In addition, there are a large number of agricultural auxiliary equipment.

According to Hades's conjecture, if this model is completed, the benefits brought by the agriculture and animal husbandry of the Kingdom of Chronos can reach more than dozens of times the current level.

He clearly knows how much benefit such an advanced production model can bring.

Whether it is for the people or the country.

The number of farmers will decrease, and more productivity will be liberated to invest in the construction of the country.

Due to time issues, it has not yet been implemented. Such a reform will be a big deal and requires careful planning and step-by-step implementation to minimize the impact.

Now the small plot of experimental land specially approved by the kingdom has achieved results. After he leaves, it will start from the core area and gradually spread to the whole country according to the plan.

The whole process may take several years.

The Kingdom of Chronos is large, but not large, at least in Hades's opinion.

As for the rest, it will be left to other people in the kingdom to coordinate. There are enough talents and enough execution within the kingdom.

The Tartarus royal family is the ruler of the kingdom. The Kingdom of Chronos has only one noble family, that is, the Tartarus royal family.

Those nobles had been eliminated or declined over a long period of time. Even if they still existed, they were not well-known and dared not cause trouble.

Only the Tartarus royal family was eternal.

Those who had different intentions were almost cleared out after the last war launched by the World Government was resolved.

Hades was very fortunate that he lived in such a kingdom, with absolute rule of the royal family and absolute monopoly of the kingdom.

Like a blank painting, he could freely smear ink and make alterations.

It was precisely because of this power that the World Government felt daunted and made it extremely difficult for them to dismember the Chronos Kingdom.

Even if Hades was not in the kingdom, Hades and the Royal Academy of Sciences would still report intelligence and progress to him.

Since he officially took over Hades, he has been half the ruler of the kingdom.

The strength of the Chronos Kingdom is very strong, but it still cannot avoid assassination by the World Government.

The agent who assassinated his double was a top agent with strong lurking ability and the ability of the Presence Fruit.

He developed the ability of the fruit to a very high level, which could reduce his own sense of presence to a minimum, making people ignore his existence in their subconscious.

Therefore, he was able to sneak into the palace through many obstacles.

In the end, the assassination was successful, but also failed, because the assassination was just a double, and finally died under the siege.

What if the target of the assassination was Hades himself?

Who knows what kind of weird ability users the World Government has?

This is also the reason why Hades wants to leave the kingdom. Although his observation color can sense emotions, his own strength is still the biggest weakness.

Although the kingdom is powerful, it is not absolutely safe.

More from the desire for strength. This assassination has made him feel a sense of crisis, and he needs more pressure to grow quickly and gain real power.


The capital of the Kingdom of Chronos.

In the northeast of the capital, there is a research base.

On this day, Hades came. Before leaving the Kingdom of Chronos, he wanted to see the research here.

The information transmitted by Hades was incomplete, because it and the Royal Academy of Sciences were two different organizations and did not belong to the same organization.

"Your Highness, you are here!"

Seeing Hades coming, a young researcher in a white coat greeted him respectfully.

The news that Hades was coming was passed to the research base in advance, and people had been arranged to wait outside.

"Let's go in and take a look." Hades nodded slightly.

Without doing anything, the closed door opened automatically, and the surveillance at the door had scanned Hades' figure.

Even through the picture, Hades' pupils were read.

For the entire research base, Hades undoubtedly has the highest authority.

Inside, it was a completely different scene.

Everywhere is full of technology, and the long corridors connect the laboratories.

The design and manufacture of firearms, effect experiments, and the latest weapons developed by the Kingdom of Chronos mostly come from this research base.

This research base was originally owned by the Kingdom of Chronos. With Hades establishing the Royal Academy of Sciences, the scale of this research base could no longer meet the needs of research.

Therefore, in another place, the Kingdom of Chronos rebuilt a larger research base.

And this research base was not abolished. The research and update of ordinary military weapons and the improvement of manufacturing are all here.

The truly important confidential research, the research of those high-end weapon technologies, are arranged in the newly built research base.Inside the base.

Compared to those technologies, these sniper rifles and automatic rifles are not considered secrets at all, and the difference in importance is like a natural chasm.

This does not mean that the research base under the capital is not valued, but it does not need those outstanding scientists to waste time here.

After entering the research base, no one continued to follow him. In the research base, every scientist and researcher was very busy, and they had projects to complete.

Most of these projects were related to important projects in the newly built research base.

Compared to those high-end technologies, the weapons here are undoubtedly much lower-end.

If you are recognized in research, you can move further into the more advanced research base called "God".

Because there are a group of the most elite scientists in the entire kingdom and even the world.

And this research base is called "Spark", and you can feel the difference just by listening to the name.

They also know that Hades's status is noble, so his target will naturally not be the Spark Research Base.

Hades came to the deepest part of the research base, where there is a special room.

Scan the face and pass, and the door opens.

What caught my eyes were rows of weapons, a large number of which were displayed on the wall like an exhibition.

Semi-automatic rifles, sniper rifles, automatic pistols, automatic rifles, machine guns, submachine guns, light machine guns, assault rifles, sniper rifles, rocket launchers, etc., various styles of short knives, grenades, flash bombs that can be carried with you.

In his past and present lives, what Hades wanted most was to have an arsenal of his own, and now he finally realized his dream.

Most of these weapons have been researched, and a small part is still a conceptual design model. It only takes a certain amount of time to create a finished product.

Of course, Hades's purpose is not this, he just came to take a look.

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