Pirates: Hades!

Chapter 492

The Tyrant Pirates led by "Tyrant" Grodo are lurking in the eastern waters of the Kingdom of Chronos.

In addition, the waters commanded by "Breathing Storm" Goenitz are also in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Chronos.

With this, the tentacles of the Kingdom of Chronos are extending to the farther eastern waters.

In just a few years, the northern part has been completely controlled by the Kingdom of Chronos after being swept by the Kingdom Army.

Tartarus Barrett, who is only 18 years old, is a recognized monster within the army. He already has multiple titles such as Lieutenant General, General Candidate, and Pillar of the Kingdom.

He is undoubtedly the leader among the young generals within the army.

As for the west, the Big Mom Pirates do not have the power to rule the vast seas, and naturally the Kingdom of Chronos cannot avoid intervention.

The Kingdom's trade operations will not be blocked.

Some islands and the forces within them have been secretly controlled by the Kingdom of Chronos, and only need to pay protection fees regularly.

At the same time, it also saved the Big Mom Pirates from a lot of trouble.

Besides, the Kingdom of Chronos would not openly send people into the Big Mom Pirates' territory.

Although the vast sea area is the Big Mom Pirates' territory, it is not the core sea area, so it is naturally not absolutely peaceful.

There are many struggles between forces and fights between pirates, and the Big Mom Pirates will not pay special attention to this.

In any case, they will eventually pay tribute to the Big Mom Pirates.

As time goes by, most of Hades' second batch of children have grown up.

Some even ventured on the sea early.

The 22nd child, Kaz, began to travel around the sea at the age of fifteen and ventured on the sea alone.

He is not well-known for the time being, and even Hades doesn't know where he is now. Occasionally, he will send messages to Hades to tell him about some experiences and interesting things.

However, Hades was not worried about the danger to Kaz's life. As a user of the Cell Fruit, he could transform into any creature and was an "ultimate creature" that could integrate the advantages of all creatures.

He could go up to the sky, down to the ground, and even into the sea.

It was not difficult for Kaz to generate a special coat similar to a coating around his body like Typhon, the "King of Monsters".

Raymond, the 23rd son, did not follow his brother to join the Tyrant Navy.

Instead, he formed a gang-like force in the isolation zone between the Sky Pirates and the Kingdom of Chronos.

With the blood of the Dragon People and as a user of the ancient species Styracosaurus Fruit, Raymond had enough potential to become a hegemon.

The isolation zone between the West and the Big Mom Pirates was completely under the control of the Kingdom of Chronos.

The Big Mom Pirates did not have such a strong ruling power to threaten the kingdom.

The only areas to be conquered were the south and the east.

Especially the isolation zone in the east, which was the main target of the Kingdom of Chronos.

The Seven Shackles, a cadre under Ignis, is located in the area between the Kingdom of Chronos and the territory ruled by Goenitz in the isolation zone.

After two years of development, the special gang called "Earth Gang" has completely established its foothold under the powerful combat power of the Seven Shackles.

There is also the support of the Nest in secret, and Goenitz is also providing assistance.

The sea area where Raymond is located is just connected to the Seven Shackles, and they know each other well and don't have to worry about anything.

In order to avoid conflicts, Ignis reminded Raymond in advance after knowing his development direction.

One develops to the north and the other develops to the south, and they don't interfere with each other.

The seventh girl is Mobius's sister Mobius.

In addition to the ninth girl Iris, the tenth girl Evelyn and the eleventh girl Evelan.

The four have no intention of staying in the kingdom, nor do they want to be too far away from the kingdom, and they are not interested in adventure.

So the four of them entered the "Witch Feast", a well-known force in the Pluto Sea, which was secretly controlled by the Chronos Kingdom and established to suppress the development of Happy Street.

Next, they will start working from the ordinary management, and after understanding all aspects of the "Witch Feast", they will become the core management.

This is their next path.

After they decided on this path, it was completely planned.

The 24th child Cody has the blood of the three-eyed tribe and the ability of the superhuman eye-eye fruit.

Possessing super-long-distance vision, perspective and mind reading.

Compared with the staring fruit, the only flaw is that there is no blind spot vision with a radius of 4,000 kilometers.

However, Cody can create eyes and place them in a corner away from the body, just like the flower-flower fruit creates arms.

It can play a monitoring role, and it also greatly expands Cody's field of vision, and it is more flexible than the staring fruit.

All the images seen through the eyes will be transmitted to Cody's brain.

For CoroFor the Kingdom of Noth, they have all kinds of surveillance and sensing technologies.

But Cody's ability still has a strategic role for the Kingdom of Chronos.

After all, Cody's ability does not cost anything.

Now Cody has joined the Netherworld, doing intelligence work, wandering around the Pluto Sea, or leaving the Pluto Sea, constantly laying out his own eyes.

The 26th son, Garon, is a superhuman puppet fruit ability user. As Saga's younger brother, he follows Saga to guard the Sky Arena.

He has the ability to turn people into puppets, whether dead or alive.

In the Sky Arena, in addition to the giant goalkeepers, there has been a unique landscape in recent years, the faceless man wrapped in steel armor.

And their origins are known to everyone, or rather, the Kingdom of Chronos has not concealed it.

They are all pirates who have caused trouble in the Pluto Sea in the past, or others.

After the Pluto Pirates sent people to solve them, they did not kill them directly.

As a capable person, the devil fruit will be recycled through Titan's devouring space first.

Then they will be made into puppets by Garen through the ability of the puppet fruit.

They cannot control their own bodies and do not know life and death.

They have been turned into puppets without names, and even their bodies have been transformed without faces.

These puppets are also divided into two levels. The stronger ones will serve as guards of the Sky Arena, also known as "Faceless".

As for those with ordinary strength, they basically do manual labor such as mining and construction.

This is also a deterrent for the origin of the Faceless and the birth of the Faceless.

People dare not provoke the Pluto Pirates, and these Faceless will be the end.

So far, the Sky Arena has more than a thousand Faceless guards.

This is the accumulation of many years, and it is also an amazing force when added together.

More importantly, the Faceless who have become puppets are no longer real lives.

When there is no action, it is equivalent to being in a sleeping state.

In this case, their body functions and even their lives are dormant until they are activated.

If calculated by lifespan, it is equivalent to an alternative life extension.

The use rights of these puppets are all in the hands of Garlon, and he can set instructions in advance to allow others to have the ability to command the faceless.

Of course, Garlon's ability is not limited to living puppets.

Corpses can make puppets, and machines can also make puppets.

The most important thing about the puppet fruit is actually the puppet core made by ability.

This is a special ability creation, and it is not a physical entity.

Only domineering can resist the puppet core from entering the body.

But once the puppet core enters the body, it is equivalent to being controlled by others' life and death, becoming a puppet, and at that time, even resistance cannot be done.

After becoming a puppet, unless Garlon takes the initiative to release it, there is no second way to get rid of it.

Because Garlon placed the puppet core in the heart.

If you want to smash the puppet core, you must first smash the heart.

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