Chapter 173 Chapter 172: The Crow’s Lair

There are a total of seventeen islands in the Guy West Asia Islands.

After docking the Black Glory, Mio disembarked directly, looked at Erica and asked. “Who are you with?”

“I’ll be with you, Captain.” Robin said first, getting off the boat and standing beside Mio.

Before disembarking, Mio told them the purpose of this island in the future.

Because Erica shook their heads, they didn’t have the idea of ​​going with Mio. If they spread out, they can find it better. After all, the Guysia Islands are too huge. If they go together, it will be a lot of trouble to find them, even with Observation Haki. Same.

Mio said. “In that case, Erica, then the matter will be left to you.”

“Don’t worry, sir.” Erica nodded and said seriously. “I will tell you to go down.”

“Well, then Robin and I will leave first.” Hearing this, Miao picked up Robin and ran in one direction.

As for Erica, the tentacles on her forehead waved, and an inexplicable wave swept across the Guy West Asia Islands. Various ants began to appear everywhere in the islands and went everywhere.

Look for it.

Erica’s purpose is simple.

First: Look for Devil Fruit with spiral patterns.

Second: Bring the vigorous but seriously injured beast to the shore (because the Heiyan people decided to be seriously injured when they encounter the beast, and then hand it to the ants who Erica summons you to transport to the shore where the Black Glory is. )

Finally, that is the third one: looking for birds from east to west.

After Erica ordered to go down, she went to an island with Lilith.

On the other hand, Heiyan and Warwick were separated, each rushing towards an island.

Maxi scratched her head with her little hand, and her fingertips clicked from island to island. In the end, it seemed that she had chosen an island that she decided to go to. She couldn’t help but nodded and flew in that direction.


Soon only the Black Glory and the Drought were left here.

The others all left and went to an island in the archipelago.

at this time.

In an island on the archipelago.

Mio and Robin have already stepped into the forest. At first glance, they saw huge trees sent into the clouds. They were so luxuriant that it was difficult for sunlight to penetrate in some places.

With a ‘hum’, a wave of Observation Haki radiated from Mio’s body, directly covering the maximum range around him.

However, after seeing and hearing the color dissipated, Mio suddenly let out a surprise, and there was a flickering light in her eyes, appearing.

“What’s the matter, Captain?” Robin noticed Mio’s strangeness and asked curiously.

The corner of Miao’s mouth smiled, Kaidō. “I found some interesting little guys.”

It’s not that these little guys are so powerful, but that these little guys fit the name of their pirate group.


“Let’s go, let’s take a look, there are a lot of them.” Mio grinned, picked up Robin and stepped out, and his body suddenly ejected.

Robin was used to being held in his arms and accelerated forward, but he didn’t panic at all, just put his arms around Mio’s neck, grabbed it tightly, and looked forward.

Soon, he arrived at his destination.

This is a low mountain area outside the forest. At this time, on the trees here, you can see a large number of bird nests, all of which are crow nests at a glance.

Crows are resident birds and do not migrate with the seasons. They will live in their birthplaces throughout their lives. So it is not surprising that there are so many nests, but the number is really large.

“There are so many crows, maybe there are tens of thousands, right?” Robin couldn’t help taking a step back, exclaiming, a more vigilant look in his eyes.

The crows were dispatched by groups, their intelligence was not low and they were also very aggressive, she didn’t want to provoke these crows.

“Almost.” Mio nodded lightly and touched his chin, as if thinking about something. Then, his eyes flickered, grabbing Robin and ran towards the forest.

There was an idea in my mind.

He wants these crow genes.

Then take it to fuse.

Tens of thousands of crows have been genetically fused, even if the crows are very small, but tens of thousands are still crows in the world of One Piece, and their attributes are much stronger than those on earth. Once they are fused.

At that time, the increase in attributes is definitely not one plus one equals two.

“Captain, what are we going to do?” Robin hugged Mio’s neck and asked curiously.

“Find a corpse, draw the crows together, and serve it in one pot.” Mio Kaidō, within the coverage of his Observation Haki, already knew where there was something he wanted.

Soon, Mio came to the place.

This is a clearing in the forest. On the clearing, there is a huge corpse of a giant beast. This giant beast is very common in the world of One Piece, but it is in number on some islands, and all on some islands.

This is a giant lion, about the size of a dinosaur.

It seems that he has been dead for a long time, some of the flesh on his body has been gnawed, and the rest has been turned into rotten flesh.

On this uninhabited island, carrion is everywhere, but this size of carrion is most in line with Miao’s requirements.

“Let’s go.” Looking at the carrion corpse, the corners of Miao’s mouth raised, and with a thought, the huge corpse immediately disappeared and appeared on the road to the crow’s lair. Miao moved forward while setting.

When I came to the crow’s lair again, I could see the crowd of black crows still in front of me.

These crows noticed Mio, some made a fierce cry, some combed their feathers, and did nothing else.

“Robin, find a place to hide.” Mi said in a deep voice.

There were too many crows. Although he wanted to get it done in one go, the corpses were not big enough. At most, he could only kill thousands of them at once, which would attract revenge from the crows. I don’t care, but Robin still has to hide.

Hearing that, Robin nodded, and ran away without any hesitation to hide, a certain distance from this area.

Following Robin’s hiding.

Mio snapped his fingers.

In an instant, the giant beast’s corpse appeared on the ground in the center of the crow’s lair.

The appearance of carrion represented food. These crows smelled the smell, flapped their wings, and flew crazy toward the carrion carcass. The amount of horror seemed to be overwhelmed by a black cloud.

People can’t help but numb their scalp when they see this scene.

“This is the time.”

Mio didn’t show any fear, but only excitement.

At this moment, the corners of his mouth were raised, and looking at the group of crows engulfing the corpse, the figures appeared in the sky while flashing.

Immediately, his mouth opened, and a fiery flame burst out suddenly.


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