Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 150

Now the navy has reached a critical moment, and the main combat power is gathered in the New World.

Most of the troops in the first half also came to the headquarters of the navy, ready to rush into the New World for rescue at any time.

The situation in the sea suddenly changed.

Compared with the relatively stable situation half a year ago, the coalition now seems to have reached the end of the world.

The World Government is also trying to find a way to rescue this army, and even the Five Elders are planning to do it themselves.

Since the defeat is certain, it is necessary to preserve strength as much as possible.

The coalition was destroyed by the Rocks Pirates, which is something they absolutely do not want to see.


"Vocuri, Maz, I'll leave it to you this time."

The Five Elders, Christo Giobello, who has the authority of the God of Agriculture, leaned on his cane with one hand, his expression was calm, but his heart was filled with anger.

"Well, I didn't expect the situation to have reached this point."

The God of Law, Topman Vulchuli, who was wearing a dark green suit, had a two-character beard, and a birthmark on his forehead, was a little emotional.

Compared to the future bald head, the younger Vulchuli still had some hair on his head.

"Who would have thought? There is a huge force behind the Rocks Pirates pushing and supporting them."

Standing straight, wearing a dark blue suit, with long straight white hair and a long beard, Markus Maz moved his wrist.

"Is it D? Is there still power hidden?"

The God of Science Defense, Zeigolucia Satan, who was wearing a black suit, white curly hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, and a scar on his left cheek, asked with a frown.

His words made the faces of the other people change.

"No matter who it is, it will be exposed eventually. This time it depends on the two of us. Under the bottom line that the God's Guard cannot take action, we each lead five reserves." Topman Vochuli said seriously, "Let these seeds be sharpened. The God's Guard reserve gathers young and potential members from various families of the Celestial Dragons. The nine strongest among them form the God's Guard, the law enforcement agency of the world's nobles. In other words, the rest are substitutes. Only when there is a vacancy above can it be filled. Like the Tartarus family, the World Government also has a perfect system for cultivating strong people. With such a system, talents and strong people are continuously cultivated for the family and the World Government. However, with With the corruption of power and the internal struggles of the World Government, some families naturally weakened.

In the past, the quotas for the God's Guard were taken turns by each Celestial Dragon family.

Now, several Celestial Dragon families have not been eligible for the quotas for the God's Guard for hundreds of years.

It also means that they have no chance to become the Five Elders.

Without strength, no matter how smart and strategic you are, you can't become one of the Five Elders.

This also means the weakening of the family.

The weakening of the bloodline.

If the top strongmen cannot be born, what else can this be but a weakened bloodline?

Can such a bloodline be worthy of the world's nobles, the title of "Celestial Dragon"?

The noble status of the Celestial Dragons is just an appearance, and the most important thing is the bloodline of the strong.

"That's it. "

Wearing a white Taoist robe, bald head, and glasses, the financial martial god Izambaron V. Nasujuro Saint held a samurai sword, nodded, and then turned his eyes to Christo Joebelo Saint.

"Jobelo, have you found someone to take over your position?"

Jobelo Saint is the oldest of the current Five Elders.

He had planned to step down two years ago, but a series of actions by the Rocks Pirates prevented him from stepping down smoothly, and it has continued until now.

"Yes, I am optimistic about the little guy from the Shepard family in the God's Guard."

Christo Joebelo Saint smiled rarely on his face, and it seemed that he was quite satisfied with his successor.

"Shepard ten Peter Saint, his performance is indeed good, so it is definitely him. "

Saint Nasu Shoulang thought for a while and agreed.

The other five elders did not refuse.

The top members of the world nobility can be counted, and there are only nine of them in the God's Guard, so they naturally know them all very well.

In fact, it was not surprising for Saint Peter to be chosen by Saint Joe Bello.

As for the appointment and removal of the five elders, it still needs to be voted by the Celestial Dragon Council, which is just a procedure for them.

Saint Peter himself is a popular candidate, and with their support, it also represents the support of the world noble families behind them.

It can be said that this position is already set in stone.

Besides, as the successor chosen by Saint Joe Bello, who has great influence among the world nobility, he will be selected from Joe Bello.Some political assets were obtained from Luo Sheng.

The support of several other Five Elders was one of them.

"Should we inform him about this matter? As long as that thing is used, the entire Rocks Pirates will be wiped out."

Satan Saint looked at the other person and asked tentatively.


"Absolutely not!"

As soon as the voice fell, the most experienced Joe Belo Saint and Nasu Shoulang Saint refused.

"He is still sleeping and has not woken up yet. It is not good to disturb him at this time."

"Besides, what will happen if he knows the current state of the sea? What we have to do is to consolidate the position of the World Government before he wakes up."

"Even if we have to say it, it will be after he wakes up."

For him, the people present only have awe in their hearts.

He is the ruler of the World Government, the King of the Celestial Dragons, and the only owner of the Void Throne!

Eight hundred years is too long. Time will wear away everything, including combat consciousness, instinct, and even wisdom.

For this reason, he will sleep for a long time every once in a while.

"Then let's act. The coalition won't hold out for long."

A warship with the World Government's mark sailed away from the Red Earth Continent and headed straight for the front line.

Behind it, there were a hundred warships that were either newly built, purchased, or expropriated.

"The incompetent navy actually needs our personal rescue."

On the only luxurious warship with the World Government's mark.

Leading the way were Saint Topman Vochuli and Saint Marcus Maz in suits.

Agents stood on the warship.

And the most eye-catching thing was the young men and women on the deck wearing gorgeous aristocratic costumes.

There were ten of them in total, and without exception, they were all Celestial Dragons, and there was no fear in their eyes for the next action.

Looking down on all this from a high position.

The training of the World Government was not that simple, but they all persisted and were able to become reserve members of the God's Guard. Each of them was a son of the proud.

At the same time, they felt a sense of freshness in their hearts, and they were not unfamiliar with the sea.

The world nobles have been trained in the sea for a lot of time, but this is the first time they have really joined the battlefield in the sea.

As the world government, the foundation of the world nobles, they usually will not be exposed in the sea.

The God's Guard will only take action when the lives of the world nobles are threatened.

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