It has to be said that the efficiency of the navy is high. With the plan of action and the support of the world government.

During the two years that Hades was immersed in Ruskaina Island, he expanded his sphere of influence in the New World and became active again in the New World.

Today's naval structure is very large. In addition to the headquarters of the navy, there are a total of 46 naval fortresses in the entire world.

The G1-G5 branches that originally existed in the New World have now been rebuilt or newly built. Thirteen naval fortresses, all numbered as the latest G34-G46 branches.

The two fortresses G1 and G5, which are guarded by generals, have a naval force of up to 10,000, and the remaining 16 fortresses have 5,000 navy each.

In addition, each naval fortress is guarded by four naval branches, which is also to strengthen the control of the sea area and can provide support at any time.

Each naval fortress is equipped with a vice admiral, and the head of each branch is a brigadier general or major general.

There are a total of 100,000 marines in the naval fortress alone, plus the New World Navy branch guarding the naval fortress, the number is about four times that of the fortress, and each branch has 1,000 marines guarding it.

Add all other personnel.

In this way, the number of marines deployed by the navy in the New World is close to 200,000.

In the past few years, in addition to conscription, with the endorsement of the World Government, Marshal Black has transferred a large number of elites from the relatively stable Four Seas.

Including the Governor of the Four Seas, there are 20 officers with the rank of Vice Admiral of the Navy.

A large number of brigadier generals and major generals, almost all the generals of the Four Seas faction in the Four Seas were packed into the Navy Headquarters and the New World.

They have no room for refusal. They are in different factions internally and have their own interests, but they all have a common identity to the outside world, the Navy!

Many of them joined the Navy for justice.

The Navy has put most of its power in the New World, and it seems that it is ready to deal with the Rocks Pirates.

However, not all of them are elites. The so-called naval elites can only be said to account for a quarter of them.

Many of the rest of the navy are just for the sake of numbers. To be precise, they are cannon fodder recruits, who are trained as quickly as possible to form combat power by using the old to bring up the new.

Most of these navy are newly recruited marines during the expansion period, or marines directly transferred from the four seas.

The vastness of the four seas has a large number of navy.

In the next war, as long as they can survive, they are definitely elite.

This is also a helpless move in the face of the pressure of the Rocks Pirates.

In terms of military strength alone, the navy strength of the New World is now close to one-third of the entire navy.

In this era, the number of navy has not reached the huge million that has skyrocketed in response to the Age of Discovery.

Even the army is not as good as it.

You must know that the army guarding the great route has a huge number of three million, guarding the various checkpoints connecting the four seas on the Red Earth Continent.

Such a number is actually not impressive in front of the huge Red Earth Continent.

Although the army has more troops than the navy, its overall strength cannot be compared with the navy, whether in terms of per capita strength or high-end combat power.

In the first half of the Grand Route, the navy's active range is very large, not as small as the New World, and a total of eight fortress-style naval bases have been established.

They are G6-G9 branches and G14-G17 branches.

The naval fortress can be said to be the standard configuration of the navy vice admiral.

Each fortress has 5,000 people, and there are also naval branches in all directions to provide remote support.

The scale of the naval branch is slightly smaller than that of the naval branch in the New World, with 800 people in each branch.

Counting the 100,000 troops left in the headquarters of the navy, the navy has more than 160,000 troops in the first half of the Grand Route.

The largest number of naval forces is the Four Seas, and the largest faction within the navy is the Four Seas faction.

Compared with the future, the strength of the Four Seas navy is now many times stronger.

Each sea area has a naval governor, with the rank of lieutenant general, who is the real controller of the naval power of the entire sea area.

His strength may not be comparable to that of the admiral, but in terms of status, the naval governor is completely on par with the admiral.

Each sea area has five naval fortresses, one governor's mansion, and the other four are located in four directions of the entire sea area.

Today's Four Seas Navy is very strong. In addition to the naval governor, it has more than one vice admiral.

It is a fact that the navy of the Four Seas is weaker than the Navy Headquarters, even in the future, but the gap is not that big now.

Due to the strength of the Four Seas faction, the rank gap with the Navy Headquarters is only one level, not as big as the three levels later.

A governor's mansion has 10,000 naval forces, and the fortress of the Four Seas has 5,000Navy.

Each sea area basically has 150 naval branches, and each branch has a strength of about 500 people.

However, due to the deployment of the Navy Headquarters, at least 200 navy officers were transferred from each naval branch of the Four Seas, and now there are only about 300 left.

At least half of the troops of the Navy Fortress were also transferred away.

In the entire Four Seas, there are only 200,000 navy officers left, and the elites among them have been transferred away.

It seems that Marshal Black is determined to suppress the navy of the Four Seas faction, and the reasons given are irresistible.

The comprehensive strength of the Rocks Pirates is becoming more and more terrifying, and the power of the navy needs to be gathered together to fight.

This is an open conspiracy.

With such a large force, it can be seen how powerful the Four Seas faction is in this era. It has at least 20 navy vice admirals, occupying half of the high-end power of the navy.

There are many pirates and criminals in the Four Seas, but they are all suppressed by the navy. Now the pirates in the Four Seas are not weak and can survive in the hands of the powerful navy.

The power of the Four Seas Navy has been greatly weakened. It can be expected that pirates and criminals will become more active.

The Four Seas will also become more chaotic.

There is such a trend now. The elite of the Four Seas Navy are constantly being drawn away by the Navy Headquarters and sent to the New World.

The current Navy has a huge force of nearly 600,000.

Not counting the vice admirals of the headquarters, there are 26 vice admirals guarding the fortresses.

Although the strength is uneven, this number is large enough.

The vacancy of the position of vice admiral in the past few years has also given many people in the Navy the opportunity to move up a level, and not all of them are from the Four Seas faction.

There are naturally some good players who have risen from the fighting.

Especially when Marshal Black and Admiral Steel Bone Sora are deliberately supporting young navy in the Navy.

Without the division of regions, many navy gradually formed a whole, facing powerful enemies, surrounded by companions.

Let them feel some vitality, the Navy is no longer as lifeless as before, and a stronger force has been condensed.

Fighting, hatred, and battles are enough to make people forget some contradictions and conflicts.

It is not ruled out that there will be CP0 agents attacking Hades, but the probability is not high.

Coincidentally, the name of the admiral guarding the G36 fortress is Vic.

Revenge is not delayed overnight, so letting Hades in this sea area near the G36 fortress is also a deliberate move.

Dare to leave a scar on his mother's face, Hades can't wait to smash his head hard and hold a bloody memorial ceremony

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