Who is the steel bone?!

It’s the Admiral!!!

It is the existence that commands the three armies and shocks the entire sea!!!

is one of the strongest in the world of pirates!!!

The strength of the steel bone is beyond doubt!!! It was absolutely terrifying, terrifying, incomparable!!!

With such a strong man by his side, this sea, the wilderness simply goes wherever he wants!!!

He can have no scruples!!!

He can run amok without scruples!!!

He can also do whatever damage he wants, and after the destruction, he doesn’t have to worry about the consequences at all!!!

Because all the troubles and consequences that the wilderness cannot bear on its own, the steel bone will be solved!!!

In today’s world, who dares to compete with steel bones?!

This is the benefit of steel bone travel!!!

It can be summed up in six words!

——The steel bone is there, no accident!!!

This kind of powerful “bodyguard” is something that many people want to have, and now it falls on the field, naturally it is a smile!!!

Seeing the little guy’s expression, Steel Bone can think of what calculations Yuan Zhi has in his ass.

“Little one, be honest after going to sea.”

As soon as he thought of the “heroic feat” he had done at the headquarters of the navy before, Steel Bone felt a headache, and he stroked his forehead helplessly, and then said like this.

“Good teacher, no problem, don’t worry.”

Yuan Ye said with a grin, he promised very cheerfully, one bite by one, no problem, one bite by one, rest assured, but Steel Bone knew that Yuan Ye would definitely not let him worry about it.

I don’t know how many times this kind of conversation has happened in the past six years, and in the end, the wilderness still goes its own way, asking or something, and it is useless.

I can only worry more about it when the time comes, no way, who let this little guy be his own disciple…

“Okay little one, go back.”

“I will arrange the execution of Roger, and you will prepare well in this half month.”

Steel Bone rubbed his temples, there have been too many things lately, and he is exhausted.

Harano nodded particularly “well-behaved”, and then left the headquarters building.

That Chao Si Twilight, the execution of Roger was finalized, and he learned that the steel bone would accompany him, and this trip to the headquarters building in the field was very rewarding!

After walking around for a long time, the field is now high-eyed, and he can’t see these buildings in the naval headquarters.

Otherwise, before it was changed, he would have destroyed while walking, and the chicken dog would have been restless…


A day later.

The naval headquarters, which was rebuilt after the disaster, suddenly became lively.

There were many boats docked on the shore, and then countless people set foot on the land of Marin Fandor with video phone worms.

They were greeted by Vice Admiral, Tsuru!

“Lieutenant General He, what is important today? Can you reveal some? ”

“Is it about the golden lion breaking into the naval headquarters half a month ago?”

“Where is the golden lion? Did he win or lose? ”

“Or to put it another way, is he alive or dead?”

“Did the Navy have any casualties in the battle with the Golden Lion?”

“Lieutenant General Tsuru…”

After the reporters landed, they instantly pounced like hornets!

They surrounded the crane in the middle and asked questions very quickly!

These people are holding their breath crazy!

Obviously knowing that there is a big news, knowing that the golden lion broke into the naval headquarters, but they just can’t get any news!

Scratch your heart!

But looking at this situation today, the Navy is finally planning to reveal details!!!

The journalists are crazy!!!

“Everyone, please.”

Faced with various questions, Tsuru didn’t say much, just showed an official smile, and then walked towards the navy headquarters.

The reporters were all at once!

“Go and call the little one, you can’t live without him on this occasion.”

On the way, Tsuru whispered to the soldiers beside him, and the soldiers were ordered to leave quickly.

Today is the day to announce the world, as the hero of this incident, the field cannot be absent!

This is a great opportunity to build a reputation and prestige, so that everyone in the whole world knows that the navy has such a number one figure as Wilderness, and pave the way for Wilderness to take over as marshal in the future!

“Lieutenant General Tsuru, what did you send your soldiers for? Can’t you really reveal some first? ”

A reporter wanted to get the news as soon as possible and asked again.

Tsuru smiled and said nothing.

The reporters looked at each other and were helpless.

They often deal with the headquarters of the Navy, and they know that Tsuru is an old churros and difficult to deal with, and she doesn’t want to say it, so you want to get any valuable news from her.

It seems that she can only wait for her to take the initiative to announce.

I really don’t know what kind of news it was, it was so mysterious, and I chose to announce it fifteen days later…

Just like that, Tsuru and the reporters walked towards the headquarters building.

There, Tsuru has everything ready!

Including the head of the golden lion, the speech, and the “human witnesses” that witnessed the war!

This “press conference”, Tsuru has done his homework!

Her purpose was to make the wilderness a blockbuster and make the navy famous!!!

Tsuru believes that the influence of this incident can definitely do this!!!

The words are far away, and the book is back to business.

Surrounded by journalists, it took a long time for Tsuru to reach the headquarters building.

At the same time, the soldier had also found the field.

At this time, the field was bored to grab stones and play, and saw that those stones that passed through his hands could not escape the fate of becoming powder.

The Dragon Claw Hand is really easy to use, and it’s really cool to use!

Harano couldn’t help but marvel!

“Colonel Harano, Lieutenant General Tsuru invited you to the headquarters building, and the reporters are here.”

The soldier had great respect for the field, and this respect was different from his previous fear, and this change in attitude came from the battle of the Golden Lion.

In that battle, the bloody and decisive nature of the field conquered the soldiers in white!

“Got it, I’ll go over now.”

Patting his butt, Harano got up and moved his lower muscles.

This is to announce the world…

It seems that he is going to become famous…

Pursing his lips, Yuan Ye calmly walked to the headquarters building!

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