About fifteen minutes ago.

White night and light moon day and still enjoy the warmth of the Tower of Souls.

They talk a lot here and play a lot of little games.

Just when they were still sweating for a game.

White Night suddenly felt that there was a different flow of air coming from a distance than usual.

So White Night used both hearts and minds, secretly launching the heart network ability.

Immediately after that, from the center of the Soul Heaven Tower where the White Night was located, an invisible network of consciousness was instantly launched outward.

At this time, the heart net of the White Night was enough to cover a large area of the sea beyond the borders of the Wano Kingdom.

In his heart, he had already heard the ships not far from the country of He.

Moreover, a large area of naval ships.

It turned out to be a fleet of naval ships!

White Night was a little surprised by this group of naval warships.

Is what the Five Old Stars say to Kaido true?

Are there really Navy reinforcements?

However, there are too many naval warships coming, right?

The whole sea is entirely a naval fleet.

How many people are there?

Fifty thousand?

Or a hundred thousand?

Or two hundred thousand?

Yes, White Night is now speculating on the number of incoming navies in “thousands” of units.

Is this a slaying order?

No, he had seen the scale of the Slayer Order in the One Piece World before he crossed.

But this size is enough for ten Demon Slayer Orders.

White Night stood up and draped his clothes on Hikari Nichiwa’s body, wearing only a pair of four-legged pants.

Hikari Nichiwa rubbed his eyes, “What’s wrong, Lord White Night?” ”

Bai Ye smiled, “It’s all right, it’s just that the Navy is coming to the country of peace, and it seems to be looking for me.” ”


Guangyue Ri and thought to himself, but there are only some navies coming, that is, those naval reinforcements said by the five old stars, how much wind and waves can they withstand,

So she said, “Then how many people have they come?” ”

Apparently, Hikari and White Night had heard from White Night that he possessed the ability of the Heart Net, which would probe the enemy’s thoughts and strength.

“Well, how many people, about two hundred thousand people.”

Hikari and Tengde stood up.

Regardless of the fact that there was nothing on his body, he looked in the direction of the white night.

Then she looked resolute and seemed to be making a major decision: “Lord White Night, we and the warriors of the Kingdom of the Kingdom will do their best to help the monarch break the enemy army!” ”

Then she drew her sword, faced the unknown enemy, and spoke the most solemn language.

“We will see death as the guardian of the kingdom of peace!”

“Okay, I get it.”

White Night took back the clothes that he had just given to Hikari and Rikawa.

“You better stay here, Navy I’ll take care of it myself.”


Hikari Moon Day and all are about to scold out.

I thought to myself, I worked so hard, so the blood boiled, and finally you have to go by yourself, and you have taken away your clothes.

The previous kimono was thrown at him by White Night.

Didn’t you just give me your clothes and finally take them back?

What’s going on?

White Night saw the light moon and the sun and looked at him at a loss.

“Don’t look at me, you wait for me here, the pirates will have a vendetta against the navy, and the people of your country of peace will not be against the pirates.”

The light moon and the sun and hearing these words instantly fell down.

“That… So I’m staying here? ”

Bai Ye smiled and took a steady breath at Rihe’s face, “Well, you are waiting for us here, and when I come back, I will have a banquet with you.” ”

Hikari and Hikari waved at the White Night, “Be careful, Lord White Night.” ”

The white night appeared on the ground of the Ghost Island in an instant.

After a flash of light.

He appeared before the crowd.

He softened his voice and said, “The White Night Pirates are assembled.” ”

The pirates who were still helping the samurai on Ghost Island to clean up the post-war White Night Pirates heard White Night’s words.

They all came around.

He looked at these people who were all taller than himself and said.

“Now the navies are going to use force to occupy the country of peace, and since we have helped the country of peace to be restored, we must also help them to protect it.”

Everyone nodded in agreement, after all, they were all really strong.

The strong never drag mud and water when they do things, and since they promise, they must complete it to the end.

Whitebeard asked, “How many troops do they have?” ”

Bai Ye smiled and said, “About two hundred thousand.” ”

Two hundred thousand?

The crowd was stunned.

These two hundred thousand navies were already beyond the scope of the Slayer Order, and even more than the strength of Whitebeard’s top battle in the war.

The Navy is willing to use these forces for one purpose only.

Erase everything on the kingdom of peace.

And within this obliteration, White Night is the person who needs to be killed the most.

Bai Ye smiled, “What’s the problem?” ”

Frost Moon Ryoma replied cleanly, “No! ”

Shihei stepped forward and said, “Rest assured, the naval battle will be entrusted to me, Lord White Night.” ”

Mal transformed into an undead bird and flew to the Ark’s proverb: “Rest assured, Lord White Night!” Leave it to us! ”

With a smile and a confident face, he remained calm when he heard the two hundred thousand: “It’s only two hundred thousand.” ”

Whitebeard shook the knife in his hand and laughed, “Hahaha Captain White Night, I didn’t expect to be able to fight with you again so soon!” ”

Poyahan Cook had no expression on his face and said coldly, “Lord White Night, I will go wherever you go, and I will do whatever you do?” ”

Princess Baixing plucked up enough courage and said, “Lord White Night, people will also be useful.” ”

Peach Rabbit had a straight face and pulled out his sword, “Lord White Night, you can rest assured that I have left the Navy and will not become a burden.” ”

Moria finally said, “Hey hey hey, Lord White Night, my new toy has a chance.” ”

Bai Ye nodded and smiled, “The attitude is very good, we are not going to kill those navies completely, the purpose is to enhance our deterrent!” Let the navies understand that wherever I appear in the white night, they must hide! ”

The people of the White Night Pirates began to clap their hands in excitement.

White Night then said, “White Star, you call Little Black, and Moriah you bring your new toy.” ”

“Let’s go!”

Then all the people ascended to the proverbs of the ark.

White Night turned back to the wide-eyed Wanokuni warriors and said.

“Don’t worry, Princess Hinaka is now in the Tower of Souls, and it’s safe now, and you’re waiting for us to have a banquet together after we run away from the Navy!”

Samurai of the Kingdom of Peace, you look at me, I look at you, and then I can’t hide the joy in my heart and jump.

Because they know that the white night never speaks empty words!

Even in the face of 200,000 navies, there is no fear!

Only to see the white night turn away in the admiring eyes of everyone.

The young man was dressed in white, proudly between heaven and earth.

White Night’s figure flashed above the Ark’s Proverbs, waving at the fog at sea level.

“White Night Pirates are on the move!”

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