The soldiers were so busy that they had to face the enemy.


A quick whistle sounded in Charlotte's ears.

Douglas blew the assembly whistle in his mouth!

The whistle sounded quickly throughout the battalion. After hearing the whistle, all the soldiers gathered in the playground within five minutes no matter what they were doing.

Charlotte looked at the rows of soldiers holding their weapons and standing in front of him with their heads held high.

They lined up in front of him in a square formation.

This made Charlotte admire Douglas, the captain, a little.

No matter what his reputation would be in the future, this way of training soldiers was not something that anyone could do.

Looking at these piles of square formations.

Clearly divided.

One row is for young soldiers, and the other row is for adult soldiers.

This is very easy to distinguish, and you can recognize it at a glance.

Charlotte focused his eyes on the pair of young people.

At a glance, he saw the figure standing out among the young people.

In the youth camp, there are generally less than 1.5 meters in the queue, and there is a young boy who is nearly 2 meters tall standing in the queue. You can see it at a glance.

Charlotte looked at him undisguisedly.

And the boy also looked up at Charlotte as if he had sensed something.

Looking at each other, Charlotte was sure that this was the Douglas Barrett he was looking for!

And Barrett may not be called Barrett now, but a code name. The ninth bullet soldier also looked at Charlotte with bright eyes!

The momentum on his body was also looking at Charlotte without showing any weakness.

This made Charlotte smile.

He waved to Captain Douglas underground and signaled him to come up.

"Him! He's the one I'm looking for! Bring him here!"

Charlotte said in a voice that could not be refused.

Douglas immediately saw who Charlotte pointed to following Charlotte's finger.

After seeing that figure, Douglas frowned instantly.

"What? Is it not possible?"

Charlotte noticed his expression and asked unhappily.

"No! No! Bring him here right away!"

Twain, who was standing by, immediately patted Douglas who was in a daze and signaled with his eyes.

Douglas looked at Charlotte and walked off the stage.

He came to Barrett.

"Ninth Bullet Soldier, step out!"

Douglas said sharply.

"Yes! Sir!"

An obviously childish voice sounded, but that childish voice did not match his nearly two-meter height at all.

"Everyone else, disperse!"

Douglas ordered the other soldiers again.


Everyone dispersed in an orderly manner.

No one had any opinions.

"Follow me!"

Douglas said, looking at the No. 9 Bullet Soldier.

Then he strode forward.

The two-meter-tall No. 9 Bullet Soldier followed behind him.

He was taller than Douglas.

After walking onto the stage, Douglas came to Charlotte.

"My Lord! I've brought the man you want!"

Douglas felt helpless when he said this.

He cultivated the No. 9 Bullet Soldier as his confidant. He knew very well that this child had terrifying power. As long as he grew up, he would definitely become his greatest arm strength. Unfortunately, all this disappeared after Charlotte arrived.

Charlotte ignored Douglas! He didn't even look at him, and kept looking at the sturdy boy in front of him.

"How old are you this year?"

Charlotte asked the man in front of him.

The No. 9 Bullet Soldier looked at the person taller than him and asked him, and couldn't help but look at his captain Douglas.

And this move made Charlotte frown.

General Tang En, who had been observing Charlotte's expression, shouted at the young soldier.

"Soldier, answer the question!"

And the No. 9 bullet soldier subconsciously responded.

"Report to the commander! Eight years old today!"

After saying this number, everyone except Charlotte and Douglas, who adopted the boy, looked unbelievable.

An eight-year-old child! He is nearly two meters tall, how is this possible.

Tang En was about to say something when he was interrupted by Charlotte.

Charlotte smiled at the eight-year-old child.

"Would you like to follow me?"

Charlotte extended an olive branch to the eight-year-old child!

And this sentence instantly cheered up Tang En and Douglas beside him.

Even Elena looked at Charlotte with surprise.

And the eight-year-old child was also slightly stunned.

I didn't expect that this person who was a head taller than me would be so tall.

, was stunned for a moment.

But General Tang En reacted quickly!

"Soldiers obey orders!"

Tang En said to the No. 8 Bullet Soldier.


The eight-year-old boy stood at attention subconsciously and said.

Charlotte glanced at Tang En and didn't say anything. Instead, he thought this was the best way.

Otherwise, it would take a lot of words to make this eight-year-old boy follow him willingly. This simple and clear way is the best.

"What's your name?"

Charlotte asked the child called the No. 9 Bullet Soldier.

The eight-year-old child hesitated.

"Report to the commander! I don't have a name, only a code name! My code name is No. 9 Bullet!"

When he said this, there was no expression on his face, as if he was used to it.

"Well! How about I give you a name!"

Charlotte looked at him with her chin in her hand.

Charlotte's words made his calm eyes move suddenly, but he didn't speak.

"Well! Bullet Soldier No. 9! Let's call him Barrett! As for the last name?"

Charlotte pretended to look at the captain named Douglas.

"Got it! Let's call him Douglas Barrett! How about it!"

Charlotte looked down at Barrett and asked.

Charlotte actually gave him his future name in advance.

As for why, there was no reason, just thought that this name was better!

The name given by Charlotte suddenly made the boy's heart a little ripple.

But his face did not show anything.

"Thank you for the name, sir!"

Number 9 - No! It should be Barrett who continued to speak in the language of the army.

"Okay! You will follow me in the future! I am a pirate! Following me means that you will become a pirate in the future, what do you say!"

Charlotte looked into Barrett's eyes and said, wanting to see what expression he would have.

Sure enough, after Charlotte said this, Barrett, who had been expressionless, changed his expression.

The education he received in the army since childhood made him naturally repulsive to pirates.

But with a stern shout from General Tang En, all his thoughts disappeared.

"Why don't you agree? It's your blessing to follow Lord Charlotte!"

Tang En's words hit Barrett's heart.

He felt a little confused.

But he immediately agreed reflexively.

"Yes! I will follow you till death!"

Barrett said loudly.

Charlotte was very satisfied, and was also very satisfied with Tang En's performance just now.

His perfect assist allowed him to accept this future strong man.

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