


Everyone was silent.

This black-haired major is scarier than they imagined!

I only have three requests from you!

Loya held out three fingers.

Formal! Formal! Still formal!

The specific requirements have been told to you.

I will send my subordinates to conduct inspections regularly. If anyone dares to have irregular property or engage in small tricks secretly in the future, I will let him die!

Of course, you can also unite to resist me and see whether my knife is sharper or your neck is tougher.

A large part of the many gray industrial chains are actually legal, such as gambling, which even a future navy admiral is addicted to, and massage places.

However, these legal businesses can easily give rise to illegal ways of making money, thus breeding some hard-to-see evils.

Now he does not have the power to fight against the law, so he can only impose restrictions to keep these industries within control.

I'm done.

Loya glanced at everyone calmly.

Who is in favor and who is against?


The leaders kept silent. Even if they really had an opinion, they didn't dare to say it. Kabuda's death would be the end.

I object!

The arrogant man with a slicked back hair and a nose ring stood up.


Hey hey hey!

Bato stood up with a sneer and picked up the regulations document assigned to him. As a gangster, Loya only gave one regulation.

Disband on the spot!

Of course Bato couldn't accept it. With so many of his subordinates, would they be able to live off the northwest wind after the disbandment?

Black-haired Marine, I don't care what big things you have done. Our Bartow Club has always been at odds with the Navy. If you dare to provoke us, I will let you know how powerful I am!


Loya stared at Bato.

You stinky brat, you dare not give him face in front of so many people. You're tired of living, aren't you? Let's see if I don't punish you to death!

I visited Granny Nuomi yesterday.

What? Mother-in-law!

Bato, who was originally calm and composed, suddenly felt something was wrong. He clutched his teeth with his little hands, looking trembling.

Dasi Qi, give him the phone bug.

Luo Ya gave instructions and said coldly to Ba Tuo: Grandma Nuomi is very disappointed with what you are doing now. She hopes that you can change your past and be a good person.

I promised Granny Nuomi to take good care of you. If you don't believe me, call grandma to confirm.

The phone bug was handed to Bato.

Ah, this and this.

Ba Tuo took the phone call and hurriedly dialed Granny Nuomi's number. When the call was connected, he immediately asked if the situation was true.

After a long while, the mother-in-law's slow words came over.

Ah, that seems to be the case.

I'm getting older and my memory is bad.

Then just listen to that black-haired marine from now on.


The phone bug hangs up.

Ba Tuo pointed at Luo Ya sadly and angrily. They must abide by the words of their mother-in-law. This has been the case since childhood.

Navy, you are so despicable!


Luo Ya chuckled: Bring your little brother to the branch tomorrow to report. No one should be missing. Do you understand?

Huh? Why should I listen to you!

My mother-in-law will be sad when she sees your rebellious look.

shut up!

Bator exploded on the spot.

Damn it!

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