The reporter who found out early in the morning had already died in the aftermath of the battle between Charlotte and Kong.

Although Charlotte lost, he lost completely and almost lost his life.

But Charlotte also ran away, and this was in the hands of the admiral of the navy.

It will definitely become a big news tomorrow.

After the admiral of the navy, Kong Gu, went back.

Under the setting sun, the prosperity of Island No. 1 was no longer there, and many people crawled out of the ruins.

Staring blankly at the scene in front of him.

I can't believe that this is Island No. 1, the prosperous Island No. 1.

Many people cried silently after seeing their houses and relatives collapsed and died.

War! The civilians will always suffer.

After returning to the admiral's office.

Sora came to the Den Den Mushi of the Five Elders and hesitated for a while.

He picked up the phone.

Beile Beile!

Beile Beile!

"Moses! Sora! How are you?"

The voices of the Five Elders came from the Den Den Mushi, asking Sora for the result.

Sora was silent for a while.

"Failed! Charlotte escaped unexpectedly!"

Sora suppressed the anger in his heart and replied.

"What! How do you do things? You are the captain of the 8th Division of the Rocks Pirates, and you, a navy admiral, haven't solved it yet. How can you be an admiral?"

On the other side of the Den Den Mushi, the knife-wielding Five Elders couldn't help but curse.

Listening to the scolding in the Den Den Mushi, Sora clenched his fists, and his bones were crackling.

"Okay! Kong, you explain why you failed. Charlotte doesn't seem to be that strong, right?"

The bearded Five Elders among the Five Elders stopped the Five Elders holding the knife from scolding him and asked.

Kong was relieved to hear another Five Elders speaking for him.

"I fought with Charlotte for a day. Charlotte is very strong and has perfect skills, but he is too young and has not accumulated enough strength. But if he is given time, he will probably become a Rocks-like figure."

Kong said seriously to Den Den Mushi.

The Five Elders frowned after hearing this.

The Five Elders holding the knife said again.

"Kong! Don't make excuses for your incompetence. Charlotte is only a few years old. He is only twenty-one at most. You are not trying to cover up your incompetence by saying this, are you?"

Listening to the merciless words of the Five Elders.

Kong could only hold it in.

"Stop! What we are discussing now is how to deal with Charlotte. From the previous intelligence, Charlotte is a little different from other pirates. He has his own principles and seems to like to rescue slaves.

Starting from 1479 of the Sea Circle Calendar, after Charlotte encountered the first pirate group escorting slaves, he met his five maids. Although they were called maids, they were simple maids. Since then, Charlotte has rescued those slaves almost every time he encountered a slave ship.

We can start from this aspect. Moreover, he often rescues slaves. The slave trade in the New World is almost cut off. We must find a way to curb Charlotte, otherwise those Celestial Dragons may also make trouble."

Sora listened to the other end of the Den Den Mushi talking about slaves openly, which made Kong not know what to think in his heart.

This does not seem to be the justice in his heart.

"That's right! And according to the intelligence from Beehive Island, Charlotte is very lustful. The good-looking slaves he rescued all stayed with him and served as his slaves. It can be seen that this person is lustful. We just need to grasp his weakness, and Charlotte is not enough."

Another Five Elders with a birthmark on his head said.

After hearing this, all the Five Elders nodded involuntarily.

"Then how about sending a CP0 to create an opportunity for her to sneak in?"

The blond Five Elders suggested.





The four Five Elders seconded together, and they all felt that there was no problem.

"Sora! You don't have to keep an eye on Charlotte's affairs. Rectify the navy as soon as possible. The navy is still too weak to suppress the pirates on the sea."

The Five Elders wearing hats said to Den Den Mushi.

"Yes! Now all branches in the four seas are recruiting navy soldiers to make up for the lack of strength of the navy headquarters, but all this takes time."

Sora said to Den Den Mushi.

But he was speechless in his heart.

In order to prevent the navy from becoming too big, he tried his best to suppress the development of the navy. If Rocks hadn't suddenly risen and swallowed up the second half of the Grand Line in one fell swoop, driving the navy to the red soil

The expansion stopped only at the edge of the continent. It can be said that the navy's expansion was thanks to Rocks's assistance.

However, this kind of assistance made Kong feel like he had eaten a fly.

After hearing this, the Five Elders with a knife took the initiative to hang up the phone.

This also made Kong feel relieved.

The Five Elders did not punish him.

But he was not good enough.

The Five Elders wanted to punish him very much, but they were troubled by the lack of extra manpower in the Navy Headquarters.

The new generation of high-end combat power of the Navy is still growing, not enough to take over the position of admiral, so Kong had to take it first.

This is also the helplessness of insufficient strength.


Office of the Five Elders!

"Damn Morgans!"

The Five Elders with a knife looked at the latest newspaper that was brought up, and they were furious.

Others were silent after seeing it.

The headline of the newspaper read.

[The Navy Admiral surrounded Rockefeller Charlotte, the captain of the 8th Division of the Rocks Pirates, in the Sabaody Archipelago.

In the end, under the heavy siege of the navy, Charlotte rushed out of the encirclement of the navy admirals. This was a major mistake of the navy admiral Steel Bone·Sora.

If they couldn't even catch a small cadre, how could they catch Rocks D. Jibek, the captain of the Rocks Pirates! The incompetence of the navy was once again revealed! 】

The five elders holding the knife looked at the newspaper in their hands, and the veins on their foreheads bulged.

At the same time, Steel Bone·Sora also received the latest newspaper from Morgans, which was rushed by Morgans overnight.

The veins on Kong's forehead bulged, and he smashed the table in front of him with a punch.


"Asshole Morgans!"

The five elders holding the knife and Steel Bone·Sora cursed at the same time.

"Immediately send CP0 to Morgans to catch Morgans!"

The five elders wearing hats said immediately. He was in charge of the intelligence organization, and this newspaper made him very angry.

Morgans must be taught a lesson.

"Don't waste your time! I think Morgans had expected this after sending out this newspaper, and he ran away long ago!"

The blond Five Elders said to the Five Elders in hats.

"Find it out for me too!"

The Five Elders in hats roared.

As his order came out, Marijoa's CP0 started to move.

They all started to look for Morgans' whereabouts.

"Captain! This is Morgans' lair! But he's probably gone."

Listening to the team members' report, the captain looked at the pieces of paper scattered on the ground, one of which was very obvious.

The captain walked in and took a look.

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