Chapter 288 Chapter 287: The fish men island’s riot

When Mio walked out of the island forest again, another day had passed.

One day’s time has allowed Mio to initially control her improved strength.

“Sir, this is information.” Lilith walked to Mio with a stack of documents in her hand and handed it to Mio. The things Mio had asked her to find on the island before had all been in her hands, and they were all left by Vegapunk. There are plenty of facilities left in the laboratory to train new orangutans at any time.

After receiving the information, Mio glanced at it, um, don’t understand, and then handed the information to Lilith again and said. “Go find someone to take over here, continue training, and let Judge come over. He doesn’t need him anymore. Doflamingo’s imitation of Pluton will be handed over to Doflamingo. I think he would be willing to take over this thing. In addition, tell Judge as long as he Get it here, and after a while, I’ll help him get North Blue.”

“In this case, I think Judge should be very willing.” Lilith smiled. Judge wanted to regain control of North Blue too much.

“I am also willing to help him rule North Blue.” Mio sneered and said calmly. “By the way, let’s see what the World government will do after he rules North Blue.”

“I’ll tell Judge.” Lilith said after covering her mouth with a chuckle.

The two came to the deck of the Black Glory.

Turning his head and looking at it, on the huge imitation Pluton next to him, King Kong had already gone up with all his King Kong Legion, and he was looking respectfully at Miao’s side.

“Next, King Kong, you will follow me with me.” Min ordered that King Kong did not intend to send it out. The strength of King Kong was too weak. Although the King Kong army was strong, it would only attract the attention of the World government.

These guys, stay on Raven Island at that time, this is the best choice.

“Yes.” King Kong replied in a deep voice.

Min stopped talking nonsense, and said directly. “Set sail, go to The fish men island.”

“Yes.” Bai Feng nodded respectfully, and the Black Glory drove slowly, heading away.

The huge imitation Pluton also followed the Black Honor and moved forward.

On the deck.

Lilith has taken out the phone worm to notify Judge.

At this time, a shadow soldier appeared, holding a phone bug in his hand, holding it in both hands, and placed it in front of Mio.

“What’s the matter?” Mi asked.

The shadow soldier cannot speak, but being able to summon the shadow soldier itself means that Mio knows what the shadow soldier is thinking in his heart, so even if the shadow soldier cannot speak, he knows what the other party has expressed.

“So, is The fish men island about to start?” Miao said, touching his chin, and the corners of his mouth raised, and he sat down cross-legged. “Open it, let me see what it will look like.”

The shadow soldier nodded respectfully, put down the phone worm in his hand, and projected a video from the phone worm and landed on the wall.

The content in the video is what happened on The fish men island at this time.

It is equivalent to a live broadcast.

In the video, it was at the entrance of The fish men island at this time. There was a luxurious ship there, because the ship Neptune and Otohime both came out to greet them, because the ship was Celestial Dragons.

Celestial Dragons stood proudly on the bow and said. “I like your snacks on The fish men island. I will eat them now. In addition, I need you to find someone to accompany me to stroll around The fish men island. I will stay at The fish men island for two days. Someone in here will serve me too. I think it should be your honor.”

Otohime’s face was embarrassed.

There is no change on Neptune’s face, because he knows that once Celestial Dragons arrive, any excessive demands are normal, otherwise Celestial Dragons will not be so disgusting, not only because of their status, but also because of them. the behavior of.

However, at this time, behind Neptune and Otohime, there were not only soldiers from Dragon Palace, but also a large number of residents of The fish men island. These people became angry after hearing Celestial Dragons’ words.

“Damn it, disgusting Celestial Dragons, get out of here, The fish men island doesn’t welcome you.”

“Yes, The fish men island doesn’t welcome your filthy existence, so get out.”

“Disgusting Celestial Dragons.”

Voices sounded one after another, and unpleasant words flew into Celestial Dragons’ ears.

“Damn, you untouchables, do you know who is in front of you? It’s Celestial Dragons, dare to insult Celestial Dragons so much, do you want to usher in the Buster Call?” The guard beside Celestial Dragons roared angrily at this time, with cold sweat on his forehead , For fear that Celestial Dragons will become angry and hate themselves.

Therefore, he couldn’t help looking at Celestial Dragons cautiously.

It can be seen that Celestial Dragons is already full of gloomy face at this time, and his face is full of anger, looking at the murlocs, and speaking. “You untouchables, it’s an honor for you to be able to serve me. It’s really unrepentant to dare to resist. If you don’t want to live, then go to die.”

With that said, Celestial Dragons suddenly took out an exquisite small revolver and pointed it at a murloc.

“No, don’t!” Seeing this scene, the CP member who had been standing by the side suddenly changed his face and hurriedly opened his mouth to stop Celestial Dragons.

But it was too late.


A gunshot sounded.

Celestial Dragons has pulled the trigger.

A bullet flew out immediately, and the CP member wanted to stop the bullet almost instantly. After all, he knew what the current The fish men island was in. It really angered the residents of The fish men island. The anger will reach the ultimate point, even Celestial Dragons might die here, but thinking of the consequences of Celestial Dragons’ anger, if he hinders Celestial Dragons’ actions…

The cp members couldn’t help but stop again.

Some hesitation.

It is at this time of hesitation.


The bullet had penetrated the body of a murloc, blood splashing.

The murloc fell directly to the ground, his eyes wide open, his body temperature gradually dropped, and soon he lost his breath and turned into a cold corpse.

“Hahaha, have you seen it? This is the fate of offending Celestial Dragons. You untouchables quickly kneel down to me. It is an honor for you untouchables to serve me.” Celestial Dragons laughed wildly and said arrogantly.

The faces of Otohime and Neptune changed almost instantly, and they hurriedly looked at the murloc people behind them.

It can be seen that the look in the eyes of these fish people has changed from anger to disbelief. It seems that they did not expect Celestial Dragons to kill their compatriots in front of them. Then, this disbelief turned into anger, Ultimate Anger.

Since two years ago, people on The fish men island began to hate human nobles, especially Celestial Dragons.

Before Tiger’s death, their anger was even worse.

And now, Celestial Dragons actually killed their compatriots in front of them, which undoubtedly detonated the explosive barrel.

“Damn Celestial Dragons, kill him, kill him!!” A voice suddenly sounded from the crowd, full of anger.

As this voice appeared, the echoes began to sound continuously.

“Kill our compatriot, kill him, kill this bastard.”


Looking at the content in the projected video, Mio grinned lightly. “The guy who called out to kill Celestial Dragons was arranged by Renee?”

The shadow soldier nodded slightly.

The smile on Mio’s face was even worse, and the arrangement was good.

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