“Isn’t it just a snake?” What a panic! ”

The leader of the sailing pirates yelled that he was trying to control the current situation and tell his crew not to be frightened by a snake, and his face was still so cold and dangerous at the moment.

Now there were small snakes crawling around them, and of course those snakes were not small.

But because the python not far in front of their eyes was too big, the snakes that attacked the Globe Pirate Regiment became small snakes.

The size is completely insufficient.

There were snakes all around, slowly crawling over.

“! We can’t guarantee that everyone will be able to escape! ”

The sinister captain of the sailing pirate regiment said.

“Give me all the attacks, understand the domineering use of domineering wrapped around the weapon, will not be domineering will directly use the knife in hand to hack this monster to death!”

“It’s only one! I don’t believe it, we can’t kill it! ”

But who knew that the thickness of this python’s scales was far better than those of the small snakes around it.

Usually, this snake does not actively attack humans, and it is kept by Margaret as a friend.

But in the event that Margaret could not appear in time, it asked to appear.

The little snake that ruled Margaret advised the big guy not to destroy the jungle.

However, its size was too large to accurately control the intensity of its actions.

But it had to help Margaret, a good friend, to help her guard the jungle.

So, the giant snake slowly crawled over.

Many tree trunks were knocked down along the way.

It was hard to meet the invaders on Hydra Island.

It suddenly came to the spirit.

Slowly crawling towards the intruder.

However, because of his huge size, his mobility was greatly weakened.

Not as fast as these pirate intruders.

The pirates of the sailing pirate regiment attacked the python one after another.

They held sharp knives and clubs in their hands, and their bows and arrows pulled up the attack.

Martial artists also wrap domineering around their hands.

It was time to kill this giant snake to break through the defense line.

After all, within the trajectory of this giant python, no other pythons will appear.

Because it is very likely that other companions were killed by mistake.

This is the problem that the captain of the Sailing Pirate Regiment just discovered just now, so he will persuade everyone to rush together.

After killing the python, you should fight to escape!

Too bad they think too much!

They are so naïve.

Although the python has an honest temper, it actually has the blood of the Titan serpent raised on this giant island.

This giant-like bloodline looks very safe in normal times.

However, once encountered, there are attacks that hurt themselves.

It will anger it, and then it will use its body to attack indiscriminately!

And those pirates of the Sailing Pirates are now making these stupid decisions!

They had no idea what a terrible opponent they themselves would face.

“Watch me hack it to death!”

“Don’t be afraid, it’s just one!”

“That guy’s mobility must be completely inferior to those normal-sized pythons!”

“Kill it! Then go to Hydra Island to grab the woman! ”

If only the movements of these pirates of the Schooning Pirates were now seen by Margaret, the female warriors of Hydra Island.

These female warriors will be laughing like crazy.

Even the entire Hydra Island did not dare to provoke this Titan Serpent.

Because they know that under this docile face, there is a terrible demon hidden.

And this one decision of these pirates is basically a confusing act like digging their own graves and seeking their own death.

The pirates attacked.

The giant snake had not yet had time to wrap its whole body with its domineering power.

It was slashed by the sword, chopped hard with a sharp axe, pierced by a bow and arrow.

After a while, the scales on the Titan Serpent’s body appeared wounds.

However, the wound was not very deep, so the giant snake did not suffer from pain to mutate.

It was only in the steel-like scales of the whole body that this small gap appeared.

It was also discovered by the pirates.

Immediately attacked towards the gap.

“Look, these scales are not invincible!”

“Everybody cut the scales with all your strength!” Let this python die! ““


The pirates are still going further and further down the road to death.

The sharp blades struck the scales next to the Titan python’s wound, and inside the wound, directly stabbing the body under the python’s scales.

The python finally tasted the most painful moment of its life.

It was a feeling it had never felt before, as if it had been invincible from birth, and no one dared to treat it that way.

“Roar oh oh oh oh oh!”

The python roared angrily in the sky, and for the first time was occupied by anger in the brain.

The originally dull body has now completely changed its appearance.

Although the blood in the wound did not flow much, the pain coming from there was real.

This pain made it furious and stimulated the self-protective wit deep within the snake’s brain.

Animals are like this, if they perceive danger, they do not retreat, but directly rush up and use their most powerful weapons to fight back!

That’s what the Titan Serpent did at this point.

I saw that its whole body was trembling, and then it was followed by those scales that were as hard as steel all over its body.

Piece by piece falling off.

The speed of shedding is incredibly fast.

This scene stunned everyone in the sailing pirates.

They didn’t know what was going on with the snake.

“We killed it!”

A Pirate crew member said, but got no response from anyone.

Everyone just watched the next move.

Then between this Titan serpent shed all its scales after it.

Its whole body has added a natural pigment from the inside out.

This pigment makes its snakeskin creamy white!

It’s as if the body has no defenses at all.

At this moment, the Titan Python’s eyes were red, and it had evolved because of the first pain!

Turned into a giant python in albino form!

This python’s skin has turned highly poisonous!

And the speed of the snake rose sharply.

Almost no prey can escape its chase.

These people in the sailing pirate regiment saw the giant python that suddenly molted and did not know what to do.

The crowd looked at each other, and then their captain spoke suddenly.

“Don’t be afraid, just rush up and kill it like you just did!”

It was just that almost no one noticed that after the python had been albinoized, there were no small snakes close to them in this battle.

Because the little snake is also afraid of being killed by the albino python!

At this moment, it has become the king of the snakes of Hydra Island!

It swung its snake’s tail!

The bodies of several pirates split in half.

They didn’t look down until they were dead.

Another moment.

The python let out a sigh of relief.

Some people were infected with poison and died.

The captain of the sailing pirate regiment jumped up to avoid the attack of the albino python.

He yelled at his crew.

“Hurry up and run! Otherwise we will all die!” ”

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