Pirate: Trying 200 times harder, but too arrogant

Chapter 96 The main theme is torture

at dusk.

At the exit of the training ground, the four Piques were hung on the tree trunk. Their entire faces were swollen as if they had been stung by a wasp, and even their lips were swollen into sausages.

Seeing Loya appear, the four of them immediately struggled excitedly.

Old man, you are finally back.

Hey, who are you?

Loya looked at the four unknown creatures, and it took him a long time to recognize from the crooked G-5 logo that they were his four new little brothers.

Could they be under siege?

Boss, where have you been?

We ambushed a group of teams, but you were not at the agreed location.

Later, everyone found out that we were colluding with you, the boss, and they all came to beat us. Hey, why are our tongues so numb?

Boss, you want to avenge us!

The four of them burst into angry tears.

They were the only ones who bullied others before, but when were they ever bullied?

Revenge, must be revenge!

Uh, sorry, I was delayed by something.

Luo Ya was extremely ashamed. He had really forgotten these little brothers. After all, they only followed him this morning and were not that familiar with them.

I will take revenge on you tomorrow!

Boss, as long as you say this!

The four people immediately beamed with joy. It was okay to be beaten, but they had to fight back. Their G-5 branch could eat anything, but they couldn't suffer!

Let's go back.

Yes, boss!

Late at night, the world.

Loya sat cross-legged in the gravity chamber, focusing on the changes in his body and trying to control their rhythm.

There is no external interference in the world.

In such a quiet environment, it was easy to calm down. In less than three minutes, only his own body was left in Loya's consciousness.

The beating of the heart, the peristalsis of the stomach, the expansion and contraction of the lungs.

Everything appears before your eyes.

It was completely different from how I felt during the day.

Loya's sight looked at the heart. With a thought, it was like controlling his hands and feet. The heartbeat frequency suddenly accelerated a lot, and the blood flow accelerated.

It seems that due to the influence of the heart, other body organs also accelerate their movements, especially the lungs near the heart.

A single move affects the whole body!

Second gear!

Loya suddenly remembered that Luffy's second gear accelerated blood flow by pumping, improving heart and lung and other body functions, thereby enhancing strength and speed.

The principle is the same.

The difference is that Luffy has a rubber body and can do whatever he wants, but he can only slowly improve the strength of his body organs through practice, and cannot achieve it overnight like Luffy.

The advantage is that the physical function is actually improved, there is no need to give it back like Luffy did, and there are no side effects.

Each has its own pros and cons.

When he woke up from the trance state, Luo Ya still had some unfinished thoughts and felt a strong sense of hunger.

The body is tired!

To strengthen your heart and lungs, you need to take in enough nutrients. Exercise is just a supplement. Sufficient nutrition and energy are the key.

Luffy was able to eliminate the side effects of the second gear after two years, most likely by eating to improve the strength of his heart, lungs and other organs.

So hungry!

The restaurant is closed.

Instructor Dole should still have a lot of food in his refrigerator.

It's past twelve o'clock, just pretend she's not asleep!

The next morning.

Loya and his brothers continued the business.

Remember this for me: if the enemy advances, we retreat; if the enemy is stationed, we harass; if the enemy is tired, we attack; if the enemy retreats, we pursue. As long as you master these sixteen words of true art, there will be no difficult battle.

The boss is awesome!

The four horse boys were very supportive.

Be humble, I learned it all from books.

Loya signaled to keep a low profile and pointed at the G-3 team resting in the forest in the distance: Do you know what to do now?

Scare them!

Pique excitedly took out two stones.

The boy is teachable!

Luo Ya was very satisfied. He didn't have that much time to play with the students, so it would be great if the younger brothers could complete the task of bullying them for him.

Remember, catch a small team and torture them to death!

Before you destroy them, you must not switch targets!

Before you are absolutely sure, you must not start a war without authorization. You have plenty of time to torment them!

In addition, if you want to avoid being discovered by the enemy, you have to change places after firing. This is extremely important.

Loya's face was serious.

Do you understand everything?


The four of them lowered their voices excitedly.

The black-haired boss actually has so many strategies to torture his enemies. It’s scary to think about it. He is indeed the man they like!

I'll show you a demonstration, and you can do it yourself later.

Loya picked up a stone.


A stone the size of a fist hit Hao Huo's head.


Hao Huo touched his itchy scalp, looked at the stones on the ground, and immediately stood up and looked around.

Who threw the stone?!

No one responded.

Humph, childish!

Hao Huo sat down unhappily.

A minute later, just when he relaxed.


Another stone hit me on the head!

Hao Huo was furious.

Who the hell are you, get out of here if you can!


It was quiet.

Three minutes later, the nervous Hao Huo suddenly jumped forward and avoided the small rocks falling from the sky.

Damn bastard, on the west side!

What he saw this time was a stone thrown from the jungle to the west.


A group of people immediately rushed into the bushes to the west, but after searching for a long time, no trace of the enemy was found.


Another stone fell among several people!

Not harmful, but extremely insulting.

The G-3 team spent the whole morning in a state of mental stress. They originally planned to seek revenge on the black hair, but they ended up being mentally weakened.

But the nightmare is not over yet.


The bird's egg shattered on Hao Huo's face, and the yolk flowed all over his face.

What a bastard!!!

In the forest, birds were singing.

On the other side, the gravity training room.

Loya sat cross-legged and collected himself under the influence of twice the gravity.

The peacock is there too.

I don't know if she was stimulated by the competition with Ain, but the girl gave up the idea of ​​​​causing trouble with Loya and devoted herself to training.

Loya was not impatient either.

The more prepared he is, the more confident he will be. He doesn't believe that a woman's cultivation speed can compare to him who has a world.

The environment here is also very quiet, but it is not as easy to calm down as in the world. Could it be the special effect of the world? It seems that it is easier to learn skills in the world than in reality.

The thought flashed past.

With one successful experience, the second time should be easier, but it took a full ten minutes for Loya to enter the sedimentary state last night.

Consciousness is immersed in the body.

Outside the room, Lu Yun opened his eyes in disbelief.

How can it be!

Senior Loya's hair was flowing, and he even gestured yeah mischievously, and secretly gave the middle finger to the peacock next to him.

This is something that can only be done by pouring consciousness into it. Even a peacock who has been trained in the gravity chamber a dozen times cannot do it.

This shows that it is only a matter of time before Senior Loya masters the restoration of life.

Genius? No!

Lu Yun rejected this judgment. A strong learning ability can be described as a genius, but the body's adaptation to gravity cannot be completed by the brain.

Compared to yesterday's embarrassment, Loya now seemed to be in the gravity chamber with ease, as if he had been in the gravity chamber for a long time and had almost completely adapted to twice the gravity.

Lu Yun's little face gradually turned rosy.

so excited!

Could it be that Senior Loya has some special racial constitution?

Otherwise, let's increase the intensity and see where Senior Luo Ya's limits are. It's best to wait until Senior Luo Ya lies down from exhaustion and then draw his blood and pluck his hair for a full physical examination.

The girl's hand pressed on the thruster that controlled gravity.


The numbers on the display rise rapidly.

2.1, 2.2, 2.3


Triple gravity!

In the gravity room, the two people who were practicing as the gravity increased, large beads of sweat appeared on their faces, and the veins on their foreheads and necks bulged.

what happened?

Loya woke up with a start, looked at the number three displayed on the wall, and immediately understood that the increase in gravity caused him to leave the state of trance.

The pressure on my body was extremely high at the moment, and I was even out of breath.


A muffled groan came from beside him.

Luo Ya glanced at it. Peacock seemed to have woken up earlier than him. His clothes were soaked with sweat and his breathing was very rapid, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted.

Hey, could it be that you don’t want to lose to him?

Oh, you can last longer than him, right?

Whoever gives in first is a puppy!

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