Chapter 193 Chapter 192: The fruit is in hand, Kizaru’s anger

“BIGMOM, don’t worry, take what I want, and I will be at the cake shop soon.” Miao said lightly.

Hearing that, in the phone bug, BIGMOM sneered in response. “Your things, my mother, are already ready, I hope you haven’t deceived my mother, otherwise today will be your death date!”


The phone worm was hung up directly by BIGMOM.

Mio doesn’t care about BIGMOM’s attitude, anyway, as long as he can get Devil Fruit at that time.

Shrugging, Mio put away the phone worm.

The Black Glory was advancing slowly, not hurriedly or slowly, as if looking at the scenery along the way, afraid that it would not be able to enjoy the scenery if it walked too fast.

Almost a quarter of an hour later.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

A golden light came from a long distance, carrying a powerful force.

With a sound of ‘clang’, Erica rushed forward and swung out a sword, Armament Haki entangled and easily blocked the laser light.

Mio looked up to the rear, where there was a small black spot, very small, but there was no problem that it was a warship, and Kizaru, one of the headquarters of Admiral, was on it.

“Finally caught up, Bai Feng, speed up.” The corner of Miao’s mouth rose up and directly ordered.

Bai Feng did not hesitate, and executed it, calling out Drought, and the ship immediately accelerated its speed.

However, the three warships behind them did not stop and pursued them quickly.

It’s just that Kizaru, who was standing on a warship, was a little confused at this time. “Strange, is it over? Or is there no fight at all? Then who released Conqueror’s just now?”

It’s just that no one answered this question for him.

Soon, both the warship and the Black Glory completely entered the sea area of ​​the cake shop, and from a distance, one could see the island that looked like a cake.

“Black Crow, you can’t escape this time.” Kizaru’s body flashed with golden light and appeared above the Black Glory with a cold voice.

“That’s not necessarily, Kizaru.” Mio grinned lightly, disdainful of Kizaru’s words.

“Huh.” Hearing this, Kizaru gave a cold snort but didn’t say much, just kicked out, golden light covered his right leg, and a straight light burst out, as if he wanted to cut the black Glory directly.

“Don’t be so irritable, Kizaru Admiral.” Mio grinned, leaped slightly into the air, and drew his sword to block the attack with a slash of ‘cang’, and then said. “This is the waters of Cake Island. It’s not easy to bring you here. For this reason, I specially come to give you a gift.”

“Citation?” Kizaru frowned immediately upon hearing this.

Just now.

“Black Crow, where is my son?” A harsh roar came from the position of Cake Island, and it could be seen that there was a ship slowly approaching at this time.

Even if the people on the ship saw Kizaru, they didn’t seem to care.

It was a pink ship with a huge figure on the bow.

The ship is the chanting horn of the Queen’s mother.

That figure is naturally BIGMOM himself.

“Damn it, BIGMOM!” Seeing BIGMOM’s appearance and hearing BIGMOM’s words, Kizaru’s face was gloomy, obviously guessing Mio’s thoughts.

“What do I want?” Mio’s arms shook, and he pulled away from Kizaru and landed on the deck of the Black Honor, grinning.

BIGMOM didn’t talk nonsense, just took out two boxes and opened them, revealing the Devil Fruit inside.

Mio’s eyes suddenly lit up, and with a move with his right hand, two Devil Fruits appeared in Mio’s hands, and Mio looked at it carefully.

“Although they are all ordinary Zoans, they are not bad.” Mio said with a smile.

Listening to Mino’s words, BIGMOM’s pupils shrank slightly. The first time she saw Mino’s abilities, she was a little surprised, but also a little afraid.

“Since you have taken the things, you should hand over the old mother’s son.” BIGMOM said coldly.

“I just promised you to bring your son here. If you want to see your son, go and save it yourself.” Miao shrugged slightly and pointed to a warship not far away, grinning. “Your two sons are both imprisoned there now.”

“Huh!” As Mio’s voice fell, Kizaru snorted coldly and waved his right hand. A huge ball of light suddenly condensed, with a volume of ten meters in size. Just looking at the volume can know the destructive power contained in it.

The ball of light was thrown directly at the Black Glory by Kizaru, and immediately moved towards the warship without any hesitation.

Now he has no intention of staying here at all.

If you don’t have Kata Kuri and Cracker on your warship, it’s good to say that even if you come to Cake Island, BIGMOM may not attack him, and he will not attack BIGMOM. They exist at this level and they are not prepared enough. When you start to fight, you will not be born or die in a short time, and it will only be cheaper for other people at that time.

but now……

There are indeed two sons of BIGMOM on the warship. In addition, BIGMOM may fall into a state of madness at any time. He doesn’t want to stay here for a long time. Otherwise, once the fight starts, other pirates will come here faster than Marine, and they may come here. Before, the madman Kaido would come to join in the fun faster.

Then he will be in trouble.

He still has confidence in dealing with one Four Emperors, and two of them can only wait to die.


Baifeng’s figure flickered and appeared in the air. The wind swept through, wrapped his right leg and kicked out. The light ball was kicked directly and landed on the distant sea. Then there was a bang, and there was a huge explosion directly on the sea.

“Black Crow, you use my old lady!!” BIGMOM roared at Miao, but his eyes kept looking at the position of the warship.

She is not a fool, and now it is clear that Mio is completely an empty glove white wolf, but she has to be willing, and Kizaru is obviously here to hunt down the Black Crow Pirates, but she still has to help the Black Crow Pirates to stop it. , After all, his two sons are on the warship, and they can’t be taken back if they don’t make a move.

Kizaru wouldn’t hand over his two sons to himself so obediently, he would definitely have a fight.

“I didn’t use you, I’m helping you, am I?” Mio grinned, and then shouted. “gone!”

The Black Glory immediately started driving.

“This damn boy, sooner or later my old lady will pinch you to death by herself!!” BIGMOM’s voice was cold, but the next moment he set his sights on the warship.

“Kizaru, keep my mother and son!”

“BIGMOM, you don’t have any son on the warship. If you don’t want to fight, go back to your cake shop.” Kizaru’s voice was cold.

He really doesn’t want to fight with BIGMOM, this level of battle is too tiring for Kizaru, time-consuming and laborious.

But unfortunately, BIGMOM looked fierce and said without hesitation. “Then don’t leave today!”

When the sound fell, the sky suddenly became gloomy, dark clouds gathered, and Razer began to roll!

“This damn old woman!”

Kizaru cursed helplessly, his body shone with golden light.

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