Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 320

One pirate group after another, led by the carp that is unique to the waters of Wano Country, passed through the cliff waterfall and entered the inland sea of ​​Wano Country.

Following the ship of the Kurotan Clan, they came to the Onigashima Island, which has been operated by the Kurotan Clan for a long time and is the base of the Kurotan Clan.

"Old woman, you didn't say there were other people."

In the banquet specially held by the Kurotan Clan, the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

The pirates looked at each other, and then looked at Kurotan Muchan and Kurotan Chantai unhappily.

Finally, one pirate couldn't help it, slapped the table with one hand and stood up.

"Jijijiji! It's too bad to talk like this. After all, I am your predecessor, and besides, I am not that old yet, right?"

Kurotan Muchan laughed strangely, touched her face with her hand, and her face changed all of a sudden, turning into the youthful and beautiful appearance of her youth.

And the Kurotan Chantai behind her held the big pipa with his eyes closed and said nothing.

"Wano Country is not an ordinary kingdom, but it is difficult to deal with it with your own strength."

"However, one Wano Country is enough to satisfy all of you. If Wano Country is resolved, you have the ability to expel others, so it doesn't matter."

After hearing what Kurotan Makuharu said, the atmosphere became a little better. After all, Kurotan Makuharu didn't have to lie to them.

If Wano Country is not strong, they can occupy Wano Country by themselves, and there is no need to ask them to join.

You know, the two guys in front of them, except Kurotan Makuharu is a little weaker, Kurotan Makuharu has some tricks.

The defense of the barrier fruit is invincible. It's not that no one has tried to attack Kurotan Makuharu, but under the power of the barrier fruit, they can't even hurt them.

They looked at each other.

Then let's cooperate for the time being, and wait until Wano Country is resolved before deciding who Wano Country belongs to.

Seeing that the atmosphere has eased a lot, Kurotan Makuharu is secretly happy.

Among these pirates, only the ones who survived in the end were his partners. If they died in the war with Wano Country, they would be cannon fodder.

There were as many cannon fodders as he wanted. She had quite a few serious pirates, and she didn't have to spend money, which was much more convenient than those mercenaries.

Onigashima was just a base in the open, and the real territory of the Kurozumi family was on Black Snake Island.

Then, a map was spread out on the ground. This was a map of Wano Country, which clearly divided the various regions of Wano Country.

"Next, for the territory of Wano Country, you should find a way to occupy it yourself. If you need supplies, I will provide them."

"As for those resources, I will handle them. When the time comes, the resources dug out from your territory will be distributed to you."

Although it was a bit painful for her to give some of the profits to these pirates, it was necessary.

Only in this way can more people be organized to mine, and they will not be hindered by Wano Country and get more benefits.

She was still a little worried that these pirates would not be strong enough, after all, the power of Wano Country was indeed terrifying.

Especially Kozuki Oden, in her opinion, he definitely had the strength to become the core cadre of the Rocks Pirates.

Kurozumi Makuharu was likely to take charge of logistics.

These pirates did not refuse, and the matters of interest could be discussed later.

As for now, let's have a carnival!

Soon, many pirates began to act, leaving Onigashima, dispersing, and landing on the main island of Wano Country.

Whether an island is valuable to pirates depends on whether there are special resources on it.

The first thing these pirates targeted was the minerals of Wano Country, and the place with the most minerals was in Udon.

Before knowing the true power of Wano Country, these pirates had a cooperative relationship with the Kurozumi clan and also needed to rely on the power of the Kurozumi clan.

They would not refuse the Kurozumi clan's request, after all, their power was indeed a little weak.

In particular, the Kurozumi clan also showed a strong military force, which made them dare not underestimate it.

Enter Wano Country, prohibit large-scale killings, capture as many people as possible to mine in the occupied area, and the Kurotan clan will send a total of 20,000 troops to cooperate with them.

To be honest, Kurotan Makuchan is a little worried that these pirates alone are far from enough, and the many bandits in Wano Country are not important.

When Wano Country changes and there are foreign forces invading, these bandits are likely to turn against them and turn against them.

If there is no firepower advantage, when the strong among these pirates are dragged down, the rest of the ordinary pirates are likely to be wiped out by more samurai.

Originally, I wanted to continue hiding, but I calculated the powerful combat power of Wano Country.

Only Kozuki Oden and Ashura Douji can resist the strongest "violent bear" Moran she invitedEspecially with "blaster" Wendigo.

In this situation, how can we hide? After spending so much money and raising the army for such a long time, it's time to take a look.

Onigashima is very close to Rabbit Bowl, while Black Snake Island is close to Hime on the other side of Wano Country.

The two islands can be said to be one in the south and one in the north. In addition, there are relatively few people in Hime. With the cover of Onigashima, Black Snake Island is more difficult to be discovered.

The war has begun!

The pirates are very ostentatious and don't know how to hide. In just three days, most of the Rabbit Bowl area was occupied by many pirates.

The aggressive pirates were fiercely resisted by many samurai in the Rabbit Bowl area.

However, facing a larger number of pirates, the Black Charcoal Alliance, facing unprecedented guns and ammunition, was simply impossible to defend against.

Because they were not used to such a battle, they were completely suppressed and suffered huge casualties.

Under the leadership of Rabbit Bowl Daimyo Ugetsu Tempura, many samurai struggled to stop the attacks of many pirates.

The support troops sent by Flower Capital at the first time completely blocked the pirate-Kurotan coalition.

Many areas in Wano Country are separated, and the connection is a river. If you want to go to another area, you need to cross the bridge on the river.

I am in the dark and the enemy is in the light. With the help of the Kurotan clan, many pirates have an absolute intelligence advantage.

It has been planned in advance.

In the neighboring Hakumai area, the important Renwu Port was attacked by the "blaster" Wendigo at the first time.

Although Renwu Port was not occupied, all the ships at the port were destroyed.

Wendigo met Hakumai Daimyo Shimotsuki Yasuie, and retreated to the Rabbit Bowl area after a battle.

After leaving, all the bridges connecting Rabbit Bowl and Hakumai were blown up.

Similarly, Kuri, Hime, except for Flower Capital, all the bridges connecting Rabbit Bowl area with other areas were destroyed.

They need time. After this battle, they have completely realized the strength of Wano Country.

Each of the daimyo in Wano Country is a great swordsman, with a powerful fighting force that is no less than "Baowuma" or "Blaster".

In other words, the combined power of just two regions in Wano Country is not something they can deal with.

You know, in addition to the daimyo, there are also many powerful swordsmen under their command, and there are also among the people.

This does not include Kuri, who has two monsters.

Ashura Douji is a monster that can fight Kozuki Oden. Although he was defeated by Kozuki Oden, he is three years younger than Kozuki Oden.

After wasting twenty years in the future, his strength is still strong.

Such a force is not something that their temporary pirate corps can deal with.

Although they had some experience during the Rocks Pirates period, it was completely different in nature.

The Rocks Pirates have an advantage in overall strength.

And they are at a disadvantage.

If Wano Country encircles and suppresses them with all its strength, they may be unable to resist.

Sure enough, it is not so easy to conquer the country where the legendary samurai exist.

However, it is not impossible to win.

The destruction of bridges undoubtedly bought them time.

Wano Country does not have the skills like Moon Step to cross the rivers between different regions.

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